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Everything posted by CybTekSol

  1. I have problems with MajorGeeks almost every few days. I have discovered their servers have a relatively high failure rate (although they are usually down for only a few hours) and have started to avoid MajorGeeks if apps are available elsewhere. Their 'Server 11' seems to be the most reliable for me here on the 'East Coast US'.
  2. FranciscoR's 1,2,3,4 is at the top of my wish list Flo, only the order for me is 2,4,3,1.
  3. Nice article indeed! It's SO REFRESHING to see others coming to their senses regarding the most efficient way to keep app installs current... Ketarin RULES and has no serious competition in that category of course!
  4. Be sure your settings have been updated to reflect the changes in paths is the next thing I would suggest... Follow Up: You did copy/move the jobs.db file to the Ketarin folder on the NAS, eeh? If you are not able to get it going, I doubt seriously Flo has any interest in further investigation of this as it is beyond the designed scope of Ketarin... at least that's my take. I have been wrong before.
  5. You're VERY welcome and welcome to the forum panther! You should not have any issues then other than a slightly decreased performance due to bandwidth from my testing. ALL the praise should go to Florian... the mastermind behind Ketarin... I'm just a 'VERY happy user' that tries to help (handicaps and all). LOL AMEN to THAT... DITTO... for 1000+ apps daily!
  6. @panther, I have run Ketarin successfully from my FreeNAS, but later abandoned it due to a lost wireless connection that resulted in a corrupt jobs.db file. I also placed my jobs.db file in the Ketarin folder on the FreeNAS for the experiment. I was already using it in my Ketarin folder on Drive C: as I had moved it from C:\Documents and Settings\'username'\Application Data\Ketarin from the very beginning to make Ketarin as 'portable' as possible. I highly advise AGAINST running Ketarin from any NAS wirelessly. See my posts regarding this HERE and HERE... I simply synch everything to FreeNAS currently and from there to my other PCs on the network. Hope this helps.
  7. My log does not produce the final "/" either and it will download with or without the final "/" when the URL is pasted directly into Firefox... so, I'm convinced it's some other anomaly . Could be a laundry list of possibilities with WinDoze.
  8. I was wondering if any Ketarin users are in need of 'Tips and Tutorials' posts regarding specific issues and/or features that they are somewhat unsure of or having problems addressing in their configuration/customization of Ketarin. I am ONLY interested in issues that have NOT already been discussed/covered in previous posts or in Flo's 'Primary Tutorial' unless they are issues in need of further clarification. Anybody?
  9. WELL... does anyone else want to add to the survey? We're STILL waiting... or maybe we've already got 'em all covered?
  10. I agree that POST data... etc. is NOT a significant issue for me right now as I have always been able to find an alternate solution. What does concern me is that it appears that this is becoming more prevalent which will probably lead to some apps that simply cannot be handled with Ketarin at some point in the future. Then it will become more important to me.
  11. Try flushing your DNS cache to see if that helps.
  12. I feel confident Flo will do everything possible to broaden Ketarin's abilities in the future. It has already revolutionized my 'geek' life... anything else is 'icing on the cake' for me.
  13. @Stalker, No problems here either. Have you changed any global settings for connection since your last successful FileHippo batch session?
  14. Update: NIX that idea Flo! Ugly things happen when you lose your wireless connection to the FreeNAS! Hardwired PCs are not a problem, but since you have added the 'Do not download, check for updates only' option to the 'Advanced settings' tab, I'm converting back to my initial setup.
  15. @FranciscoR, Flo moved it I guess? Just as well, it is worthy of posting as a Template with a capital T.
  16. NICE! I haven't had the time to use 'variables within regex' yet and the delay is frustrating me! Too much work backlog for now.
  17. Can you tell me which app the regex failed with as I have not experienced any issues with mine YET. Would be nice to know.
  18. Try to work with this page: http://www.scanwith.com/McAfee_SuperDAT_Update_download.htm There is no agreement required and it links to the same download. Update: @twig123, I successfully created an app entry for the SuperDAT download from that URL in little over a minute. If you have any problems, let me know and I will post the exported XML for it.
  19. @FranciscoR, I just realized this was posted in the 'General discussion' forum and Flo may want it in the 'Templates forum'. Your thoughts Flo? If so, can you move it?
  20. @Stalker, Click on the 'Add new application' button or 'New application' from the File drop-down menu, configure everything like you want for 'default' and then click the 'Save as default' button in the lower-left-hand corner... from now on, when you add a new app, your desired defaults will be present. Flo added this several betas ago if my memory serves me correctly.
  21. VERY CLEVER FranciscoR! Well done! Man... I love templates and Ketarin (of course)!
  22. Once again... YOU ROCK Flo!! THANKS!! I gonna have a lotta fun with this this week! FranciscoR... I know you are going on a template extravaganza with 'variables in regex'!
  23. In case anyone is wondering, this is a modified version of my FileHippo template... I do not ask for the 'Application name' in the template because it will 'auto-fill' after the template is imported simply by clicking the text field for 'FileHippo ID:', then clicking the text field for 'Application name:'. Flo... if you do not want this template posted, please delete this post. I have not posted this in the 'Template Forum' before because of the 'built-in' support for FileHippo but it does demonstrate that a template can be helpful in many other ways! <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <Jobs> <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <DownloadBeta>Default</DownloadBeta> <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" /> <VariableChangeIndicator /> <CanBeShared>true</CanBeShared> <ShareApplication>false</ShareApplication> <HttpReferer /> <Variables> <item> <key> <string>version</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>((?<=\>Title:\<.*?\s)(\(?\d+?\.\d+?.*?)(?=\</[a-z]{2}\>)|(?<=\>Date\sadded:\<.*?\<[a-z]{2}\>)([a-z]+?\s\d{1,2}\,\s\d{4})(?=\</[a-z]{2}\>))</Regex> <Url><placeholder name="App Page URL from FileHippo?" value="http://www.filehippo.com/download_firefox/" />tech/</Url> <Name>version</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> </Variables> <ExecuteCommand /> <Category><placeholder name="Category" value="FileHippo" /></Category> <SourceType>FileHippo</SourceType> <DeletePreviousFile>true</DeletePreviousFile> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <FileHippoId><placeholder name="App Page URL from FileHippo?" value="http://www.filehippo.com/download_firefox/" /></FileHippoId> <LastUpdated xsi:nil="true" /> <TargetPath><placeholder name="TargetPath" value="{target}\{category}\{appname:replace: :_}_v{version:replace: :_}.{url:ext}" /></TargetPath> <FixedDownloadUrl /> <Name /> </ApplicationJob> </Jobs> @Stalker, Try it and see if you like it... Addendum: After seeing FranciscoR's post regarding Expresso vs. Ketarin, this regex works in Ketarin and fails in Expresso for Date added: on WMP11.
  24. @Stalker, I know it sounds crazy... but I use a template even for FileHippo apps to customize the {version} scrape and set other personal preferences (path... etc.). Try this from regex on the tech tab: ((?<=\>Title:\<.*?\s)(\(?\d+?\.\d+?.*?)(?=\</[a-z]{2}\>)|(?<=\>Date\sadded:\<.*?\<[a-z]{2}\>)([a-z]+?\s\d{1,2}\,\s\d{4})(?=\</[a-z]{2}\>)) I use this in my template and it has proved to be reliable, but as I have noted before, there is no such thing as perfect when it comes to 'universal' regex for a dynamic site! Addendum: After seeing FranciscoR's post regarding Expresso vs. Ketarin, this regex works in Ketarin and fails in Expresso for Date added: on WMP11.
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