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Everything posted by CybTekSol

  1. I believe I was thinking of export/import Flo... the possibility of 'import/export removing GUID' would be helpful for me.
  2. Noted... FranciscoR will have to answer that one.
  3. Maybe Flo can allow something as simple as putting {monitor} in the download url position to alter the app entry to monitor the 'version scrape' only which would allow you to leave all the other entries intact while monitoring only? This would work for my needs as well...
  4. I believe FranciscoR means that the xml stores <VariableChangeIndicator>{version}</VariableChangeIndicator> for example but not the content/data related to that from the Jobs.db such as version '1.2.3' for the last run of Ketarin. Otherwise, I don't believe FranciscoR is disagreeing with your assessment appyface.
  5. I was considering defecting to Linux before Ketarin came along... so much for that 'pipe dream'!
  6. It has been for me also FranciscoR, although some content/data is not preserved such as 'CIV' content/data, and if my memory serves me correctly 'version' content/data that existed before.
  7. What if Flo could add a 'Add application monitor' or 'Monitor only' that would 'gray-out' those portions of the add app GUI that do not apply and all you would need is a 'version scrape' from the app's home page? These entries could possibly be displayed in their own section or sorted to group them? Would this accomplish your needs appyface? That way one could be notified of a 'version change' without a file downloaded. I don't know how hard this would be to code but it would work for the Linux and BSD distros that I monitor.
  8. Give 'em a few days franciscoR... they'll change something to kill it. lol
  9. Agreed... it's a shame but they have 'fallen from grace' with me.
  10. Suggestions are needed from Ketarin users regarding new template development or any other brilliant input regarding template related topics. ANY TAKERS?
  11. No problems with my last run with Flo!
  12. I do also FranciscoR... but my collection is limited as of now. I have only defined 25 or so.
  13. Yes indeed bor4c, Ketarin is quite capable of portability as Stalker and FranciscoR has described and can even be tweaked for specialized use such as the 'Tech Toolkit' demonstrates. (it runs Ketarin from a thumb drive to create a portable diagnostics/techie gem) Stalker referenced it in this post.
  14. This would be very useful in template development and/or semi-redundant app entries.
  15. I just noticed that my Firefox_Portable_v3.5.2_en-us.paf.exe has been truncated to Firefox_Portable_v3.5.2_en-us.paf and it has not occurred with previous Firefox Portable downloads... will have to investigate further for an educated comment. (Version 1.0.8)
  16. This has caught me twice lately FranciscoR!
  17. DITTO from me Flo! I applaud your efforts every time I build/configure/update a PC!
  18. Speaking of searches FranciscoR, I have been playing with Katapulco lately (last 2 months or so)... a rather interesting (but not all inclusive) 'shortcut based' search engine interface.
  19. Looking for an alternative download URL is one of the first things I have learned to do when having issues with an app download NerdZone. This is indeed good advice from hherrie.
  20. I have seen this once in the past week with a similarly unresolved variable so this sounds good to me Flo.
  21. Very similar to what I am doing FranciscoR. I currently use {download_url} for a full URL with protocol and {truncated_url} for a shortened capture of a portion of a full URL which I am going to shorten to {durl} and {turl} soon for simplicity and standardization of my xml. I also have arrived at the conclusion that shortened variable names are the route to go. There is also the benefit of fewer entries that are displayed in the right-click display of variables in the GUI with standardization. With all of my apps now, I suspect it will take me a while to complete this with all the variations of templates I have used from the beginning. This task will be a little easier when Flo fully implements the search feature. I definitely would prefer that those whom post templates here, post them with some standardization of variables in mind. With this in mind, I propose that others add to this 'variables list' you have started so we can come to a consensus for ALL to use in posting templates in the future. Likewise, if Ketarin users agree/disagree with this goal, please post feedback in this thread.
  22. I was wishing for both if possible Flo. For example: invariable:SnapFilesID would return all my app entries in which the {SnapFilesID} variable exist and invariable:majorgeeks.com/{redir2} would return all my app entries that are based on the last revision of my MajorGeeks template. This would be a major breakthrough for me since I have 1289 entries based on so many subsequent revisions and hybrids of my templates.
  23. This would not work for me FranciscoR as I do not always have a URL associated with my {version} variable due to manipulation of the version within the template itself for formatting, however, if Flo would allow this feature to support 'textual content' as I have suggested above, you would only have to globally edit your exported xml within NotePad2, etc. to include a {homepage} variable with the textual content and maybe {version:url} or something similar if Flo can work with that. This would make it highly flexible as users could adjust this to their own templates or current configuration. In my case, {homepage}={ver1:url} or {homepage}={ver_scrape:url} for example... just my 2 cents... Could you work with that?
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