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Everything posted by floele

  1. a) It's not a script, just a variable. Yes, last output is used. c) It has access to the current application and global vars, just like any other PS script.
  2. Missing table added. Moderating happens within this forum (IPB), we have a custom module which allows deleting apps from the database.
  3. First of all, please don't touch the database, thanks! Next, I think I can easily implement a solution for such cases. I will provide a function "runpowershell" (and "ps" as shortcut) with the next version, that simply runs a PowerShell script. So in other words: Create a new variable with the textual content (or global var) "$env:computername". Then use the variable like this: {test:ps} Sounds good?
  4. Version released today (https://t.co/FlnNMaqEQp), adding a small request from UserVoice (see https://t.co/Opm3e9o29p).

  5. The constructor currently is "internal", so cannot be used other than by Ketarin itself. The question would be: What exactly do you plan with the added variable? If you can provide me with a full script (mockup) I can think about if and how a solution would work.
  6. Try using the current beta (https://ketarin.org/forum/topic/3922-ketarin-186-b2/) or download the most recent version of PowerShell.
  7. Can't really reproduce that, but I made an adjustment that might potentially fix this problem. Guess we'll have to try.
  8. Yep, I'm (not really) sorry to say that recent versions of the .NET framework - and thus Ketarin - are no longer available for Windows XP
  9. Heh, "Just wanted to say hi to all..." sounds pretty much like one of those spam posts :-p Thanks for your help, it's great to have enthusiastic users like you during development
  10. I removed the external dependency now. You can get Scintilla.NET from here https://github.com/jacobslusser/ScintillaNET or just use the DLL that ships with Ketarin.
  11. Due to ongoing complaints, we're also evaluating use of @ironSource as replacement for our advertisement platform. Please report any issues.

  12. I'll try to make Ketarin work with PS 4.0 by ignoring the error (which will result in no "info" output). Would be nice if someone could have a try with the latest beta.
  13. Actually, I wasn't even sure about that requirement until you confirmed. The actual command used doesn't even matter. The problem is that the older version of PS doesn't expose the "information" type output messages for retrieval, so I had to reference a newer version of PS in order to allow the feature. I'll add a better error message for the future though.
  14. -- -- Table structure for table `ApplicationJobs` -- CREATE TABLE `ApplicationJobs` ( `ShareId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `ApplicationName` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `ApplicationGuid` varchar(38) NOT NULL, `Category` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `AuthorGuid` varchar(38) NOT NULL, `CreatedAt` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `UpdatedAt` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `ApplicationXml` text NOT NULL, `DownloadCount` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `ExternalId` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; CREATE TABLE `app_deleted` ( `DeleteId` int(10) NOT NULL, `ApplicationGuid` varchar(38) DEFAULT NULL, `DeletionDate` int(10) NOT NULL, `UserID` int(10) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Triggers `ApplicationJobs` -- DELIMITER $$ CREATE TRIGGER `JobsCreatedAt` BEFORE INSERT ON `ApplicationJobs` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SET new.CreatedAt = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), new.UpdatedAt = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(); END $$ DELIMITER ; DELIMITER $$ CREATE TRIGGER `JobsUpdatedAt` BEFORE UPDATE ON `ApplicationJobs` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF NEW.ApplicationXml != OLD.ApplicationXml THEN SET new.UpdatedAt = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(); END IF; END $$ DELIMITER ; -- -- Indexes for dumped tables -- -- -- Indexes for table `ApplicationJobs` -- ALTER TABLE `ApplicationJobs` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`ShareId`), ADD UNIQUE KEY `ApplicationGuid` (`ApplicationGuid`), ADD UNIQUE KEY `UniqueNamePerAuthor` (`ApplicationName`,`AuthorGuid`); -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables -- -- -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `ApplicationJobs` -- ALTER TABLE `ApplicationJobs` MODIFY `ShareId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */;
