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Everything posted by floele

  1. I'll add those, but only Shift+DoubleClick for "Open Folder" is possible.
  2. Not easy to do. There's a huge number of implications.
  3. I'll consider that whenever I get to implement a search feature.
  4. Well, if you modify your applications from templates beyond applciation name, options etc. it won't work.
  5. Yeah, but is it needed? I don't know any such case and I tend to avoid implementing unnecessary features.
  6. Yep, I guess that I can. @FranciscoR: What user agent would you need?
  7. There already is a function "directory", I guess that I'll add "filename", then you can extract both parts.
  8. Since you recently had to battle some HTML changes: Would it help if you had a feature that allowed you to only change an application template and by that changing all applications which have been created from it?
  9. +Allow global variables in log file path +Status bar +Option for backups +Ctrl+E/D to enable/disable selected applications +"Invert selection" in context menu *Use single user agent per session !Fixed basic variables not being replaced in global commands v2: +Variable "filesize", function "formatfilesize" and second custom column +Function "filename" to extract the plain file name of a path +Added a couple of shortcuts: Ctrl+Shift+Enter -> Open File Shift+DoubleClick -> Open Folder Ctrl+Shift+DoubleClick -> Open File !Fixed an ArgumentOutOfRangeException !Number of applications in status bar is 0 at startup !Determined invalid target file name v3: +Allow placeholder combobox +Context menu "paste" *Adjusted double click shortcuts: Alt = Open file, Ctrl = Open folder Download: http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.0.6.zip
  10. I'm not sure what your problem actually is. Is it that {file} contains an absolute and not relative (relative to what?) path?
  11. I'll add Ctrl+E/D to enable/disable all selected applications for the next version. A context menu is a bit difficult, since it's hard to visualise mixed enabled states.
  12. Not easy to do currently since I don't save such information with the log.
  13. I'm using this ListView already, actually.
  14. No need to remove it. Maybe this way they'll have to block *all* their visitors eventually, hehe
  15. Well, then you indeed have a problem There is no way to hide your IP other than using a proxy. At least I don't know of any. You just might not want to use such friendly download sites anymore.
  16. No, I can't use that code. It's not as easy as it seems to transfer code. I don't know yet what kind of search I'll add to Ketarin, but I'll probably come up with something useful.
  17. Hm, I believe that it is the random user agents. I'll reduce it to a single one per session for the next version.
  18. Meaning: I'm not going to do that, because it requires way too much time. But if someone else likes to do it...
  19. Hm...don't you have a dynamic IP? Or did they block a whole lot of them?
  20. That...erm...seems a little too overextended. I'd consider searching in all fields, but doing this kind of search is a lot of work. Ooh, wait...wasn't Ketarin opensource?
  21. I'm fine, thanks for your concern. Currently, I am devoting a little more time to CDBurnerXP again since I didn't make a lot of changes while working on Ketarin. Also, I'm going to enjoy the good weather here. So for the most part, I stick to just reading this forum, which is quite some challenge as well with your activity
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