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Everything posted by floele

  1. Hm....I don't see why you are having a problem. You'd to the following: Checkout Ketarin from SVN Manually copy the CDBXP source files and link them into the project Then, you can modify all files you want and also use the SVN update command to merge any new changes into your local copy. There shouldn't be any problem with that at all. I suppose that you use TortoiseSVN btw?
  2. Seems like there is a \0 character and the RTF textbox doesn't like that. The next version will strip those characters before displaying the text.
  3. The problem was that no functions could be applied on special variables. I'll have this changed for the next version.
  4. Will be fixed in the next version. I still need to figure out why Ketarin crashes...that doesn't make any sense at all.
  5. I guess I'll just add a new function "ext".
  6. I think you should give me an XML export or SQlite database.
  7. Actually, if a variable is used in the custom column, it will be populated as well.
  8. floele

    Continually Updated

    Will be fixed in the next version, thanks for the report.
  9. Thanks, will be fixed in the next version.
  10. Yeah, maybe. But it could also be a client side issue.
  11. For now, these suggestions are not going to get on my todo list. It's rather something post 1.0. BTW, variables which are not being used are not processed either. Thus, you don't have to disable them.
  12. Actually, Ketarin never returns the content you mentioned when I try it.
  13. I can add a variable selection (context menu) as in the other text fields, just with all instead of the defined variables.
  14. Where exactly would you want this menu? I don't quite understand it currently.
  15. Resizing the progress bar will not work currently without visual glitches.
  16. So...now you can do just that. A "textual" variable with the content "{mainvers}.{build}" will yield the desired result, if both of those variables are defined This is also a prerequisite for the feature "use variable as change indicator", because I only want to offer the possibility to specify a single variable.
  17. I'll give it a try...
  18. Will be added to the next version.
  19. Thanks Especially, I'm really happy having such an active and friendly community so soon!
  20. Well, the review text seems to be duplocated at some point Actually, it has already been mentioned on LifeHacker as well. Is there any world record I could try to set?
  21. Good summary, but I think you should make use of the [ b ] and [ h ] tags to give it a cleaner formatting
  22. I re-uploaded .20 now and it should work fine.
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