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Everything posted by floele

  1. Yeah, seems so. Some buggy component on the server side, need to fix that
  2. Seems like downloading from SF.net also requires to append the Unix timestamp to the URL. Will add such a variable to the next release of Ketarin (In my case, I need {time-2} though.)
  3. +New functions multireplace and multireplacei +Variable "property:X". See http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/forum/post.php?tid=475 !Fixed \n line breaks cannot be properly edited !Fixed MD5 comparison for renamed FileHippo downloads !Fixed: Disabled jobs show no progress when using the option "force download"
  4. Hm, actually works for me. Can you please check if the exported XML has CRLF (\r\n) newlines? Then we can determine whether importing or exporting fails.
  5. I don't see such a problem. Which window are you talking about?
  6. FYI, send me e-mails if there is something urgent. That's the one way of making 100% sure that I know about your problems. Regarding the database...I'll look into it.
  7. For the next version, I'll add a "property:x" variable, where x corresponds to an element name of the application's XML structure (or property of an application). So stuff like "{property:Name}" will work then.
  8. The "warning that the file is from an unknown publisher, Run or Cancel" should NOT appear. If it does, check the file permissions. The exe file should not be flagged as "file from remote computer". Maybe try using a different extraction application. I wonder - do we maybe need an official Ketarin installer to make things simpler?
  9. Huh? It certainly has a ZIP extension. What's the problem with this link?
  10. if-then-else...erm, yeah, if you don't expect me to help you understand your newly created super-complext single line variable that doesn't seem to work the way it shoud For such occasions me might just as well consider a plugin system for Ketarin so you can go and write some actual code with C#.
  11. Slices? What do you intend to do actually? I've got no clue on that one
  12. Seems interesting, will consider that.
  13. The problem is, that FileHippo is not just a "base XML file". It's based on a set of functions coded in C#. A feature like the "prototemplates" would be possible to implement though. In this case, all applications based on such a special template would have to be recreated from the template before updating. I believe that we had some discussion on a similar feature before.
  14. Hm, doesn't "sort by status" actually do the trick as well?
  15. floele

    Backslash in regex

    Easier would probably be to use the "filename" function. {file:filename}
  16. {startuppath} is not a variable actually. {root} maybe?
  17. Hm...I wouldn't consider this as a bug currently. We should probably collect more opinions on that.
  18. I don't quite follow you...where is the actual problem? Is the XML generated incorrectly? Does Ketarin not like "\n" without "\r"? Maybe you can do some comparison like "expected" and "actual" situation.
  19. Anyone else btw who wants to become a mod, at least for occasionally deleting some spam when you stumble upon it?
  20. Thank you for your work. You're always welcome if you intend to come back at a certain point in the future
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