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  1. Since version 1.8.0+ doesn't work. Crashes with "not win32 application". 1.8.0 and older versions are functioning properly :-( What does it mean?
  2. The same problem with me. Sometimes i get timeouts, sometimes 404-not-founds. e.g. i was using successfully '7-zip' string in the filehippo textfield. now it breaks with error: (404) Not found (http://www.filehippo.com/pages/7zip_32/)
  3. i've upgraded recently to the latest Ketarin and... now FileHippo stuff is broken For example i used smartftp from tutorial and Ketarin returns the following error: smartftp: Timeout. (http://www.filehippo.com/download/file/e43f8d6147b23ff77ad0fd7712f2136d9c4a73b357a35832dcb2c6dd9d9adadb) The similar error with all the other templates, that were workable before upgrade.
  4. Maybe not even the main window...the Report 'd be just enough :-)
  5. It's very convenient to use such modes with Task Scheduler. Though notification alerts pop up so quickly that they are totally useless. i'm sure no one is sitting several minutes watching these popups following one by one with high rate. Could you add feature to keep tray icon upon completion and clicking on it would show us the report? (e.g. 'my_application: update successfull"...)
  6. OMG! Andreone, thank you so much I was trying with your exact example from the screenshot. Nothing helped. Then i removed and recreated the rule and....it helped finally! (was it a bug or smth? there wasn't even hilighting of the search terms before recreation of the rule)
  7. Your regexp doesn't work :-( It still grabs the wrong version. Just try it for yourself plz: http://mirrors.oowl.ru/aimp/ (i use the latest Ketarin)
  8. And? e.g. <table> <tr><td>myfile_1.0.1.zip<td></tr> <tr><td>myfile_1.0.2.zip<td></tr> <tr><td>myfile_1.4.3.zip<td></tr> </table> i use 'myfile_*.zip' as regexp string. How can i grab the last line?
  9. Hi, guys, didn't find the answer on the forum. So the problem is: i have several files on the host of the same programme. How can i download the latest one? (not by date, but rather by occurrence)
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