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Everything posted by floele

  1. Erm....icons with words in it are not quite icons anymore If you do not like the icons (which I believe are not that bad actually) you can also enable the "Status" column.
  2. Certainly possible, but as I see it now it rather seems to be of very minor importance. So not now
  3. Can't you use {property:Category} ?
  4. floele

    Not Responding

    On startup, Ketarin will only load all apps, load their icons and check if the corresponding file exists. On a slow drive, this can take a while for 100+ apps, the size does not matter that much actually.
  5. I added a note regarding these options to the wiki.
  6. Even if you put SQL commands in your data, Ketarin will handle it safely. I will try to use your template and find something.
  7. Erm, while I certainly don't agree with the original poster, let's stay a bit polite I'm not sure what "doesn't work as expected" refers to (what did you expect?), but as already pointed out, it is very well explained what Ketarin is *supposed* to do, and I believe that it does these tasks reasonably well. It's certainly for more advanced computer users though.
  8. 1. Consider DB corruption as not happening. It is highly unlikely that you see bugs in Ketarin because of RAM failure. If at all, consider it at the very last possibility, though you should have more problems than just Ketarin. 2. There is no database size limit (at least none that would apply to Ketarin), neither is there a maximum size per app (I believe text variables can have a size of 4GB, should suffice). So in conclusion you should just accept that there is a simple bug in Ketarin which I have yet to reproduce.
  9. I don't like such guesswork. Neither do I like annoying message boxes "do you really want to". So I guess, no
  10. Never heard about that, but seems strange to me. I can only imagine it to be some bug in .NET, Ketarin does not mess a lot with text boxes.
  11. Actually, if the variable returns binary content, it should just display the HTTP headers which can be used for downloading.
  12. I'm not too fond of this idea...does not seem reliable to me.
  13. Why does it not work as you expect? Can you give some more details? You should if you expect my support
  14. Currently, I can't think of any such situation...
  15. I believe this has been suggested before and it's on my mind.
  16. Well, I don't know why it doesn't find the xcopy executable. I could only imagine that it is being searched for in the wrong directory, which may happen if the PATH environment variable is set incorrectly or the exe simply does not exist.
  17. Hm? Your first piece of code uses %dir%, the second one uses %path%?
  18. Currently, empty variables due to "no match" are not considered as errors.
  19. Hm...changed some e-mail settings recently, though that should not have broken anything.
  20. Heh, I guess that's a feature that someone requested a while ago Well, sf support is still experimental if you will, and as long as this is the case, you should not upload such apps anyway.
  21. For now you should just place the username and PW in a global variable or not upload any apps.
  22. I will add a change to the next version so that the "current" file date (actually, {f:*} was meant to support that) will also work in textual variables, and thus your first attempt (which I believe did not work because of an invalid file name error mesage because the f variables could not be resolved) should work fine.
  23. Yep, should be fixed in the next release.
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