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Everything posted by floele

  1. Yeah, had some kind of examination yesterday, I'm now done with all the stuff. Sorry for being absent, but CDBurnerXP also causes a lot of anti-spam work.
  2. Ah, I see. Will fix that for the next version.
  3. The warnings are fine, they come from the 3rd party XML RPC code (which is btw, horribly ugly. Don't read it, your eyes will bleed.). I'm not sure what you want to achieve with the 300 error code thingy though.
  4. I never had any timeouts so far. Maybe you can monitor the network traffic to find a possible cause, but timeouts are usually not the cause of a bug in the application but in network problems.
  5. Might have happened in an older version. Should not occur in the latest Ketarin version. Also post a log.
  6. Sure that the process is still running? What do you expect?
  7. Nope, I usually avoid SF.
  8. Unforunately, your database works fine for me. I guess that you need to do some investigations on your own for now. Try different views (grouping, no grouping, ...) and use Process Monitor to check which resources Ketarin is trying to access (Registry, File System) in order to narrow down the cause of the issue. Maybe you can also try it on different computers.
  9. Hm, I'd suggest you to send me your database. If I can reproduce it, it can probably be fixed easily. My guess is that it might try to access non existent network shares or something similar.
  10. Sorry, still can't reproduce the problem. Works fine for me.
  11. Actually. version 1.1.0 of Ketarin has such a feature. Doesn't it suit your needs?
  12. Can you maybe post the XML export of such an application that doesn't work anymore? (When the menu is greyed out?)
  13. Works fine for me. Can anyone else reproduce that?
  14. I believe that a smiliar feature has already been suggested. I guess I can consider that one time.
  15. Nope, this variabledoes not yet exist.
  16. You can also create multiple short videos, which all focus on a specific feature. Might be easier to maintain. In any case, I'll consider putting your results on the website and/or tutorial, so that more people see them.
  17. I don't think that Ketarin should work that way by default. Maybe a {counter} variable would be a better approach.
  18. Unchecking "Always delete previous file" should not mean "Always keep previous file" actually. You might want to use scripts to create a backup copy.
  19. Actually, I don't think that it is possible to work nicely. I never know whether or not a found version is the latest version, because usually versions are skipped. So if currently at 5.2.1, there might not be a 5.2.2 but only a 5.3.1 version. I can certainly check for all combinations from 1.1.1 to 99.99.99, but you'll probably agree that this might be rather slow. Efficient only when a directory listing is available.
  20. Your scripts will of course stay the same, sure.
  21. Some tools, like putty for example, do not need an installation but can be installed by just copying it to a specific location. Extracting a ZIP file might also be possible, but then I'd need to ship a command line version of 7z or the like with Ketarin.
  22. Well, you have jobs that "download and install" and you have jobs that only download. But you cannot turn on or off installing a particular application, unless you have two versions of it. In Ketarin downloading and installing would be separate tasks.
  23. So your "& Run" applications are meant for installation? In this case you don't have the option though whether or not to install an application - you can't separate updates from installations.
  24. Well, I didn't look at your apps that closely I've just been interested in the technical issues.
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