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Everything posted by Tomorrow

  1. Yes.Flash is just a term i used.Not sure if it's done with javascript or something...
  2. Takes some getting used to. Few things: *Was unable to login with my password.Kept saying it was wrong.Had to restore and now works. *Flash based login form does not allow Firefox to automatically enter password when username is entered into the form.Atleast the browser still remembers the username and password.It's just unable to enter those like on non-flash login forms, and if user is logged aout he/she needs to re-enter the password manually or copy it from browsers password manager. *No Google ID based login?
  3. getting used to new forum look...

  4. Nope apparently that one could be solved trough httpx and specifying a cookie in the url. What about codeplex?.Like shawn said he uses 3rd party service in his template for codeplex apps. Perhaps a worthy challenge?
  5. Can this be used for some other things using cookies too?
  6. No quite accurate.APNIC is out (Asia) and RIPE (Europe) will be next by the end of this year.Then ARIN (USA) early next year,APNIC (South America) and AFRINIC (Africa) down the line somewhere next year. Granted there are problably still companies buying remaining free adresses en masse hoping to sell them to the highest bidder and many companies also keep adresses in reserve. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4_address_exhaustion#Regional_exhaustion What about IPv6?
  7. Flo if you're making a tutorial make it about this: http://www.synaptics.com/resources/drivers Only way to get this via official site is with POST.This is a case where POST is actually required. Also database lacks any synaptics downloads due to this. That's what im talking about appyface.No point asking tutorial for something that works in the normal fashion.
  8. appyface i understand if you simply want to get this with POST because you want to know how POST is supposed to work (hell i'd like POST tutorial too), but if you're simply tring to get this download via POST "just because" then it makes no sense.Why re-invent the wheel?
  9. Thanks.I'll test that regex on monday or tuesday as i really don't want to do this on a weekend. EDIT 05.10.2011: Thanks shawn.The nonworking changelog regex was at fault.By using your fixed one i got rid of the high CPU usage.
  10. I had this problem once before.So i re-did all the regex rules and that fixed it.Until now. Im assuming they changed the website again and when i click update all apps it literally drags my system to a crawl. Has anyone run into this too? I have 2 variables for each app (examples): changelog @ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865/versions/'>https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865/versions/ with: (?<=<div class="prose userinput".*?>).+?(?=\<\/div\>) prettyversion @ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865 with: (?-s:(\d+(?:\.\d+)+.*?|\d b[a-z]* ?\d+|\d+ sp\w+|r\d+)(?= ?([<\[\]]))|(?-s:20\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)) Template: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <Jobs> <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="ba766f51-4941-47ae-bbe7-dd37509fc161"> <WebsiteUrl>https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865/</WebsiteUrl> <UserAgent /> <UserNotes>Changelog: 14.07.2011 - Moved to regex based version capturing. 18.08.2011 - Changed version capture regex as the old one stopped working and was causing high CPU usage.</UserNotes> <LastFileSize>627675</LastFileSize> <LastFileDate>2011-09-30T10:11:09.6786866</LastFileDate> <IgnoreFileInformation>true</IgnoreFileInformation> <DownloadBeta>AlwaysDownload</DownloadBeta> <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" /> <CheckForUpdatesOnly>false</CheckForUpdatesOnly> <VariableChangeIndicator /> <CanBeShared>true</CanBeShared> <ShareApplication>true</ShareApplication> <ExclusiveDownload>false</ExclusiveDownload> <HttpReferer /> <SetupInstructions> <SetupInstruction xsi:type="StartProcessInstruction"> <EnvironmentVariables /> <FileName>"{file}"</FileName> <Parameters /> <WaitForExit>true</WaitForExit> </SetupInstruction> </SetupInstructions> <Variables> <item> <key> <string>changelog</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>(?<=<div class="prose userinput".*?>).+?(?=\<\/div\>)</Regex> <Url>https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865/versions/</Url> <StartText><blockquote> <div class="prose userinput" > </StartText> <EndText><br><br>Detailed changelog: <a href="http://outgoing.mozilla.org/v1/d2308aa5f75f84c19709c30d5ac9c6c84c106865/http%3A//adblockplus.org/en/changelog-</EndText> <Name>changelog</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>prettyversion</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>(?-s:(\d+(?:\.\d+)+.*?|\d b[a-z]* ?\d+|\d+ sp\w+|r\d+)(?= ?([<\[\]]))|(?