  15. span { font-family: 'Courier New'; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000; } .sc18 { color: #FF0000; } .sc118 { } .sc119 { color: #808080; } .sc120 { color: #808080; } .sc121 { color: #0000FF; } .sc122 { color: #FF8000; } .sc123 { color: #000080; } .sc124 { color: #008000; } .sc125 { color: #008000; } .sc127 { color: #8000FF; } <?php use Doctrine\Common\ClassLoader; use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager; require_once 'XML/RPC2/Server.php'; require_once 'XML/RPC2/Server/Input/PhpInput.php'; require 'Doctrine/Common/ClassLoader.php'; // RPC server does not emit useful error messages // (on purpose) if this option is not set. ini_set('display_errors', 1); // Set up database connection $classLoader = new ClassLoader('Doctrine'); $classLoader->register(); $config = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration(); $connectionParams = array( 'dbname' => '...', 'user' => '...', 'password' => '...', 'host' => 'localhost', 'driver' => 'pdo_mysql', 'unix_socket' => '/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock' ); try { $conn = DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParams); } catch(Exception $e) { die("Error connecting to the database!!!"); } // Utility class class Url { /** * Check if an url exists * * @param string $url * @access static * @return bool True if the url is accessible and false if the url is unaccessible or does not exist * @throws Exception An exception will be thrown when Curl session fails to start */ public static function exists($url) { $handle = curl_init($url); if (false === $handle) { throw new Exception('Fail to start Curl session'); } curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_exec($handle); $result = (curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == '200'); // close Curl resource, and free up system resources curl_close($handle); return $result; } } // Do the fancy XML stuff class KetarinRpc { /** * Returns a list of the most often downloaded * applications. The number of apps is currently 50. * * @return array of (applicationname, updatedat, shareid, usecount) */ public static function GetMostDownloadedApplications() { global $conn; $result = $conn->fetchAll('SELECT ApplicationName, UpdatedAt, ShareId, DownloadCount FROM ApplicationJobs ORDER BY DownloadCount DESC LIMIT 50'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { $result[$i]['UpdatedAt'] = (int)$result[$i]['UpdatedAt']; $result[$i]['ShareId'] = (int)$result[$i]['ShareId']; $result[$i]['UseCount'] = (int)$result[$i]['DownloadCount']; } return $result; } /** * Gets all applications matching a * search criteria (application name or GUID). * * @param string searchSubject * @return array of (applicationname, updatedat, shareid, downloadcount) */ public static function GetApplications($searchSubject = '') { global $conn; if ($searchSubject) { $result = $conn->fetchAll('SELECT ApplicationName, UpdatedAt, ShareId, DownloadCount FROM ApplicationJobs WHERE ApplicationName LIKE ? OR ApplicationGuid = ? ORDER BY ApplicationName', array('%' . $searchSubject . '%', $searchSubject)); } else { $result = $conn->fetchAll('SELECT ApplicationName, UpdatedAt, ShareId, DownloadCount FROM ApplicationJobs ORDER BY ApplicationName'); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { $result[$i]['UpdatedAt'] = (int)$result[$i]['UpdatedAt']; $result[$i]['ShareId'] = (int)$result[$i]['ShareId']; $result[$i]['UseCount'] = (int)$result[$i]['DownloadCount']; } return $result; } /** * Gets all applications matching a * search criteria (application name) * except for the application given in the * second parameter. * * @param