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Everything posted by CybTekSol

  1. 'Final' template? I don't believe there is any such creature! It has been my experience that just when one believes their template has been perfected... webmasters redesign their site which cripples it until a redo/tweak. As for a 'universal' template for ActiveState, if you are only interested in a few of their downloads, it would be easier to develop a 'generic' template that could be imported for those few apps and tweak its regex as I have done hundreds of times. Regex is an absolute must for a 'generic' or 'universal' template (as I refer to them) sheerly due to its power and flexibility. Clever use of regex can result in the refinement of a 'generic' template as I previously mentioned that increases productivity dramatically. My database is now over 700 apps and growing every day... all of which use some form of regex as I am a consummate geek, according to my wife. I have invested many hours in honing my regex skills as a result of Ketarin... worth every minute. I may post a 'watered down' version of my 'generic' template to give users an idea of what I am describing. I suspect FranciscoR has already developed one as you can see an example of the regex skills used in the PortableApps.com template he recently posted. REMEMBER... regex is our friend!
  2. @FranciscoR, Test page... hey we can't get 'em all. BTW... your regex skills have progressed nicely! I like this template better than the two I had developed for PortableApps.com... so I hope you don't mind me reverting to yours! Great Job!
  3. Florian, I DESPERATELY need a 'execute command BEFORE downloading update' feature added to Ketarin that would enable me to trigger moving previous versions to my archive folder structure since I archive ALL my downloads. This would prevent the necessity of doing this manually and make it easier to avoid archiving the latest versions prematurely. I have not discovered an easier way of accomplishing this as of yet... suggestions are welcomed. Please add this to the queue if you don't mind! NOTE: An archive previous versions checkbox with the ability to configure it for {archive_folder}\{category}\{file} or something similar would be great!
  4. I cut my teeth on the DOS command line many many years ago... it never hurts to refresh my memory! Thanks somerandomhash.
  5. This is a perfect example of what has developed somewhat of an obsession in Ketarin for me. Power & flexibilty... and it's only going to get better with Flo's efforts and user testing/input! ALL UNITED as ONE for the COMMON GOOD... what the WWW was meant to be!
  6. I would like Ketarin users to submit a list of their TOP FIVE MOST FREQUENTLY USED Software Download Sites in order that we all can gain some knowledge of which sites that we need to focus on for developing templates that do not currently exist in our 'Template Forum' posts. Thank you in advance for your input!
  7. AGREED! I ALWAYS add a new app using one of my templates, even for generic 'one app from a site' additions using my 'generic' template. It reduces redundant entry of data and gives me a starting point from which a minimal amount of tweaking is required!
  8. I found if I included my download path in the {} it was prefixed with the Ketarin install folder BEFORE the path and caused an error. The root_folder=C:\Latest Downloads ie WITHOUT the {} works without problems 1) I did not intend for the 'curly brackets' to be included in the definition of the variable... just that its contents was what defined the variable. Sorry for the confusion. I will probably remove them from my template posts as I can see where they could be misleading users. 2) Great observation... I had not picked up on this. Out of my 687 apps, the <DownloadDate> data is only included in 7 of them in my 'export all' xml! I don't know if it's a bug or not... sure seems like it. Florian, do you have any ideas on this issue? Could it be related to inserting <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" /> in the templates? It appears to me that Ketarin is no longer storing this data as the last entry I have is 12/31/08... I'll let Florian answer this one... I'm not sure, but I suspect to a database on one of his servers. 3) I have developed a template for Softpedia but chose not to post it as their site has so many inconsistencies it was almost impossible to refine a 'universal' regex scrape. At best, I got to a 50-70% reliabilty... not quite ready for the masses. However, we would welcome that addition if someone can donate the time and effort to achieve a more reliable version. I had to lighten up as my wife voiced her opinion regarding my long hours.
  9. Isn't it WONDERFUL when others "see the light" Flo! I'm grateful to be included as one of them. May the 'Ketarin Force' be with you somerandomhash!
  10. This portability makes it easy to keep my Ketarin installs on my laptop and primary desktop synchronized through my FreeNAS Server which REALLY... REALLY... ROCKS!
  11. Essentially, from the command-line or within batch files folders containing spaces have to be enclosed in quotes [ i.e. "C:\My Downloads" ] unless DOS (8+3) format is used, however, Florian addressed this within variables in a previous release. I cannot recall the details, however, I experimented with my configuration and figured out when they were needed (or not). My suggestion is to search the forum for this thread or play with it and see what works for your particular situation. UPDATE: As it turns out, I use quotes to define my variables that are used within the 'execute command' field within Ketarin. [ i.e. {home} = "C:\DownLoad\Latest DownLoads" and {logs} = "C:\DownLoad\Latest DownLoads\_Logs" ] Hope this helps.
  12. All working without any problems with 684 apps for me! GREAT JOB FLO!!
  13. CybTekSol

    Bug or Design?

    @appyface, I apologize... I apparently was just confused regarding the term 'special variable' as it led me to believe you were 'scraping' another variable in addition to {version} as a 'change indicator'. So you were ONLY referring to {version} as the 'change indicator variable' on the 'advanced settings' tab ALONE? I thought you may have stumbled upon something that I had not discovered yet, such as a way to define and combine the version variable with anotheras the 'change indicator'. Just wanted to make sure I had not been left in the dark regarding a 'hidden' easter egg! That's the only bone I can throw. In my defense for not completely understanding this, I've been on a system build blitz of late... about a 100 hours in the last week.
  14. You're very welcome... One warning though... Ketarin can become addictive!
  15. They are using a PHP session ID (unique for each session) that is the problem... I would imagine this is one of the issues that will have to be addressed by Florian in the future of Ketarin as it seems more and more sites are using this technique to thwart direct downloads... possibly due to ad revenue. It seems we'll have to live with it for now.
  16. CybTekSol

    Bug or Design?

    @appyface, Yes... I have been using special variables for quite some time as you are describing, but I am not sure what you are 'scraping' to define your particular special variable... from the app page... miscellaneous contents... title changes... etc. ?
  17. @appyface, It apparently has to do with the cryptic authorization and ticketing process that Sun is employing for the download... [ AuthParam= and TicketId= ] that Ketarin can not handle... My solution would be a source outside Sun if available.
  18. This is why I STILL BELIEVE Windows is caching this data somewhere... but I can not find it. Anybody else have a clue?
  19. @Martin Zugec, Take a look at my template for BetaNews FileForum apps that ARE hosted by SourceForge and see if this will give you some ideas. http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=151 The second template at #4 is the one that I am mentioning...
  20. CybTekSol

    Bug or Design?

    appyface,Could you please describe exactly how you have implemented this 'special variable' as I am not sure I fully understand what you are doing?
  21. CybTekSol

    Bug or Design?

    I believe the 'special variable' you suggested would work for me... I don't know which method would be easier to achieve from Flo's perspective. I'm open to any method that works reliably!
  22. CybTekSol

    Bug or Design?

    How about a 'Archive before update' feature that would NEVER overwrite the archived version if it is the same version as named? This would probably solve my problem. This could be possibly be accomplished with a move command if the command could be set to execute BEFORE retrieving an update. What do you think Flo?
  23. My bad... must have overlooked this in the chaotic workload lately. Last time I checked, it has not been implemented there. Agreed.
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