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Everything posted by CybTekSol

  1. I think I FINALLY understand what you are asking! Assuming you implement the 'max file size for global download session' option that Banksy has suggested, I would suggest adding an 'Override MAX file size for this session ONLY' drop-down option AND/OR a right-click option 'Force download' when the app entry is highlighted after notification that an app that exceeds the MAX threshold needs to be updated. I hope this is the answer you were looking for Flo... if NOT please forgive me as I'm still on pain meds and about 60% normal.
  2. Flo... you probably knew the geek in me couldn't wait a couple of days to try this. I've GOT IT WORKING... I'm able to run Ketarin located on the FreeNAS Server from all the PCs on my network that have the server HD mapped! I externally edited my global apps XML export to reflect the path changes, then imported it, changed Ketarin's settings to reflect the path changes, then made sure the mirrored downloaded files and folders were identical on the server. After overcoming some issues with my firewalls which didn't want me to authorize Ketarin's TCP access, it is working beautifully. It is slowed slightly when running it from my wireless laptop for obvious reasons (additional bandwidth requirements), but its speed from my hardwired gigabit 'primary pc' is essentially the same! Even my execute commands for 7-Zip, Universal Extractor, file copy and move appear to be functioning so far! WOOOHOOO! Banksy... you need a FreeNAS Server (or something similar - Ubuntu Server, Commercial NAS, etc.) for your network!!
  3. I'm somewhat confused already so what the heck... I'm muddle through somehow. *Quivering* with anticipation.
  4. Flo... at the end of the day I synch/mirror EVERYTHING (Jobs.db, XML Exports, Downloads and Folder Structure) between my laptop, 'primary pc', and 'secondary pcs' through my FreeNAS Server on my network so Ketarin has the same data to work with on all computers. I am currently considering converting Ketarin's settings, my global XML export and my templates that may be affected to run from and download to the FreeNAS Server ONLY as it is always available and mapped to all my computers on my network, which would make this feature request a moot point for me if there are not any issues I have yet to consider in accomplishing this. My security implementations my be too 'strict' to do it that way as I have everything pretty well locked down... I'll try to test this within the next couple of days and will let you know if I am successful.
  5. Flo, for me, I only download files over 50MB from my 'primary PC' that is hardwired to my network and not from my wireless connections. A feature such as Banksy has described would allow me to run a global update on my wireless PCs and then if files larger than the 50MB threshold were in need of an update, I could move to my 'primary PC' (which I sync Ketarin over the network) and download the larger files there. Make sense?
  6. I may be wrong, as I haven't verified it because I always 'scrape' version info using regex, but I believe Ketarin will look at file size and date of the file on the server and if it differs from the one locally Ketarin will update. Flo, please correct me if I'm mistaken.
  7. @FranciscoR, I must admit I was somewhat perplexed at what you were describing before this last post, however, in your last post, you have perfectly described one of my pending feature request for Ketarin, one that is at the TOP of my wish list. The inability to use dynamic variable support within the regex field is what is preventing me from developing the complex templates that will tackle the plethora of mirror choices offered by sites such as MajorGeeks and Soft32. I would love to insert a variable on the regex line using the 'placeholder' feature that would allow the user to choose 'Mirror 1 thru 5' for example and the regex be altered accordingly. Flo... if there is any way to accomplish this... I'm in.
  8. I realized this which makes your template a viable solution for both 32-bit and 64-bit apps at MajorGeeks.com. I developed a separate 64-bit version of my MajorGeeks.com template weeks ago, just haven't gotten around to posting it. I don't see the need in doing so now as yours is a 'one size fits all' solution.
  9. THANKS... on BOTH counts! I have updated my MajorGeeks.com template to reflect your improvement of the {version} scrape and a few other minor tweaks. BTW... I'm about half way mended which is enough to get me back to work! WoooHooo!
  10. I anxiously anticipate a future solution to this .NET handicap if it is possible Flo! UCANDUIT!
  11. You don't have to apologize to me for YOUR personal preferences... that's the beauty of Ketarin... it is powerful enough to give one freedom in how a task is accomplished! I DO LIKE your regex for the {version} scrape... it worked better than mine in my existing apps, so I have already implemented it in my local template. Do you mind if I add this regex to my posted MajorGeeks.com template if I give you credit for it within the post as I believe it would be more reliable a scrape for future users of my template? BTW... THANKS for your input and participation in the forum while I was away!
  12. @Banksy, This feature would be beneficial to me also. I have been reluctant to add Linux distros to Ketarin for the very reasons you have cited. The addition of a feature similar to what you are requesting would decrease the frequency of my required visits to DistroWatch and similar sites!
  13. ArSo, This is what I do... if you have sufficient HD space, it is certainly the easiest solution.
  14. I'm feeling much better today, so baring an unforeseen set-back, I'm back! I missed you guys and I'm looking forward to getting up to speed again. Flo... I see you have been busy... THANKS for the import/export config feature! I'm sure there are others that I will soon discover since I'm at it again! I haven't been able to test the additional regex implementations but they look VERY promising! FranciscoR... it looks like you've been busy also... THANKS for taking up the slack while I was away!
  15. @scorcher, I'm feeling better and I'm back, unless I have a set-back! Did you get this issue resolved?
  16. I'm IMPRESSED and THANKS for your testing efforts! I'm struggling... so heavily medicated to mask the pain, I can hardly focus... can barely use my left arm... thankfully, it was not my right side. Unfortunately, injuries of this type are SLOWWWW to heal. When I can cut back on the hydrocodone, I'll be back full-time. BTW... THANKS for asking.
