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Everything posted by floele

  1. I can do that for the next beta. Remember though, that all existing XML files with a non CDATA section will no longer work.
  2. You need to supply "name" and "variable".
  3. Not yet possible, but it is on my todo list.
  4. Perfectly fine The first part of the encoding is the source template, which is "XML in XML" and thus needs to be encoded.
  5. Yep, but that should not be required. Or rather, using the GUID is recommended.
  6. Is your Firefox app set to "check for updates only"?
  7. Are you actually "pasting" or importing the XML?
  8. Nope, it updates all apps and then installs them. Just one after the other, not simultaneously.
  9. Hm, nope, that's actually intended. Anyone else got an opinion on that?
  10. You can add a & to the end of an batch script in order to make it run in background. Ketarin won't allow you to post an app to the database which already exists with a similar name, in order to prevent "app spam". If you have created a new app, you need to find a more specific name. May be, though what error specifically? Did I miss something? Will be fixed in the next beta.
  11. Ah, I see the problem now. Will be fixed in beta 3. Yep. But also remember that the database itself also contains a GUID (a database is considered as an "author"). This is the authentication for updating the existing application. If you throw your database away, you lose the GUID and cannot update any applications that have been uploaded from that database. Not for version 1.5 I guess, but later this might certainly be possible. Already exists, updated the docs now. Cookie handling could be implemented like the post data, will look into that. No? Why not create a new textual variable that consists of {f:...} variables? The file date will actually correspond to the "URL date". Once? Or at which ocassion? So far it seems to me that scripts with ">" do not cause any trouble.
  12. In order to make these templates work, you need to follow these steps. I thought that it would be somewhat obvious, but it seems not so: 1. Create a prototype template (template with GUID and with placeholders). 2. Create X applications from the template by importing the template. 3. Change the template in any way you like, just do not add additional placeholders. 4. Import the template again. Ketarin should ask you to update X applications. Say yes, and all imported applications will be changed according to the new template. What steps do you follow to get that error? Nope. Wanted? Currently, installing will actually update the applications. Renaming, copying, cleanups, whatever you can imagine. Would not call that setup. So maybe have an instruction "{install}" which can be used in post download commands? Or rather add an option "Update and install"? Entirely depends on the external applications. If the application supports it, Ketarin can certainly pass on the downloading process, but then there won't be any status, post download commands or anything because Ketarin cannot track the completion. If you do some research on apps like JDownloer and find out the command line parameters, I can certainly look into implementing it. No idea. Even when using this site http://web-sniffer.net/ I always get a 406 :-?
  13. Problem fixed with the new beta btw.
  14. For the FileHippo case, a variable as indicator for changes is not necessary. So I wouldn't bother to include a "possibly existing" (and thus possibly misleading) variable if it isn't even needed. If it only has a GUID, it is a usual application XML file and not a template. No difference to existing files. If it only has placeholders (and no GUID) it is a template like it has been existing earlier. It can't be used for updates, since Ketarin can't possibly recognise the template without GUID. So when updating the template, the GUID needs remain unchanged. That's an error on my side, will fix that with the next version. (See above) If you do that, uploading a new version to the database is not possible. You need to keep the original GUID if you want to refer to the same application. I don't know how this variable is defined. There should not be any change in the behaviour of variables though. That would kinda defeat its purpose. Instead, you are supposed to only edit the template, import it and...well, that's it. The previously entered values are saved.
  15. Yep, there should be such an option.
  16. Styling seems to be a bit difficult to configure, but I'll think about additional custom columns
  17. Hi again, I just uploaded a new beta: http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.b1.zip Changes: +Extended status bar information +Added command line parameter /install:xmlfile for automated updating and setup I believe this might be useful to create some kind of worry free setup mechanism. Run an XML file of your choice and let Ketarin do the work. This might need some adjustments, but I should serve a starting point for your ideas +Prototype templates Requirements: Template needs a GUID (not a {000} GUID) and it has to contain placeholders (of course). Then just import the modified template again, and it should ask if any applications that have been created from this template are to be updated. GUID generator: http://www.guidgenerator.com/online-guid-generator.aspx !Fixed: Regex match is not refreshed Have fun Beta 2 I only fixed the incorrect requirement of GUIDs for templates with this version. http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.b2.zip Beta 3 !Fixed another GUID error message *Do not update applications on setup by default (only force update if file does not exist) *New global variables editor http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.b3.zip Beta 4 !Fixed: property variable does no longer work for text fields *Placeholder dialog is now only shown once for all placeholders *"Update and install" option http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.b4.zip Beta 5 Fixed a bug with placeholders and XML import. http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.b5.zip Beta 6 +New attribute "variable" for placeholders If set, Ketarin will try to determine its value based on the specified variable (name, without braces). If that fails, the user needs to enter them manually. *"Update all and install" changed to "Update all and install updates" and adjusted the behaviour accordingly http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.b6.zip Beta 7 *Includes experimental sourceforge capabilities *"Start process" instruction now more useful with environment variables and browse button (for executables) *Store source template as CDATA !Fixed: "Check for updates only" apps cannot be installed http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.b7.zip
  18. Sometimes, it is necessary to add some attention to certain requests. I certainly have a todo list, but I won't know the (possible) importance of some items if you don't mention the feature on a regular basis. OK, see it. Will be fixed in the next version. Maybe that's the "updating" process? There shouldn't be any action that requires three seconds of processing. I see your point, will think about it. It would mean though, that without an internet connection it is not possible to create a new application since a connection would be required to determine the name. Not the usual behviour.
  19. The new "log" is a bit different, since it only contains relevent information. The other log window is just some kind of message spam that helps you to find reasons for problems.
  20. Well, I thought about having an option to update and otherwise only force an update if the {file} does not exist. Doesn't the integrated log window suffice?
  21. Hi again, I finished the application lists / setup now and also adjusted the regex processing (done in background thread). +Finished application lists *Regular expressions are now processed in a background thread *Improved inline search in code (Ctrl+I) !Fixed: "app" variable not available during "test run" !Fixed: Post download command does not resize properly http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.a4.zip Anything else you'd like to have before we go into the beta phase? So far, I was thinking about prototype templates that allow you to update all applications which have been created from the same template with a new template. Maybe. Suggestions welcome, whatever seems most important to you.
  22. @josh: I am not currently able to reproduce the issue. Can you give some step by step instructions?
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