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Everything posted by floele

  1. I'm not sure if I understand. You want to determine the last match of a regex applied on a URL's content?
  2. floele

    website error

    We did some stuff on the server just now, so there might have been a short outage. I guess my hosting is pretty good though, I believe that you can't compete with a 100TB download server + 12GB RAM/1,5TB HDD RAID 1/ IntelĀ® Core i7-920 / redundant power supply 10TB 1GBit/s traffic server, eh?
  3. Well, I can't help much with that error. Or maybe you need to request SCP access? See http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/SCP for details.
  4. Using CruiseControl.net currently since we use it at work. Did not try alternatives yet. Copied the remaining files now.
  5. Do you still get the error? Actually works fine for me.
  6. In the last scenario an update is necessary, because the previous file could not be found but Ketarin needs to have it in order to install. So it downloads the current file.
  7. I feel sorry for you, it's hard to imagine dealing with such a depressing situation. I really hope that the outcome will be as good as it can possibly be.
  8. I know about the issues, and I am in fact running a CIS. I considered a shared library as well, but I didn't get to the task yet. Sources should now be more complete.
  9. Can't reproduce the issue. Maybe you can just copy and paste the error you get? And if that does not help, the XML file of the app? @josh: That's a problem that does not actually have an easy solution. Ketarin only knows the last path of a file, say "F:\...". If the drive letter changes to "G:\" Ketarin won't find the file. The "current" name can, however, only be determined while doing an update, because variables might need to be resolved. The only solution that could work in my oionion is to also remember the relative path and try this instead of the absolute one.
  10. Right. If it turns out to be useful, I will move the username / pw to the settings.
  11. Not relevant for templates. Only app exports.
  12. When importing, "PreviousLocation" will be lost. Means: File is missing (or unknown). Thus Ketarin is forced to update in order to get the file. The second time, it is not necessary, as the location is known and the file exists.
  13. I'm a little confused now. What is the difference? Can you maybe give the detailed step necessary to reproduce the problem? And which error occurs exactly?
  14. Ah, I see. Thought you would be using the "update" button. Beta 7 good?
  15. Let's try this: http://www.ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.5.0.b-sf.zip SF.net special edition. In order to make downloads work, you need an account on sourceforge. To download, use the following as dowload URL: Let's assume we got the following link from a website: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyadmin/files%2FphpMyAdmin%2F3.3.7%2FphpMyAdmin-3.3.7-english.zip/download#!md5!d46596178e3941c4ebf2e9a0c62ff28d Then prepend "sf://yourusername:yourpassword@" to the URL and use it in Ketarin. Should work reliably Download URL: sf://yourusername:yourpassword@http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyadmin/files%2FphpMyAdmin%2F3.3.7%2FphpMyAdmin-3.3.7-english.zip/download#!md5!d46596178e3941c4ebf2e9a0c62ff28d
  16. The behaviour has changed in the latest beta, download is now enforeced when installing. Not good?
  17. I will try to figure out a new approach for sf.net. Seems too annoying to use, even with all of Ketarin's power.
  18. Indeed, this is not quite doable. Instead, I could offer a function "regexrandom" which works like "regex", but if multiple matches are found, it randomly returns a match.
  19. Basically to influence the behaviour of installers why changing paths like program files.
  20. Should be faster, if you encounter any issues, let me know
  21. Think simple <placeholder name="Name of application" variable="name" /> While {name} must resolve to the desired application name.
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