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Everything posted by CybTekSol

  1. Are we going to have a 'fly-in convention' to celebrate 1.0? I haven't been to Germany in MANY years... I miss the cuisine!
  2. Hey Flo... what has happened since we were discussing the release of 1.0 RC1? Did we jinx ourselves? DON'T GIVE UP... STAY STRONG!!
  3. Flo... when I first began using Ketarin, it would only create the folder structure ONE layer beneath an existing folder... it would balk at TWO layers... I don't know if this is still the case as all of my downloads folder structure is complete.
  4. I believe that fact was adequately described above under the heading: ****IMPORTANT: This template works for FILES HOSTED by FreewareFiles.com on THEIR SERVER, which is the majority of the applications listed there.. Be patient... I am testing and refining a template designed to work with BOTH files hosted by FreewareFiles.com AND off-site... unless someone beats me to it!
  5. Different strokes for different folks... that's part of what makes existence so fascinating! It also ensures someone will be monitoring and posting to the Ketarin forum almost continually... and keeps it fresh!
  6. @appyface, I haven't experienced any problem with failed highlighting, thank goodness. Since you asked, I live in the lovely Commonwealth of Virginia, U.S. and it's still early evening, GMT-5 I believe... and yes Flo is probably reaching REM stage of sleep by now unless he's a night owl like me!
  7. @appyface, I have noticed this behavior also and believe it only occurs when the string is longer than the display window is wide... at least that has been my experience... YMMV. In my cases, it fails to go to the match, but the match (and 'anchor' characters) is still highlighted, I just have to manually scroll to it.
  8. In the interim... until Flo decides whether this is a worthy feature to implement, for those that are interested in another alternative solution, I found a GREAT Firefox 3 extension that will monitor a web page at custom intervals with just a few mouse clicks. I am using it to monitor the pages that I am 'scraping' for the version of an app in Ketarin, therfore, if the extension has notified me of changes to to the page and Ketarin is not downloading a newer version, then I will investigate the issue. The extension is Update Scanner (add-on # 3362) located at: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3362 and appears to be very stable. I am using it to monitor the Ketarin forum and even highlights items that have changed in yellow. SWEET!
  9. I understand this completely and should have described the issue a little differently... please forgive me if I misled anyone. If RegexBuddy has the capability to highlight additional matches that follow, I believe that this would be VERY productive as an added feature of Ketarin. I have full faith that Florian can code it if he chooses... maybe POST 1.0 Flo?
  10. I LIKE that JPEG... needed a chuckle! LOL
  11. Well that makes it official, I'm sticking with Windows! I should have picked up on this because I have to resize Ketarin's windows on my desktop PC when I synch it with my laptop as my laptop is (4x3) and my desktop is (16x9)... Doooooh! Must be that I'm not quite as sharp after a 20 hour day.
  12. @appyface, It would be nice if WatchThatPage had a Firefox extension. Have you suggested that to them? I apologize Flo for getting a little off topic in the 'Feature requests' forum... this is the last question I'll ask regarding WatchThatPage.
  13. @appyface, I've been building Linux Boxes for about eight years now... Xandros on a few about 4 years ago. I have come close to divorcing Microsoft several times because Linux has become such an appealing option. Florian threw a kink in my plans with Ketarin... I can't leave windows now! How about it Flo... a Linux version of Ketarin?
  14. That's why so many people affectionately refer to it as Windoze, I guess!
  15. @appyface, Thanks for the info... I'll have to give them a try.
  16. @appyface, What's even more strange about all this is that after I suggested this, I searched the windows registry thoroughly in an attempt to find a key related to this 'window size and placement' for Ketarin that could be changed/deleted to correct the problem and came up empty handed! Weird indeed...
  17. Noted... I've never used their service, how much work would it be to setup monitoring for 500+ app pages? Could I paste them all in at once?
  18. @appyface, Try moving Ketarin to a different folder and running it from there... I can only believe that Windows is caching erroneous 'window size and placement' data for Ketarin which may explain why you can't 'get it back' to normal. Backup first, of course! Please post the results.
