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Everything posted by floele

  1. New release: Please play a bit with the "Install" button. The application selection dialog is almost finished, only the "Add", "Remove" and "Selection" buttons are not yet implemented. Does it "feel" right? Also, is the "Install" button still misaligned? Apart from that, I made the following changes: +Custom user agents (per application) *Made application dialog resizable !Fixed: Uri parser removes "." incorrectly http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.a2.zip
  2. Maybe it's time for application specific user agents?
  3. Depends...do you actually have problems in the release version?
  4. @appyface: OK, got the DOT stuff working. Will be in the next alpha/beta.
  5. But aren't these scripts you mention rather "Start process" commands? Don't see a need for C# here.
  6. What do you mean? Do you want to add setup instructions to all applications at once? But if so, how can you know that all apps need the same commands?
  7. *Sigh* https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/386695/system-uri-incorrectly-strips-trailing-dots Looks like some additional work for me...
  8. Maybe they have changed some internal links that cause these failues? Did you verify that the given link is actually a binary file?
  9. Ah, I see. The website is just too big. It's 1.3MB, you should expect slowishness. May be that the version you have is slower (thus hangs) because it is a debug version. I've never uploaded such a version before. What about changing the DOT to %2E?
  10. Hm, I can make it hang, but no idea why. I didn't even change that part
  11. For the "what to install selection", I currently fancy this one: Opinions?
  12. I didn't notice your post yet...bad timing as it seems.
  13. Yep, I cannot load it, but the error is a timeout. It does also seem to remove the "." for whatever reason, but it does not appear that I can actually change that behaviour.
  14. BTW @necrox: Dependencies will come at a later point, for now I'll just get the basic installer stuff to work.
  15. Regarding the C# stuff: I'd consider a set of sample scripts useful (like copy file, access registry, ...). Would you like that as well (built into the Ketarin)? If so, what common tasks do you face?
  16. Hm, weird. Can't reproduce this. Will keep an eye on it, this part of the UI is not yet finalized anyway. Need to create some mockups.
  17. Built in support is a bad idea until we don't have a way to make it work reliably. Would be too much maintenance for me.
  18. Hi all, here is an alpha version with the new setup functionality, additional to this: *Allow pasting of templates *Variable {startuppath} more flexible Note: Currently you can only install the currently selected applications using the install button. Apps are being updated and after that installed. What I need to add is some kind of "profiles". You are usually not going to install all apps I'd guess, and some only in certain situations. Also, selecting apps by "selection" is too hard, checkboxes or a new dialog would be needed. Suggestions welcome http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.a1.zip
  19. I cannot currently connect to the server, but it seems like you can easily browse the files like this: http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.sourceforge.net/pub/sourceforge/r/project/r6/r6billtracker/r6billtracker/R6BillTracker1_5/ Direct download seems to be possible.
  20. Needless to say that you can do virtually anything with a custom script. You can manage files, access the registry, send web requests or even show dialogs. The advantage of C# is that - apart from the fact that it is well documented and you'll find examples all over the place - I know it very well, as opposed to some weird scripting language like LUA and I could actually give you some advice
  21. Hm...is it actually possible to download the files per FTP or something? Could be easier to implement an FTP browser than to fuddle with the website.
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