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Everything posted by CybTekSol

  1. It can be accomplished with a 'regex scrape' badbrainz... but I would use an alternate source as sputnik089 and AussieJim have suggested if it suits your needs as it will save you some work in the short and long term with setup and tweaking of regex for site changes. In the long term, simpler is better in my experience.
  2. Interesting indeed Flo... this may solve some of my Expresso issues!
  3. These are pretty well covered in the forum already and I simply don't have the time to do videos but if someone has some time to kill I say go for it. Videos may indeed help less geeky users get started with Ketarin.
  4. Lookin good from here so far Flo... THANK YOU SO MUCH for the added search functions several of us requested! I know this will please FranciscoR especially if monitoring Ketarin's development still... I'll try to give you more feedback later on this week as time permits.
  5. Which template are you using for this zimboi? It appears the 'version scrape' needs to be tweaked?
  6. Glad to see the server is back Flo... I'm back, too! Still not settled but I have internet access and two PCs up at the new location. I'm busy as all heck right now trying to get organized but I will check the forum every couple of days or so during this time.
  7. Check out the 'Tips and Tutorials' and 'Templates' sections of the forum for clues planetexpress... then post your results and we will help you tweak things.
  8. I just wanted to let Flo and members of the forum know that I am undertaking a major move to a new location over the next month or so, which translates into VERY limited duty for me as a moderator during this time-frame. I will visit as often as possible but I'm sure it will sporadic at best for the next month... give or take a few days. Best wishes to all and happy Ketarining!
  9. Flo... will have to address these suggestions Phil.
  10. From Ketarin... but I use an HTTP referrer of http://www.piriform.com/recuva/download/portable which may be the difference...
  11. Can you give us an update on development status Flo? I'm getting ready to move soon which will keep me occupied for a month or so. I'd like to get a swing at testing a newer version before then.
  12. Dig in to the 'Templates and Tutorials' sections and get 'under the hood' of Ketarin Stiletto... the challenge is exhilarating. Then post the issues you have problems resolving and we'll take a swing at 'em.
  13. Don't know where FranciscoR has been ttheill... last post was a little over a month ago. Have you tweaked the regex for the apps?
  14. That URL will work as the download URL... at least it does for me.
  15. I usually do this manually as out of the nearly 1350 apps that I update with Ketarin for building and configuring PCs and Linux Boxes only a handful of these exhibit that behavior. That said... I have tested this and it works for me... your mileage may vary. {run_7-zip} x "{file}" -r -aoa -o"C:\Temp\Temp" & ping -n 5 localhost > nul & xcopy /s "C:\Temp\Temp\[iNSERT RECURRING SUB-FOLDER NAME HERE with {version} if needed]\*.*" "{root}PortableApps\{appname}\" & ping -n 5 localhost > nul & rd "C:\Temp\Temp" /s /q& Hope this helps... Addendum: If you use /e for the xcopy switch, folders, subfolders and empty folders will be copied... Also... you can use {root}Temp\Temp or another to your liking... Adjust delays as necessary... Also, you can use a similar rd command before an app is updated to get rid of the existing apps extracted folder... i.e. rd "{root}PortableApps\{appname}" /s /q Use /y switch with xcopy if you wish... I didn't add it for this test and if you use the above rd command before an update, it isn't necessary... BTW... -aoa is a valid 7-Zip switch, it is always overwrite without prompting... use whatever you wish that works for U... At least this should get U goin'
  16. They look like mint leaves to me... PERFECT to adorn a wonderful app!
  17. Under Ketarin's settings, there is a option to input global commands that are executed before or after updating an app or after updating all apps... other than that, you can 'export all' to an xml file and perform 'global search & replace' actions using NotePad2, etc.. (Search posts in forum for info) I always use the 'export all' to xml and edit externally as mentioned above...
  18. Sorry Phil... I forgot to mention this one... and it had been an issue for me lately... I had been having intermittent issues with extracting FileZilla lately which has a high file number count and had not appended & to the end of the command-line as an oversight with 1200+ apps... all is well now... It was a typo on my behalf andreone... I use -ao which sets the overwrite mode during extraction per 7-zip's help file for command switches...
  19. A 'sticky' behavior would indeed be nice Flo.
  20. It is also a sequencer for extracting/processing nucleotides... more specifically RNA. I'd put my money on hherrie's explanation... LOL
  21. Welcome to the Ketarin forum Phil. You must pay close attention to your quotes and backslashes in the command line as well as 7-zip switches... try this: 7z x "{file}" -aoa -o"{root}PortableApps\{appname}\" -y and see if it works for you. Remember 7z.exe must be in your path or the same folder if you do not define it in your Ketarin settings. For example, I use a global variable {run_7-zip} which is defined as "C:\Program Files\Utilities\7-Zip\7z.exe". So for me the above command would be: {run_7-zip} x "{file}" -aoa -o"{root}PortableApps\{appname}\" -y Post your results when you get a chance. Also... for the last part, check out Universal Extractor that has been discussed in the forum before... just do a search for it... I think it may do what you want with installers along with some custom commands... possibly... del /f "{root}PortableApps\{appname}\*" that is run as a command before update. Be VERY careful with such commands for obvious reasons!
  22. Yes Flo... Sun and SourceForge are going out of their way to be unfriendly.
  23. Yes indeed... let us not forget we are all on the same team.
  24. FWIW... I'm getting around this by using sub-folders under my Ketarin folder, each with its own Ketarin executable, dll and Jobs.db file. Each function is specific and run separately, for example, one is devoted to all apps, one to purely portable apps and one to testing... and so on.
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