  17. And the plot thickens... MAN I'm so excited I feel tingly all over... then that may be the hydrocodone! This opens even more avenues for flexibility. Ketarin becomes more powerful almost every day! THANKS for your dedication Flo!
  18. I made a slight tweak to this template today to adjust for 'BetaNews FileForum's' change in their naming conventions for apps as it appears they now are using hyphens in their app URL names instead of underscores.
  19. Man... it looks like I am missing some great action here! This is L@@KIN GREAT Flo! FranciscoR, you are doing an EXCELLENT job testing from the way it looks! I can't wait to get back in the game! I am visiting long enough to fix my broken 'BetaNews FileForum Template'.
  20. Just wanted to let everyone know that my activity on the Ketarin forum will be VERY limited for a few days as I have fractured a rib, it is inflamed and I am HEAVILY medicated as a result of this and the pain. I'll return full swing as soon as possible. Flo... could you please help 'scorcher' with the problematic apps in the post labeled 'problem with portable apps' as they are broken in the on-line database. I wish you all the best in the meantime. CybTekSol
  21. Agreed... It imports/exports a 'app definition' and/or 'app template' (which I simply refer to as a template)... there are critical differences in the two... see the major differences HERE. The thread is about creating a template manually in a compatible external editor (such as NotePad2) which was written before 'export as application template' capability was added to Ketarin by Florian. The changes needed to accomplish this externally will demonstrate the major differences between the two. If you follow this forum regularly all of this will become more clear to you. It's not as complicated as it appears so don't let it intimidate you! If you have successfully created an 'AVG Off-Line Updates' app entry as we've discussed that is for the largest and least frequently updated .bin... I would highlight that entry in Ketarin, right-click the mouse, select copy then right-click the mouse again and select paste to create a duplicate app entry in Ketarin that can simply be renamed and the regex tweaked for the .bin you want. This procedure can be repeated until you get all the .bin files you want. Examples follow for the other 3 .bin files on that download page: Make these modifications for each individual app WITHIN Ketarin... Names are just suggestions and are for info only... name them what you want! If you used my regex then, do the following: 1)Name: AVG Link Scanner DB Regex to capture the URL changed to: \>Updates\<.*?Windows:.*?href="([a-z]+://.*?\.[a-z]{3})" 2)Name: AVG AVI Definitions Regex to capture the URL changed to: \>Updates\<.*?Link[ ]Scanner[ ]DB:.*?href="([a-z]+://.*?\.[a-z]{3})" 3)Name: AVG IAVI Definitions Regex to capture the URL changed to: \>Updates\<.*?AVI:.*?href="([a-z]+://.*?\.[a-z]{3})" If you used FranciscoR's regex then, do the following: 1)Name: AVG Link Scanner DB Regex to capture the {app} variable changed to: Windows:.*?hxxp://free\.avg\.com/softw/(\d+?free/update/\w+?)\.bin 2)Name: AVG AVI Definitions Regex to capture the {app} variable changed to: Link[ ]Scanner[ ]DB:.*?hxxp://free\.avg\.com/softw/(\d+?free/update/\w+?)\.bin 3)Name: AVG IAVI Definitions Regex to capture the {app} variable changed to: AVI:.*?hxxp://free\.avg\.com/softw/(\d+?free/update/\w+?)\.bin (replace xx with tt in above regex) Hope this will do want you want to do... CybTekSol
  22. That is CORRECT... my post is just a modification of the one I've used for some time... I didn't intend to 'step on anyone's toes'... but possibly there ARE newbies reading this thread that may be interested in the XML import for 'AVG's Off-Line Updates' that I posted considering AVG's popularity? I don't care if Xanderificus uses it or not, but maybe someone can. I'm just here to help in any way I can. Posting it as a NEW thread with a title such as 'FranciscoR's MajorGeeks.com Template' would be my preference since my template has the title 'CybTekSol's Universal MajorGeeks.com Template'. It may be a little confusing to have yours under that heading.
  23. Thanks FranciscoR... it's a never ending process with templates.
  24. @Xanderificus, This may be easier... I am posting a slightly modified version of an application export that I currently use to download AVG's Off-Line Updates. You can import this and tweak it to your needs for your setup. Hope this helps... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <Jobs> <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <DownloadBeta>Default</DownloadBeta> <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" /> <VariableChangeIndicator /> <CanBeShared>true</CanBeShared> <ShareApplication>false</ShareApplication> <HttpReferer /> <Variables> <item> <key> <string>version</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <Url /> <TextualContent>{f:yyyy}-{f:MM}-{f:dd}</TextualContent> <Name>version</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>download_url</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>\>Updates\<.*?href="([a-z]+://.*?\.[a-z]{3})"</Regex> <Url>http://free.avg.com/download-update</Url> <Name>download_url</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> </Variables> <ExecuteCommand /> <Category>AntiVirus\Definiton Updates</Category> <SourceType>FixedUrl</SourceType> <DeletePreviousFile>true</DeletePreviousFile> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <FileHippoId /> <LastUpdated xsi:nil="true" /> <TargetPath>{target}\{category}\{appname:replace: :_}_v{f:yyyy}-{f:MM}-{f:dd}.{url:ext}</TargetPath> <FixedDownloadUrl>{download_url}</FixedDownloadUrl> <Name>AVG Off-Line Updates</Name> </ApplicationJob> </Jobs> It saves the file as AVG_Off-Line_Updates_v(Full-Date).bin in a 'AntiVirus\Definiton Updates' sub-folder... tweak EVERYTHING to YOUR needs... especially the <Category> and <TargetPath>. CybTekSol
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