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Everything posted by Tomorrow

  1. Like the title says.Let's assume i have commandline that gets value from a text file (let's assume the text file only contains "1.0") and then sets temporary variable based on that: set /p myvar= < %temp%\myvar.txt So i have %myvar% and when i enter it it translates into 1.0 but now i need to insert it into {version} variable in Ketarin. Is it possible? I tried {version} < %temp%\myvar.txt and {version} < %myvar% But no luck. I assume the {version} variable itself has to be textual.
  2. EDIT: Indeed System.Data.SQLite.DLL v. breaks Ketarin (won't start/error message). So won't bother with this. SciLexer.dll v. seems to be working ok tho.Will keep my eye on it in the coming weeks. Added to online database too just in case someone want's to test out. Ofcourse this means that any crash or bug you get you pretty much cannot report, because you can't be sure if it's because Ketarin or this new file you're using. But hey since im running Ketarin Beta anyway and i have ample backups (ton of them since 01.01.2011) i don't worry much.
  3. Initially i was under the impression that the start/end captured text was kept as a backup in case user decided to return from regex/textual but seems it's not. Unfortunately this is where i run into unimplemented feature that adds even more manual work for me.
  4. Intresting.The one that failed before worked fine now.Set the download loaction to folder instead of file.Perhaps this helped.
  5. Ok i may try these new versions on my own ( i won't complain here if something does not work... i promise )
  6. Despite the correct path it always (on some apps) complains that it was unable to find file/path is incorrect. I'll keep tinkering with these and see if i find a solution.
  7. But what do these DLL's actually do? I understand from the names that some of these have to do with security or C#.
  8. Ok if you have time in the future then perhaps fix it so that captured text would no longer be preserved? I guess few excess bytes do no harm but im the kind of guy who likes optimization so i can't really help myself
  9. Yes is suppose i could do that but i just discovered that my custom column is missing the icons so i can't really use it :S
  10. Unfortunately if Ketarin has got no file then it is unable to get icon.
  11. Omniferum could you add the Beta option next version? I found out that it's possible to get the latest beta with a slightly modified template. Existing users can add a new textual variable named whql with value: whql=0 (0 means beta;1 means whql) And you need to modify the refer1 variable website address to: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/processFind.aspx?{whql}&{psid}&{pfid}&{osid}〈=en-us And you're done.Now it always matches the latest Beta version. Also perhaps add the option for the user to select Product Version (psid) like ION,nForce etc? And obviously the whql/beta option. EDIT: Infact i made a modified template myself.Try it out now: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <Jobs> <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <SourceTemplate><![CDATA[]]></SourceTemplate> <WebsiteUrl /> <UserAgent /> <UserNotes /> <LastFileDate xsi:nil="true" /> <IgnoreFileInformation>false</IgnoreFileInformation> <DownloadBeta>Default</DownloadBeta> <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" /> <CheckForUpdatesOnly>false</CheckForUpdatesOnly> <VariableChangeIndicator /> <CanBeShared>true</CanBeShared> <ShareApplication>false</ShareApplication> <ExclusiveDownload>false</ExclusiveDownload> <HttpReferer /> <SetupInstructions /> <Variables> <item> <key> <string>download</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>http://[^'"]+exe</Regex> <Url>http://us.download.nvidia.com{refer2}</Url> <TextualContent /> <Name>download</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>refer1</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>http://[^'"]+[^'"]+\.html</Regex> <Url>http://www.nvidia.com/Download/processFind.aspx?{whql}&{psid}&{pfid}&{osid}〈=en-us</Url> <Name>refer1</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>refer2</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>url=([^'"]+exe)</Regex> <Url>{refer1}</Url> <Name>refer2</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>psid</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <TextualContent>psid=52</TextualContent> <Name>psid</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>pfid</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <TextualContent>pfid=<placeholder name="Desktop is 299 Laptop is 500 Please select one of the above" options="299|500"/></TextualContent> <Name>pfid</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>whql</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <TextualContent>whql=<placeholder name="WHQL is 1 BETA is 0 Please select one of the above" options="1|0"/></TextualContent> <Name>whql</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>osid</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <TextualContent>osid=<placeholder name=" Windows XP x86 is 6 Windows XP x64 is 7 Windows Vista/7 x86 is 18 Windows Vista/7 x64 is 19 Please select one of the above" options="6|7|18|19" /></TextualContent> <Name>osid</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> </Variables> <ExecuteCommand></ExecuteCommand> <ExecutePreCommand /> <ExecuteCommandType>CS</ExecuteCommandType> <ExecutePreCommandType>Batch</ExecutePreCommandType> <Category>Driver</Category> <SourceType>FixedUrl</SourceType> <PreviousLocation /> <DeletePreviousFile>true</DeletePreviousFile> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <FileHippoId /> <LastUpdated xsi:nil="true" /> <TargetPath></TargetPath> <FixedDownloadUrl>{download}</FixedDownloadUrl> <Name>Nvidia Driver</Name> </ApplicationJob> </Jobs>
  12. Just stumbled upon this. When i create a template and share it to the online database, then remove it completely from my Ketarin and re-add from the online database then im no longer the owner.Infact noone is. So basicly if i abandon an app and then at a later date decide to pick it up again from the database then there is no way to "renew" it and i have to create a new one or do a Import from database --> Export --> GUID change --> Import on the original. Im not sure if Exporting the profile before removal from Ketarin helps regain my ownership at a later date, even if it was shared at some point and i import it back in from my local drive.
