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Everything posted by floele

  1. This exception can be configured by the programmer (me). Ketarin does not have this exception.
  2. Changes: +Allow copy and pasting multiple applications +Function "basefile" for file name without extension and path information +Added search keywords: invarurl, incommand, invarname *It is now possible to create applications without download URLs *Remember AutoScroll setting !Fixed crash on unknown URI prefix !Fixed a possible deadlock when executing commands
  3. It gets updated whenever a user submits new data. It hasn't been working for a while, but should work properly by now.
  4. Yep, but it's usual that you have to or can escape the escape character itself.
  5. Database should work fine again now.
  6. You need to be careful with the colons. Should work better: {file:replace:d\:\\oldpathdir\\:\\}
  7. We'll see. I'm a bit busy currently but I guess this month would be possible. Send me a reminder if I forget
  8. I guess I'll add a "basefile" function additionally to the {url:basefile} variable for the next release.
  9. 7z won't be included natively. Using only the database could be an option, but it won't be the default behaviour. And actually, I believe that's more like a major change
  10. No problem, server has been down for a while anyway
  11. Yeah, the mirrors are already on my todo list. Not to be expected soon though.
  12. Difficult to decide. In other situations, this might not be correct (running Ketarin.exe from different local drives, using the same database). But you can actually decide which drive letter you want to use for your USB stick using the Windows drive manager. Then you can decide to use the same letter for both computers.
  13. I didn't do much yet, stil waiting for a bit of minor stuff I can implement.
  14. Distributing Ketarin is always fine
  15. You just might not be able to "see" the sorting, because Win2000 does not support this visual style element. The actual sorting should still work.
  16. The website template came with these two leafs. No special reason behind it, but it looks nice
  17. You could actually add values there. So it's not completely useless.
  18. I'd actually prefer if such discussions could go without that somewhat unfriendly tone. Anyway: 1. No, renaming categories is not possible easily and it hasn't been intented so far. 2. When exporting and importing, you might lose some information. Nothing critical, but there simply is some information that should not be transfered to other users' databases. 3. At some point, there *might* be a category management, but it doesn't seem necessary currently. Maybe it'll also be replaced by tags or something like this.
  19. I'll add some possibility to the next release.
  20. It's not impossible...if someone has enough patience to look into the code and make necessary adjustments for either mono or .NET on Linux...IIRC, I at least managed to start Ketarin on Ubuntu with Wine some time ago, but it didn't run very stable.
  21. floele


    Actually, whenever you save an application, the changes should be persistent (even if your PC crashes). Actually, that is how it works for me, Ketarin doesn't get closed very often the usual way when I'm debugging it with Visual Studio. The cancellation problem is basically a problem with WebRequest objects. I'd have to keep track of all and cancel them when the button is pushed. Certainly possible, but not simple.
  22. While I don't understand the 1 issue atm, the second one is more or less to be expected (should be fixed at some point). When adding something to the "search list" (or remove) it will not be synchronised to the "main list" or any other search.
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