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Everything posted by floele

  1. Will fix that for the next release.
  2. It does, but I'm not going to tell you yet
  3. Sorry guys, but I recently involved myself in a new project so it will certainly take a while until I get to work on any big new features for Ketarin. This new project is remotely related to Ketarin, so maybe some of you are also going to like it
  4. I could suggest the following: If you only select a *single* application, the "enabled" status is ignored.
  5. I think this adds to much complexity for now.
  6. I made another update. Now you can have an option placeholder using an attribute options="A|B".
  7. I believe that Chapter 2 should be moved Chapter 3 should be first. Page 6: Font at point 3 is wrong. "Theend" should be corrected. Page 7: Note that textual content may contain variables as well. Page 8: "you are [in] the main window" Last page: I prefer not to call it "system variables" but rather variables with special meaning" or something similar.
  8. Hm, I like the layout. Will read it now and give more feedback
  9. Good to know Now I'm just wondering which new feature is next?
  10. http://scm.flyspray.org/repos/ketarin/
  11. Actually, the performance shouldn't matter. As long as you are requesting content from the web, this will always be the slowest part (unless you exaggerate with regex complexity).
  12. Well, currently only the download location is being scraped from it.
  13. Erm...no. I believe that your suggestion makes the whole thing very confusing and it doesn't look very aesthetic either. Nice try
  14. Yeah, I guess I need to tune those a little further.
  15. Now uploaded a new revision of 1.0.6
  16. Already supported actually.
  17. Yep, an additional field would be required. But I don't see it as generally useful currently.
  18. Certainly doable, but I'm not sure that it makes sense. Usually, you'd want to use your own categories anyway.
  19. For command line usage (no DOS here), see http://cdburnerxp.se/help/kb/20
  20. It actually may happen that the file provided by the server varies. For example, the date might be the "uploaded" date. If there are multiple servers, the "uploaded" date might vary and this cause multiple updates. Observed this with FileHippo occasionally.
  21. Remember to use & at the end of the whole command if you want it to run in background.
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