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Everything posted by floele

  1. You can use the context menu though to open up a separate editor.
  2. Hm...a Ketarin-like approach? Actually, I have already been thinking about adding features from a tool like InstallPad into Ketarin, which would still result in something a bit different than your application but would be quite similar. Regarding integration of Ketarin: You could certainly do it. Maybe not completely without modifications on Ketarin's side, but it could be simple. If you would use the Ketarin online database for example, you could use Ketarin as an "editor" for applications, upload them and use it in your application. Though you would also need to let Ketarin download an app based on the rules. That could be implemented in numerous ways...per command line, or by calling a function inside a Ketarin DLL (if you can communicate with .NET, or if necessary, COM exports could be added).
  3. The tool you use does not seem to display the headers for redirections.
  4. Hm...split seems to be sufficient indeed. Or am I wrong?
  5. I'm not sure if it will. If you create a variable which only contains the major version number and use this one as indicator for changes, you probably can. But you can do that already with regular expressions if necessary.
  6. I've disabled gzip now for ZIP files, I believe that did the trick.
  7. Would you maybe like a version number "parser" for Ketarin? I could make the methods of http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.version_members.aspx available, like {version-variable:version:minor}.
  8. If we'd create a tutorial for each application, most of them would probably get outdated sooner or later.
  9. There actually is such a header, and it does not work anway. I have no idea what I can do.
  10. Hm...maybe it works better without adding the domain? I guess I won't be able to reproduce such a problem though.
  11. Will add such a variable to the next version.
  12. Can you show a screenshot of the settings dialog? I am not familiar with such proxies though, so I don't know yet whether or not I can help.
  13. Yeah...what's the problem with putting the files into different folders? Certainly one of the features that Ketarin had since its creation.
  14. This forum does not support any stronger anti-spam measures. As long as the users don't post, let them be. You may of course delete them, but that's rather tedious work.
  15. Ah, you just want to open it. Might be possible
  16. http://www.danenbergconsulting.com/kb/internet-explorer-corrupts-some-zip-file-downloads Hm....no idea what to do.
  17. It's still floating in my mind, but didn't get to start working on it yet. Might do so soon, we'll see
  18. Nope, technically not possible.
  19. Nope, technically not possible.
  20. Variables which are not used AT ALL will never be resolved and thus not "downloaded". But you can always embed a variable in the download URL or so, for example, you could append ?unknownParameter={ignore} to any download URL.
  21. OK, documented incorrectly in the changelog. It's a function. (As documented in the documentation.)
  22. Isn't it properly documented? http://cdburnerxp.se/help/kb/20
  23. Why not use Cat1/Cat2 or any other syntax?
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