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Everything posted by floele

  1. Help make tempescope happen, a box of rain in your living room on @indiegogo https://t.co/vojP0LDGPc

  2. I'm on vacation now. I must admit I don't really now how to help you though, don't quite understand your goal.
  3. Or you can just go to Help->About and click the link to the database file
  4. OK what you do is not quite a currently supported scenario. Only recursive global variables are supported. When you put "{property:WebsiteUrl}" into the HTTP referer field though, you expect all other variables to be recursive as well.
  5. You can send me your database if you like so that I can have a look at it. Otherwise I won't see the problem and be able to fix it.
  6. I don't quite understand your issue. {property:WebsiteUrl} still works fine for me. I don't see a problem with your second screenshot either, what is wrong with using the referer?
  7. Maybe you had some usual chars in the column definition?
  8. I cannot reproduce your problem. Works fine for me.
  9. You can use a variable declaring a root path for example {root} and then use {root}\Subfolder for another global variable. Anything is possible
  10. Hi, ready for the next beta Beta 1: This release "only" includes the "recursive global variables" feature. Beta 2: "ifempty" function for variables. Beta 3: PowerShell integration. Please let me know if it works out for you. Best regards, Florian Ketarin-1.8.3.zip
  11. Yes, that would be the intended usage
  12. This feature is among the top voted features, so can we discuss the requirement scope a bit? As far as I can see, most needed is {originalVariable:ifempty:useOtherVariable}. Other requirements other than falling back to a different variable if the original one is empty?
  13. Sometimes I am quite surprised by the flexibility of Ketarin even though I made it
  14. Anyone interested in writing documentation for the has feature btw?
  15. For feature requests please vote on https://ketarin.userecho.com/ You'll find the first one there already. I have no intention for compiling Ketarin against .NET 2.0. If needed, you can get the source, adjust the code if necessary and compile against 2.0. Keeping compatibility just for command line is not possible because it's a single executable. Ketarin will work on W8 and W10 out of the box already.
  16. Final release ready! Please let me know if any issues occur.
  17. I'll adjust this for the next version then, everyone needs to re-configure the hash type with the next beta though.
  18. That's true, this is the default type.
  19. Your setup instruction is a bit strange. You need to run Ketarin with this command line argument. The VLC installer needs its own arguments. See http://wiki.ketarin.org/index.php/Setup_instructions for details on creating setup instructions.
  20. OK another try. Should work now.
  21. Yes, you can export the applications you want to have installed using the File menu to XML.
  22. Looks like the Scintilla-DLLs was no longer working. I reuploaded the package with a newer version of the DLL, please check if it works fine now.
  23. Hi Florian, you could use command line arguments for automated installation, see http://wiki.ketarin.org/index.php/Command_line_arguments. You just need the XML files with applications in it. Best regards, Florian
  24. First UserEcho-Request done, ready for beta Changes in this release (since 1.7.1): + Added file verification after download based on hash + Support for hash values for change detection + Added header:referer in HTTPX protocol * Disabled auto full word selection in variables editor * Improved file download speed for unknown file sizes (buffer was unnecessarily small) * Now compiled against .NET framework 4.0. Ketarin will require .NET 4.0, 4.5, 4.6 or any later version to run. ! Adjusted FileHippo beta identification 1.8.0 final: *Added "None" as option for hash values for easier use in custom columns. Ketarin-1.8.0.zip
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