  13. Wow i really have a neck for feature requests 14 separate requests in less than a year.
  14. It has always been greyed out but i really need this to be optional. Namely because i discovered a better way to display app names via custom column: {appname:regexreplace: \(.*\):} AppName (Description) becomes AppName This code allows me to give a pretty good description to any app i want, but strip the description from the custom column and from the saved file name.Hence only the online database users will see this, and that is where it is most useful anyway. But i can't do this if the main App column is always there.I would really like to use only my own column.
  15. I found that the Start/End captured text is kept in database even after user moves to use Regex or Textual. So it just sits there doing virtually nothing and bloting the database with unnesseseary space wasting. Expected behaviour would be to remove any Start/End matches after users sets up a working regex/textual variable and clicks ok to save app profile. The only way to get rid of this would be to manually remove any web address from the Start/End field prior to setting up regex/textual. If this behaviour is by desing then i would like a reason why and when this would be useful?
  16. Another good example: CCleaner Slim When new version of CCleaner comes the slim build is delayed (on purpose) So every time a new version comes all templates involving the Slim build download will fail. With if/fail logic it would be possible to set up a backup variable so that the current template will not be broken until they upload the slim build and the template starts working again like it should.
  17. No sure about automatic removal after x amount of time if not updated. Some things just don't change very much over the years like FileHippo and such. Still think that special case wipe once every x years for all things would be better.
  18. Since there are so much stuff in the online database and no-one is sorting and removing the nonworking ones i think a simpler solution would be to simply wipe the whole thing clean. Besides over time lot of stuff will be re-shared.If few years seems too little then maybe once every 5 years?
  19. This could be added to the Update All button at the bottom of the screen. Basicly how it would work is that it would initiate Force Download on all apps (or all selected apps) and download the files but it would completely ignore commands in the Commands tab of each app profile such as the Execute the following command before/after downloading Why such a feature? Sometimes i need to use Ketarin on a USB stick on another computer somewhere and i would like to download updated files to a location in that PC (i just change the global variable temporarely) but not install anything because well it's not my PC and i don't want to make a mess of things.If i want i can still install things via command in the Setup tab of an app profile. Im sure you ask why not Force Download? Well this option still runs trough the before/after commands after a file download. So either this feature or change Force Download behaviour so it would ignore any before/after commands. Anyone with me here?
  20. http://neosmart.net/downloads/software/EasyBCD/EasyBCD%20{version}.exe And i get {version} from here: http://neosmart.net/changelog.php?id=1 With regex: (?<=EasyBCD )[0-9a-zA-Z. ]{1,}(?=</a> )
  21. Wonder if this could be very valuable for textual variables?, but in a simplified way: Meaning there are (for example) 3 variables defined.The textual variable fails.Ketarin registeres app update failiure but will not notify user and instead will use predefined backup value or variable. So it would be like extra redundacy.Textual variables can sometimes break very easily but for example setting a version for something coming from an FTP site pretty much the only way (well there's the date option too yes). But sometimes these future changes can be foreseen.For example i have Firefox Aurora build and a textual variable 7.0a2 (the version).I know that if it will change then next time it will read 8.0a2 then 9.0a2 and so on... So something like this: {version:7.0a2:8.0a2} meaing first Ketarin tries 7.0a2.If that fails it tries 8.0a2 and so on.
  22. +1 for this.I have requested this in the past.For now i just have text file containing these settings but it's sort of bad keeping these settings and the backup file in sync.
  23. I found that some of these have been updated. Is it nessesary that these newer versions would be included with Ketarin.exe too or am i reading too much into things? List of files included in download package: DiffieHellman.dll Org.Mentalis.Security.dll SciLexer.dll System.Data.SQLite.DLL Tamir.SharpSSH.dll Found updates to these: SciLexer.dll v. --> v. System.Data.SQLite.DLL v. --> v.
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