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Everything posted by CybTekSol

  1. With an existing app you may have to check "ignore file information if missing" then right-click on the entry and select 'force download' for the filesize and filetime info to be stored in the database for the app. I have not tested it yet, but that's my best guess. If this is true maybe Flo can address this in some way in the future. Thoughts Flo?
  2. Thanks for the update Flo. I haven't had much time to test but what I have tested is working flawlessly for me except for the 'paste an app entry' as josh apparently is experiencing. It copies to the clipboard but doesn't paste for me. I have not experienced the 'file size does not match' error that josh is experiencing. I have only tested it on 7 apps so far. I'll try to find some time to test it further and to test josh's xml export. BTW, I was curious as to how using 'version' as 'change indicator' will affect this new 'ignore file information fo update checks' feature Flo? Follow-Up: Import is not working due to the <?xml version='1.0', encoding='utf-8'?> line Flo... but when changed to <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> it works... I suspect this is the problem with the copy app entry failing also.
  3. No problems here warwagon, but I have had a similar experience with FileHippo some months ago which was temporary... less than 24 hours if I recall correctly.
  4. Don't feel bad warwagon, I had actually forgotten that as it has been a long time since I added an app download from FileHippo. Thanks for catching it Flo.
  5. Thanks warwagon for your contribution. I'm not positive of the pronunciation either so don't feel bad... Flo will have to enlighten us on this. Maybe your video will help stir more interest in Ketarin which may indeed change others download life as it has mine!
  6. Can't get 'em all Josh... this may be one of those cases. I would just download it with a file date-time stamp and forget about the build if it were me.
  7. It can be accomplished with commands (both local and global)... research the forum as there is enough info regarding this to piece it all together. Yes Ketarin is powerful and geared somewhat towards 'technogeeks' like me... but the time you invest in it will be well worth it!
  8. This will work until they randomly change their ID for the app as they do with subsequent releases. Since this ID is volatile, and they do not remove the page associated with the earlier version, you will think that you have the latest version when in reality the newer version is on a different page. I use their own search engine for my current template to defeat this madness. I just haven't found the time to post it yet... soon I hope.
  9. @rctneil, Do you have any interest in producing videos as you described for Ketarin when you have become comfortable with Ketarin? They would probably have to be hosted off-site though. We'll have to get Flo's input on it first if you or someone else decides to give it a go.
  10. @FranciscoR, Haven't heard from you in a while... was wondering if you are OK. I could use your help in freshening content in the 'Templates' and 'Tips & Tutorials' sections.
  11. Apparently it's not a bug because I'm able to successfully download it with a variant of my latest 'Generic Template'. Import and test this to see if it works for you... remember to modify it for your system and needs. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <Jobs> <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <DownloadBeta>AlwaysDownload</DownloadBeta> <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" /> <CheckForUpdatesOnly>false</CheckForUpdatesOnly> <VariableChangeIndicator /> <CanBeShared>true</CanBeShared> <ShareApplication>false</ShareApplication> <ExclusiveDownload>false</ExclusiveDownload> <HttpReferer /> <Variables> <item> <key> <string>version</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <TextualContent>{f:yyyy}-{f:MM}-{f:dd}</TextualContent> <Name>version</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>truncated_url</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>(?:"\.|'\.|"|')(((\w+:\/\/([\w@][\w.:@]+))?\/?[\w\s_\.?=%&=\-@/$,]*\.)(?:exe|7z|zip|zip2|arc|bz|bz2|bzip|gz|gzip|jar|lha|lzh|lzw|pak|rar|sit|sit!|sit5|sitd|sithqx|sitx|tz|wsz|cab|msi|bin|img|iso|xpi|pbp))(?:\?\w+"|\?\w+'|"|')</Regex> <Url>http://tds.diamondcs.com.au/download.php?file=apt</Url> <Name>truncated_url</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> </Variables> <ExecuteCommand /> <ExecutePreCommand /> <Category>Security\Miscellaneous</Category> <SourceType>FixedUrl</SourceType> <PreviousLocation /> <DeletePreviousFile>true</DeletePreviousFile> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <FileHippoId /> <LastUpdated xsi:nil="true" /> <TargetPath>{target}\{category}\{appname:replace: :_}_v{f:yyyy}-{f:MM}-{f:dd}.{url:ext}</TargetPath> <FixedDownloadUrl>http://tds.diamondcs.com.au/{truncated_url}</FixedDownloadUrl> <Name>Advanced Process Termination</Name> </ApplicationJob> </Jobs> If it doesn't work for you or if you have any questions, just post back and I will try to help.
