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Everything posted by floele

  1. Probably won't happen. These sites change all the time and it's not fun keeping up with them. If one of these would provide a stable API, I could reconsider.
  2. What exactly do you have in mind when saying "multihosts"?
  3. Now fixed in the recent beta version:
  4. Changes in this release: Fixed HileHippo integration Now allows changing width of variable list Variables now sorted by name (https://ketarin.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/76-variable-list-options) Fixed potential error when downloading variable content for the first time (before initiating an application update) Added global "On update failed" command Fixed keyboard focus lost after File->Export All (missing parent handle in ShowDialog) Ketarin-1.8.11.zip
  5. What do you mean with "untick"? The requirement already is .NET 4.x.
  6. I'd look into this: https://support.anydesk.com/Automatic_Deployment
  7. I hate the "MenuStrip". It just sucks and I refuse to use it :-p I'll drop you a quick mail.
  8. Can you show me some screenshots? Maybe you just need to use refresh in your web browser?
  9. OK, I think it's best to go through this bit for bit, so let's start with the pull requests
  10. Hi everyone, I upgraded our forum software to 4.4 now, please let me know if you notice any issues, thanks! Bets regards, Florian
  11. That's no issue with the Ketarin source though as far as I can see. Maybe you need to rebuild the solution?
  12. @jokerfool Fixed the errors now, please try again.
  13. OK, I see. It's a design time issue. Will try fixing this tomorrow.
  14. Sorry, forgot about your post. Is your issue design time only or do you also have issues running Ketarin? If it's the first one, please copy the call stacks here. The forms probably need some adjustments in the OnLoad() method so that they do not access the database at design time anymore.
  15. Hi Tom / franc6, thanks for your contribution! I'm glad that someone makes use my GitHub repo Yes, please do. Just make sure you provide me with enough context to understand the reasoning behind your changes. I didn't look at your changes yet. In general, I'm fine with a few conditional compilation adjustments, but if it gets too messy, we should try to come up with better methods. Are there any specific issues? Actually, I am open to releasing the code under a different license if that makes things easier because I'm not very fond of legal obstacles either.
  16. Should be sufficient to copy the DLL from the official Ketarin release into your output directory.
  17. Didn't plan anything in particular yet. I'm going to check the UserEcho suggestions though for upcoming enhancements.
  18. The Ketarin icon is not made by VirtualLNK and is licensed under the same license as the source code itself. So OK to use in forks
  19. Looks like I need to include another DLL. Try the attached one, will update the build as well. SQLite.Interop.dll
  20. Ketarin does not have a specific command for that, but you can use the command line like this: regedit.exe /S yourfile.reg See also: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/82821/registration-info-editor-regedit-command-line-switches
  21. I put Ketarin on GitHub now (full source and Nuget packages) so it's easier getting Ketarin to build: https://github.com/canneverbe/Ketarin Also, you can download the most recent version (unofficial daily build) from this location: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/floele/ketarin/artifacts/Ketarin.zip?branch=master
  22. Now added beta 2. Will make this a final release if there are no complaints.
  23. Hi, you cannot use these variables directly in PS. Check https://wiki.ketarin.org/index.php/Commands What you essentially need to use is $app.variables.ReplaceAllInString("{VAR}")
  24. By default, Ketarin uses the LastWriteTime from the downloaded file. "filenme" is used for the {url:XXX} variables. If empty, the variables will not be replaced. Hard to tell without debugging the specific case. Maybe this happens with recrusively replaced variables or something like that.
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