-s:20\d\d-\d\d-\d\d))</Regex> <Url>https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865</Url> <Name>prettyversion</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> </Variables> <ExecuteCommand>echo {changelog:regexreplace:[\n|\r]:}>>"{Apps x86p}\Ketarin\CHANGELOG.txt" echo ---------------------------------------------------->>"{Apps x86p}\Ketarin\CHANGELOG.txt"</ExecuteCommand> <ExecutePreCommand /> <ExecuteCommandType>Batch</ExecuteCommandType> <ExecutePreCommandType>Batch</ExecutePreCommandType> <Category>Firefox Addon</Category> <SourceType>FixedUrl</SourceType> <PreviousLocation>D:\Downloads\Firefox Backups\Addons\[Adblock Plus] v.1.3.10.xpi</PreviousLocation> <DeletePreviousFile>true</DeletePreviousFile> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <FileHippoId /> <LastUpdated>2011-09-30T10:11:09.6786866</LastUpdated> <TargetPath>{Firefox Backups}\Addons\{appname} v.{prettyversion}.{url:ext}</TargetPath> <FixedDownloadUrl>https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/downloads/latest/1865</FixedDownloadUrl> <Name>[Adblock Plus]</Name> </ApplicationJob> </Jobs> The problem may not be so apparent with a single app but try 32 while ketarin checks 20 at a time... Im considering moving to a simpler regex on these apps: (?<=)[0-9a-zA-Z. ]{1,}(?=)
  11. I recently installed and app that i had on my list going back a year or so.But i hadnt used it over half a year.What i found after silent install was Ask.com toolbar installed.So during the time i did not use it this was added. Thankfully i had a planned OS clean install next day so i didn't bother fully removing it.Atleast the timing was good.
  12. The World Of Tanks described here is currently under 2GB @ http://cdn1.worldoftanks.com/patches/auto/WoT_beta_0.6.2.8_eu_setup.exe as seen from the app profile i downloaded from DB. But did a quick google search and turned up the full client @ 2,3GB : http://downloads.worldoftanks.com/patches/auto/WoT_0.6.7_us_setup.exe
  13. Nope haven't noticed anything bad here.All working fine.Prime mirror is MESH.
  14. Patience.Im sure he has a life outside Ketarin (well i hope so atleast ). Lately seems that when he finds time he comments on many topics and then silence again for some time.
  15. Download.com wraps downloads in bloatware, lies about motivations http://www.extremetech.com/computing/93504-download-com-wraps-downloads-in-bloatware-lies-about-motivations
  16. +1 for this fix.I don't have 2GB+ files tho so i've never encountered this. Biggest one is currently Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) @ 1.67GB
  17. Too much work.This feature should be integrated by default. Besides sometimes i may need to simply wipe all app folders and download fresh files. There have been more than enough cases when i rarely look at the app folder and discover that there are either duplicates or that the files are named with some old pattern.
  18. Hopefully when the export feature is expanded i can do this manually.I already created N++ macro for it. Im the kind of guy who does these things even of gains are negligible
  19. @ Omniferum Same here.Luckily i've encountered the need for POST only once so far and that was for synaptic software i believe.
  20. Basicly i have a script that gets the app version number from the installer and then renames that file with this version number. This is very useful for apps that do not supply up-to-date version numbers anywhere exept the executable itself. For example µTorrent with correct Build number.When a new version comes good luck finding a website that lists the build number correctly (FileHippo alternates between stable/beta buildnumbers so it does now count). It does require a small app from sysinternals: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897441.aspx Although i also have a .vbs script that does this without any 3rd party plugins but the sigcheck method is faster and easier to manage. This is the current command: sigcheck -n -q "{Apps x86}\uTorrent *.exe" > %temp%\Version.txt set /p FileVersion= < %temp%\Version.txt cd /D "{Apps x86}" ren "uTorrent *.exe" "uTorrent v.%FileVersion%.exe" As you can see i can succesfully rename the executable but due to this limitation, there is no way to let Ketarin know the new file path and so Ketarin "loses" the file.Next download will be again downloaded alongside while keeping the old and all setup commands brake and setra-yada Basicly the idea was to insert a new value into Ketarin's textual variable so it would always see the exe despite any namechanges.
  21. Ah well nothing broken, but would be nice someday.
  22. This is more optimal: The "{file}" is the file ketarin downloaded.Regardless of it's name you can use "{file}".Especially useful if the name changes often. -xr!*.txt excludes text files from being extracted.That way you don't have to delete them post extraction.
  23. Paste these command here.Let us have a look. Also when it comes to unzipping it's way better to add the unzipper tool (i use 7-zip) as a system variable. Then all i have to do is call 7z command and it gets done.I don't have to specify 7z.exe location. Im not sure about truly portable solution tho.I guess in that case you have to use something like this: http://portableapps.com/apps/utilities/7-zip_portable
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