  12. @ecvogel, The following is an export of my QuickTime Player entry for CNET using their search engine. MODIFY it for your needs carefully... it comes without warranty... your mileage may vary. It is a little slow processing due to a redirect but has been reliable for months... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <Jobs> <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <DownloadBeta>AlwaysDownload</DownloadBeta> <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" /> <CheckForUpdatesOnly>false</CheckForUpdatesOnly> <VariableChangeIndicator /> <CanBeShared>true</CanBeShared> <ShareApplication>false</ShareApplication> <ExclusiveDownload>false</ExclusiveDownload> <HttpReferer>{redir1}</HttpReferer> <Variables> <item> <key> <string>CNetDownloadName</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <TextualContent>Apple-QuickTime</TextualContent> <Name>CNetDownloadName</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>CNetSearchPage</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>(?<=\<div\sid="rb_navSearch".+?action="/)(.+?)(?=")</Regex> <Url>http://download.cnet.com/</Url> <Name>CNetSearchPage</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>find</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>(?<="resultInfo".*?href=.+?)({CNetDownloadName}/.+?\.html)(?=")</Regex> <Url>http://download.cnet.com/{CNetSearchPage}?query={CNetDownloadName}&tag=srch&searchtype=downloads</Url> <Name>find</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>version</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>(?<=id="contentMain".*?<[a-z][\d]>.*?\s)[\d].+?(?=<)</Regex> <Url>http://download.cnet.com/{find}</Url> <Name>version</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>redir1</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>(?<=class="dlNowIcon".*?class="[a-z]+">.*?a[ ]href=")http://dw.com.com.+?(?=")</Regex> <Url>http://download.cnet.com/{find}</Url> <Name>redir1</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>download_url</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>(?<=META[ ]HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh"[ ]CONTENT="\d;[ ]URL=)[a-z]+://.+?(?="/>)</Regex> <Url>{redir1}</Url> <Name>download_url</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> </Variables> <ExecuteCommand /> <ExecutePreCommand /> <Category>Media\Video\Players & Viewers</Category> <SourceType>FixedUrl</SourceType> <PreviousLocation /> <DeletePreviousFile>true</DeletePreviousFile> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <FileHippoId /> <LastUpdated xsi:nil="true" /> <TargetPath>{target}\{category}\QuickTime_installer_v{version:replace: :_}.{url:ext}</TargetPath> <FixedDownloadUrl>{download_url}</FixedDownloadUrl> <Name>QuickTime Player</Name> </ApplicationJob> </Jobs> Hope this helps...
  13. The INI and CFG files, etc. can be preserved with a double move/copy setup (i.e. move to a temp folder and then back). I'm convinced what you are attempting can be done with perseverance and possibly some compromise. I wish I had more time to test solutions for you but right now I'm swamped.
  14. @ecvogel, Sorry for the delay in responding as I had to attend funeral services for a member of my extended family this week. I will post the export over the weekend if time permits. @andreone, Actually... I have abandoned that CNET template you linked to in favor of one that uses their own search engine instead of Google which is much more reliable for me. I will post the revised version at some point in the near future when my work load returns to a sane level. At least I hope to! @AussieJim, I agree with your assessment of QuickTime Alternative... I've been using it for years now! I only download Apple's version for those clients that I cannot convert to my way of thinking!
  15. Why not a folder structure of: C:\PortableApps \CCleaner \Current \Archived Post-download... 1) Copy the zip file to the Archived folder 2) Delete the contents of the Current folder 3) Extract the newly downloaded app to the Current folder If you do not want the Current version duplicated in the Archived folder, you could work out a pre-download move, etc.... The compressed versions in the Archived folder could include version info as part of their name. A similar scheme could be used for installers... Just my two-cents AussieJim.
  16. I definitely add my vote to this one appyface! I developed some templates long ago with variables as referrer only to discover later it was not supported. (egg on my face) With more and more sites requiring a referrer these days, it would be a blessing for template development! Flo... please... please... if you can find the time.
  17. AussieJim, The approach that I use is very similar to what appyface has described although I use a FreeNAS server available to any PC / Linux Box that is connected to my LAN. I use pre & post commands for delete, copy, move, etc. and extract with 7-Zip and Universal Extractor which archives all of my main installs in an 'Install Cache' folder on my FreeNAS. By design, the sub-folders are named by the current version of the app downloaded. In this way, all the machines that I build and maintain have access to this archive! For portability, I mirror this folder to a thumb drive. I use global commands to call 7-Zip and Universal Extractor from Ketarin. As appyface has suggested, the info required to do all this has been discussed at some point in the forum which may require a little searching to put it all together. If you run into any snags, let us know and we will try to help.
  18. I use a CNet template for this one... if you wish, I will post an export of it for you to tweak for your system.
  19. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to Flo and ALL Ketarin users from CybTekSol... may your new year be filled with joy, prosperity and Ketarin!
  20. We are enjoying a BEAUTIFUL snow storm in the mid-atlantic region of the US... looks like we have the potential of a foot or more of the white stuff. As long as I don't lose electricity and my internet service it will definitely put me in the mood for Christmas by having some down-time to recover from my recent move!
  21. Yes... it can be done. Try this... it may work... 1) Capture the version from Setpoint's 64-bit download page at Logitech's site 2) The download URL = http://logitech-viva.navisite.net/web/ftp/pub/techsupport/mouse/setpoint{version:replace:.:}_x64.exe 3) Referrer = http://logitech-viva.navisite.net/web/ftp/pub/techsupport/mouse/ Post back if you can't figure it out...
  22. An additional text field for storing extraneous info such as home/info page url, etc. has been requested before AussieJim but Flo shot it down for the time being... maybe we'll get it eventually.
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