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Everything posted by CybTekSol

  1. The templates are set to 'check and not download' by default. What I do for distros larger than 100MB or so is plug the URL into Net Transport (which is multi-threading and captures server file date) when a new version is available, then save in or move it to the same folder that Ketarin is referencing, run an update check, then let Ketarin monitor for the next version. It beats having to manually monitor and download the variety of distros that I work with at present (25+).
  2. @Geel_Loco, I can't remember the specific abilities of that version as it has been a while ago. What I would do is make a backup copy of your Jobs.db file which is in a Ketarin folder under 'user app data' if you have not moved it to the Ketarin program folder just in case things do not go well you can easily recover. The method I would use should not have any effect, but better safe than sorry. Download the latest version of Ketarin HERE. Create a new folder such as Ketarin-Test on your HD and extract the latest version to that folder... then copy your Job.db file to the Ketarin-Test folder and run Ketarin from that folder. If all goes well and all 32 app entries are working, just place the new version of Ketarin in your original Ketarin program folder and you are good to go. If you have any problems post back and we'll try to help.
  3. Flo is determined to make me ambidextrous... LOL!
  4. I was wondering if there are any Linux/BSD/Solaris etc. Distro geeks interested in testing a couple of DistroWatch.com templates that I have developed in the last few days? I don't have the time to thoroughly test them right now but I will post 'em if there are any takers. Just let me know by leaving a post. CybTekSol
  5. That's definitely interesting... I'll test it when I get a chance. I fully understand not wanting to support it! It's probably best not to post it in the template forum for that reason.
  6. That will work for me Flo... I'm not married to the 'right-click'... just a fan. THANKS once again!
  7. You are spot-on appyface... I had misinterpreted what emokid32 was requesting as well until I read the portion of the second sentence 'kinda cluttered with 6 backups'.
  8. That's exactly what I did late yesterday Stalker because I had a similar problem a decade ago on a server I was administering. They said they had a 'overly aggressive deny script' that had caused several similar denials and corrected my banned IP in less than 2 hours. I will reserve a final judgment on this ordeal until some point in the future in case it occurs again... know what I mean? LOL!
  9. Flo, this request was inevitable due to me having to disable 103 FreewareFiles.com app entries manually today from within my 1100+ entries. This took nearly an hour and would have gone a little quicker if disable/enable were available as a right-click option when the entry/entries are highlighted within the main GUI instead of having to open the edit dialog to accomplish it. I was trying to avoid editing the global XML export and importing it. Is this feature feasible and/or relatively easy to implement? The 'search & select/disable/enable' that I referred to in the post regarding the issues with FreewareFiles.com would be ideal, but this would help in the interim and possibly be much easier to implement if I'm not mistaken. Your thoughts?
  10. That's a GREAT way of looking at it! I'll just post regarding the possibility of being banned with the template then. BTW, I am manually disabling 103 apps which has made me realize that the 'search & select' feature I requested might need to be 'search & select/disable/enable'. At YOUR convenience of course... no pressure from me.
  11. I tested Ketarin last night with a free 'elite anonymizer proxy' and it worked for their site but I don't completely trust the free ones that I have found so I'd rather not do that unless someone on the forum can suggest ones that are trustworthy. Agreed... I am already looking for alternatives for the 103 apps I was monitoring through their site and considering removing their template I developed and posted in the template section as they have thoroughly ticked me off over this. I certainly don't want to encourage others to use their site after this. What do you think Flo? Should I remove the template or just post a disclaimer describing their retaliatory action?
  12. No, my ISP provides only static IPs unfortunately Flo. That's what is puzzling about this Stalker as I only do a global update for them every day or two at the most.
  13. That's good news and you're very welcome. Understood. I certainly don't blame you for that... as a matter of fact, I was going to suggest you get some rest & relaxation as you have devoted so much time and effort to Ketarin already. We want to keep you happy and fresh! I'm planning a 10-day striped bass fishing trip later this month for the same purpose. I apologize for being a little overly zealous, but Ketarin is exciting to me. Between FranciscoR and myself, I can understand what you are saying. LOL You'll get a little break from my posts during my fishing vacation... so hold on! There was a time in my life when only attractive young ladies excited me so I don't know if the change is due to age or geekiness.
  14. I wish I had coding skills like you Flo as I would love to help. Unfortunately, I have always been on the hardware side of PCs and Linux Boxes as my degree is in Electronic Engineering.
  15. How did you pin down this diagnosis Flo? I didn't catch this, so I was just wondering. I'm glad you may be able to adjust for it.
  16. Flo, The cripple Ketarin games have started apparently. I update >100 apps through FreewareFiles.com almost daily, until today that is. I originally thought their site was down, but after a little investigation, I have discovered they have banned my IP address! I guess that is their answer to Ketarin users. I can now access their site through anonymous proxy only (Stealthy.US). They couldn't cripple Ketarin directly, so they have resorted to banning IPs... how friendly of them. Those ad revenues must be very important to them. Any suggestions other than altering my proxy configuration (which I prefer not to do)? Remember months ago when I was worried about this very sort of retaliation directed against Ketarin users? Their is no other reason for my IP being banned there except my use of Ketarin that I can even vaguely imagine... unless they don't like my ISP.
  17. Just wanted to check on you Flo to make sure you're OK... We haven't heard much from you on the forum this week, so I hope this doesn't mean you're not feeling well! On the other hand, it could mean that you are very busy coding the next Ketarin surprise?
  18. I'm still using the 'static' approach. I will have to wait until I have more time to address it... possibly later this week. If I'm lucky, it will sort itself out! Follow Up: Guess what FranciscoR? I just ran updates for ALL my apps hosted by SourceForge so I could post some XML for you and they ALL updated with NO FAILURES! WooooHoooo! Oh happy day! That's the easiest fix I've ever experienced with Ketarin... if only they all were that easy! I can only assume, the changes at SourceForge have now been fully implemented.
  19. @illwill, The tutorial FranciscoR refers to is located HERE. Start at the 'Commands' section about halfway through the tutorial. I can't test your specific example now due to time available, so if you still have problems post back.
  20. Unfortunately yes... it's still intermittent as of yesterday for me.
  21. I believe emokid32 wants the ability to disable this feature FranciscoR...
  22. I don't have a clue what can be done yet Flo... it is still occurring in my Totalcmd.pl apps as of today. Could it be due to a prioritizing scheme they are employing which is why it is difficult for me to have any success on this side of the Atlantic?
  23. @FranciscoR, I was initially asking for a simple 'search & select' in hopes that Flo could incorporate it quickly, however, I agree with you that a much more powerful 'search & select' such as you have described/displayed would be ideal. If Flo can code it in the near future, I say right on!
  24. That definitely explains what is happening... glad you found this info FranciscoR. The challenge is how do we work around this new method of theirs with high reliability other than a static url approach?
  25. That has been my experience lately, also.
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