string searchSubject * @param string GUID of the application to ignore * @return array */ public static function GetSimilarApplications($searchSubject = '', $appGuid) { global $conn; $appGuid = '{' . trim($appGuid, '{}') . '}'; if ($searchSubject) { $result = $conn->fetchAll('SELECT ApplicationName, UpdatedAt, ShareId, DownloadCount, ApplicationGuid FROM ApplicationJobs WHERE ApplicationName LIKE ? ORDER BY ApplicationName', array('%' . $searchSubject . '%')); } else { $result = $conn->fetchAll('SELECT ApplicationName, UpdatedAt, ShareId, DownloadCount FROM ApplicationJobs ORDER BY ApplicationName'); } // If the application is among them, it can be overwritten (alreay in DB) foreach ($result as $application) { if ($application['ApplicationGuid'] == $appGuid) { return array(); } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { $result[$i]['UpdatedAt'] = (int)$result[$i]['UpdatedAt']; $result[$i]['ShareId'] = (int)$result[$i]['ShareId']; $result[$i]['UseCount'] = (int)$result[$i]['DownloadCount']; } return $result; } /** * Gets the XML of all applications that have * been passed as argument and have been updated * (according to the UpdatedAt information of the arguments). * * @param array applications (applicationguid, updatedat) * @return array An array of XML strings */ public static function GetUpdatedApplications($applications) { global $conn; $updatedApps = array(); foreach ($applications as $application) { $appGuid = '{' . trim($application['applicationguid'], '{}') . '}'; $res = $conn->fetchArray('SELECT ApplicationXml FROM ApplicationJobs WHERE ApplicationGuid LIKE ? AND UpdatedAt > ?', array($appGuid, $application['updatedat'])); $res = $res[0]; if ($res) { $updatedApps[] = $res; } } return $updatedApps; } /** * Returns the data of a particular * application by its server-ID. * * @param integer shareId * @return string The application serialised as XML */ public static function GetApplication($shareId) { global $conn; $res = $conn->fetchArray('SELECT ApplicationXml FROM ApplicationJobs WHERE ShareId = ?', array($shareId)); $res = $res[0]; // Keep statistics $conn->executeQuery('UPDATE ApplicationJobs SET DownloadCount = DownloadCount + 1 WHERE ShareId = ?', array($shareId)); return $res; } /** * Adds an application to the database * or updates it. * * @param string xml Serialized application as XML * @param string authorGuid Guid of the author. When updating applications, it must be identical to the one used when adding the application. * @return integer 1 if the application has been updated, 2 if the application has been added */ public static function SaveApplication($xml, $authorGuid) { global $conn; $guidRegex = '/^(\{){0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}(\}){0,1}$/'; if (!$xml) { throw new XML_RPC2_Exception('Paramater "xml" is missing.', 1); } if (!preg_match($guidRegex, $authorGuid)) { throw new XML_RPC2_Exception('"authorGuid" is not a valid GUID.', 2); } /* LOG $handle = fopen("xml.log", "a"); fwrite($handle, $xml . "\r\n\r\n"); fwrite($handle, $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] . "\r\n\r\n"); fclose($handle); //*/ // Determine the application GUID. Required. $xmlDoc = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); $appGuid = $xmlDoc->ApplicationJob[0]['Guid']; if (!preg_match($guidRegex, $appGuid)) { throw new XML_RPC2_Exception('No valid application GUID has been found in the XML string.', 3); } $authorGuid = '{' . trim($authorGuid, '{}') . '}'; // We have a valid app GUID now. Check if it has been // deleted by moderators and prevent re-upoad: $res = $conn->fetchArray('SELECT DeleteId FROM app_deleted WHERE ApplicationGuid LIKE ?', array($appGuid)); if (count($res) && $res[0] != 0) { throw new XML_RPC2_Exception('Application has been deleted by moderators.', 99); } $conn->beginTransaction(); // Do we need to update an existing application? If so, // make sure that the author GUID is valid. $validAuthorGuid = $conn->fetchArray('SELECT AuthorGuid FROM ApplicationJobs WHERE ApplicationGuid LIKE ?', array('%' . $appGuid . '%')); $validAuthorGuid = $validAuthorGuid[0]; if ($validAuthorGuid && $authorGuid != $validAuthorGuid) { throw new XML_RPC2_Exception('Invalid author GUID.', 4); } $appGuid = '{' . trim($appGuid, '{}') . '}'; // Next, do we have a valid application name? $appName = $xmlDoc->ApplicationJob[0]->Name; if ($appName == '') { throw new XML_RPC2_Exception('The application name is missing.', 5); } // Delete possibly private data $xmlDoc->ApplicationJob[0]->PreviousLocation = ''; $xmlDoc->ApplicationJob[0]->ExecutePreCommand = ''; $xmlDoc->ApplicationJob[0]->ExecuteCommand = ''; // Check if FileHippo-ID exists $type = $xmlDoc->ApplicationJob[0]->SourceType[0]; $fhId = $xmlDoc->ApplicationJob[0]->FileHippoId[0]; if ($type == 'FileHippo' && !Url::exists('http://www.filehippo.com/download_' . $fhId . '/')) { throw new XML_RPC2_Exception('The FileHippo ID is not valid.', 6); } $externalId = $fhId ? 'FileHippo:' . $fhId : ''; if ($externalId) { // Check that there is no app which already has the same external ID $sameExternal = $conn->fetchArray('SELECT ShareId FROM ApplicationJobs WHERE ExternalId LIKE ? AND ApplicationGuid NOT LIKE ? ', array($externalId, $appGuid)); $sameExternal = $sameExternal[0]; if ($sameExternal) { throw new XML_RPC2_Exception('An application with the same external (for example, FileHippo) ID already exists.', 8); } } $category = $xmlDoc->ApplicationJob[0]->Category[0]; if ($validAuthorGuid) { // UPDATE $conn->executeUpdate('UPDATE ApplicationJobs SET ApplicationName = ?, ApplicationXml = ?, ExternalId = ?, Category = ? WHERE ApplicationGuid LIKE ?', array($appName, $xmlDoc->asXml(), $externalId, $category, $appGuid)); } else { // INSERT $conn->executeQuery('INSERT INTO ApplicationJobs (ApplicationName, Category, ApplicationXml, ApplicationGuid, AuthorGuid, ExternalId) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array($appName, $category, $xmlDoc->asXml(), $appGuid, $authorGuid, $externalId)); ; } $conn->commit(); return ($validAuthorGuid) ? 1 : 2; } } $options = array('prefix' => 'ketarin.', 'encoding' => 'utf-8', 'input' => new XML_RPC2_Server_Input_PhpInput(), ); try { $server = XML_RPC2_Server::create('KetarinRpc', $options); $server->handleCall(); } catch (Exception $e) { die('Exception : ' . $e->getMessage()); }
  16. Which version of PowerShell do you have installed? You probably need version 5 to run the script properly.
  17. Sorry, added now. The upload form is somewhat misleading :-\
  18. Beta 1: So far this beta of Ketarin only includes this requested feature: http://ketarin.userecho.com/topics/17-emit-error-if-empty-variable-has-been-generated/ So in other words, there is a new function "ifemptythenerror" that throws an error if the variable is empty. Beta 2: Compatibility with PowerShell 4.0 Beta 3: + Function runpowershell / ps for executing variable content as power shell script and returning its result + Segmented downloading (enable in Settings -> Connection) * Optimized download speed for non-segmented downloads * Made UrlVariable constructor public ! Potentially fixed issue https://ketarin.org/forum/topic/3946-regex-positive-lookbehind-refreshing-error/?p=10717 Released as version 1.8.7 final: Download Ketarin 1.8.7 Ketarin-1.8.6.zip
  19. It's not open source at this point, but I could provide the source if anyone is interested.
  20. Yep, that would be the right way of getting a variable value
  21. Hm, I actually think the snippet should be inserted at the cursor position. A snippet could be anything, doesn't need to be some lines of code, could also be function arguments. Forcing a line break then would not be helpful.
  22. @shawn: Sending an e-mail would be a good example for https://wiki.ketarin.org/index.php/Commands btw. Would you like putting this into the wiki? At some point we should probably have a separate samples page.
  23. Hi all, everyone who is interested in the following feature, please comment on my proposed implementation: https://ketarin.userecho.com/topics/17-emit-error-if-empty-variable-has-been-generated/ Also don't forget to re-allocate your votes of closed ideas Best regards, Florian
  24. I released it as version 1.8.5 final now, have fun
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