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Everything posted by floele

  1. That's intentional though. Ketarin cannot know whether it has been downloaded successfully.
  2. Is that a new feature? For all downloads? So far I assumed FH is EN only.
  3. Nice I did some reformatting. Now we need some command examples though. Anyone?
  4. Hm...don't remember any changes currently. Anyway, won't hurt
  5. That depends on our area. I try to stick with the BE variant
  6. I found out that it is not actually a cookie issue. Seems likely, that it is a bug in the webserver or some incorrect configuration. I will come up with a solution in the first version after 1.5
  7. Works for me. Or doesn't it with the latest beta? Event list is the list in "Installing applications."
  8. Yep, let them come That would be superb Yes, please!
  9. Also, the Wiki is quite complete now. Can some experienced Ketarin users possibly fill the troubleshooting section? What do you usually do if downloading fails? You can talk about referers and the other options in "Advanced settings", like CIV and user agents. Maybe add some tricks how you extract URLs and whatnot using regular expressions and so on. If you like, you can leave the formatting to me (I'll check it anyway), but I'd really appreciate some helpful content
  10. Uploaded a new beta now. @Zane: Nice tutorial (I suppose, since I don't understand Italian)
  11. Hm, I don't know how to make SCP work...maybe there are some settings in the user profile to enable SCP access? BTW - you should probably not include the project name to the user name if you are not the owner of the project. @josh: Which source URL do you use for DVDFlick?
  12. Tips can still go to the forum, but I'd wish that some of you post useful commands from their database into the wiki, maybe for file extraction with 7z or the like. I don't have a lot of commands myself, so I need your help.
  13. As I said, currently 1 is error. So it does not yet work, but I will change it.
  14. Thanks Looks pretty good so far. You can actually do quite a lot of stuff. See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Formatting Also, don't forget about punctuation (Means: Space after "." and ",") I also created some templates now, use {{MissingSamples}}, {{Note}} or {{FileHippo}} whenever appropriate
  15. Isn't that a "pre update" command essentially? Launch the download manager and do "exit 1". Or did I get that wrong? You may need an additional variable "{downloadurl}" though, and also an additional exit code so that it is not considered an error.
  16. OK, got one http://wiki.ketarin.org I'll add contents now, please tell me any suggestions for further content. I'd also appreciate if you create some content on your own. On the main page is a table of contents that defines the intended structure a bit.
  17. Can you also try to login using WinSCP (see http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/SCP)?
  18. I sometimes get the impression that we do or will need a wiki to document Ketarin's features and explain all the useful stuff you can do. What do you think?
  19. Next version will support these.
  20. Two types of problems...doesn't the first one actually work?
  21. @Omniferum: Nope, not possible to influence Ketarin this way. Which direct link were you using? Maybe I can support the other URL format as well.
  22. So {test:split:-:-1} would actually suffice? So negative numbers would count from the end of the array instead of the beginning.
  23. Hm. Keep reminding me at a later time. Not now
  24. Hi, new beta, new thread: Beta 8 *Ketarin now internally also stores relative paths to files, so that changes of drive letters (USB sticks) will not cause Ketarin to forget where the files are located *Make placeholder dialog remember the last position *Installing applications: Expansion state is now remembered !Fixed: 'Edit Variables' dialog no longer jumps to regex match !Fixed: After deleting all applications, list shows "Loading applications..." !Fixed: Installing applications dialog should not be maximisable http://www.ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.b8.zip Any more feedback on the sf:// protocol yet? If no one either uses it or if no one can get it to work, I will remove this feature. Beta 9 +Function split now supports a negative index to select an item counting from the end of the array +Update and install context menu iten +Added "Details view" option to app selection dialog (setup) *Sourceforge: Now supports file names with whitespace *Sourceforge: Now Supports URL scheme "downloads.sourceforge.net" *When installing, download progress is shown with the progress bar *Event list now shows tooltips for too long entries *Exit code 2 (pre-update) and {preupdate-url} *Adjusted Tutorial URL !Fixed: Start/End variables do not show match automatically http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.b9.zip Beta 10 !Fixed a possible NullReferenceException !Fixed: File modification date is not determined for sf:// http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.b10.zip
  25. If you have so many lists, and resizing the dialog does not suffice, wouldn't it suit you better to have an alternative view mode like "details" instead of "tile view"? Install order will be addressed at a later point.
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