  19. It seems to me that this would be extremely difficult to implement and may produce as many false notifications as valid ones. If the webmaster simply changed the formatting of a page it would trigger a notification while the app version may still remain the same and the regex is still working if I'm grasping what you are proposing. Maybe a setting for "Notify if application has not updated in x number of days" that could be set at 30, 60, 90, 180 or a custom value which could possibly accomplish this? This would allow a user to investigate to determine if an update has been released and their regex needs to be adjusted.
  20. @appyface, I've been following this thread for several days... I'm somewhat perplexed and that takes quite an effort. I was tempted to try to duplicate this, but, forgive me, after reading your last post I think I'm going to pass as I would be crippled without Ketarin as I rely on it to keep over 500 apps current on many PCs. I hope you can find a quick solution to this if you are as 'hooked' on Ketarin as I am!
  21. I've been getting around this by Ctrl-Left-Clicking all of the entries in the 'failed update' notification window to highlight them, pressing Ctrl-C to copy them to the clipboard and pasting them into Notepad so I can review them later. This would be easier if Florian could add a 'Save as Text' or 'Save Failed Updates Log' (or something similar) feature to that window.
  22. My Universal FreewareFiles.com Template: (TEST - Version 2) DISCLAIMER: Use this template sparingly as they banned my static IP address for monitoring 100+ apps every day or two through their site! Bummer... ****IMPORTANT: I believe this template WILL WORK for the VAST MAJORITY of applications listed at FreewareFiles.com; this is a REVISED version of my template that has been adjusted due to the complete revision of their site (which amazingly occurred while I was refining the template). IT IS A WORK IN PROGRESS and I will post improvements as they develop. IT WILL FAIL if the first download location (or the second, if three or more locations, etc.) is a re-direct to a download page instead of a download link! If this happens adjust the regex for the download_url by adding download after hxxp:// and if the download is hosted by SourceForge then just add internap or easynews , etc. in a like manner and it will probably pick it up. ****NOTE: This template uses the application's ID NUMBER from the application DOWNLOAD page URL. In other words, go to the application's DOWNLOAD page at FreewareFiles.com and copy the ID NUMBER that appears to the right of the programid= in your web browser's address bar for THAT page. For example, from Winamp Lite's DOWNLOAD page URL at FreewareFiles: (hxxp://www.freewarefiles.com/downloads_counter.php?programid=30579), the ID NUMBER is 30579. The number is available on the application's info page also... but a little harder to get at in the address bar. 1) There are two user defined global variables used, download_url={download_url} (used as an alternative to {url}) and root_folder=YOUR Download Destination ROOT Folder (for example C:\Latest Downloads). 2) Ketarin (. released January 18, 2009 or later is required as this revision uses the new 'placeholder' feature implemented by Florian. 3) The template follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <Jobs> <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <DownloadBeta>Default</DownloadBeta> <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" /> <VariableChangeIndicator /> <CanBeShared>true</CanBeShared> <ShareApplication>false</ShareApplication> <HttpReferer>http://www.freewarefiles.com/downloads_counter.php?programid={FreewareFilesID}</HttpReferer> <Variables> <item> <key> <string>FreewareFilesID</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <Url></Url> <TextualContent><placeholder name="FreewareFiles Program ID (i.e. 123 of programid=123 from App Download Page)" /></TextualContent> <Name>FreewareFilesID</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>version</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>class="bodylinks">Home</a>\s:.*?[\d]+\.html'.*?([\d]+.*?\s??|Alpha[\d]+.*?\s??|Alpha\s[\d]+.*?\s??|Beta[\d]+.*?\s??|Beta\s[\d]+.*?\s??|Build[\d]+.*?\s??|Build\s[\d]+.*?\s??|RC\s[\d]+.*?\s??|RC[\d]+.*?\s??)[\/|<|\(|\)]</Regex> <Url>http://www.freewarefiles.com/downloads_counter.php?programid={FreewareFilesID}</Url> <Name>version</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>download_url</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>(?<=src='images/download.gif'.+?<a href=')(http://.*?\.(exe|7z|zip|zip2|bz|bz2|bzip|gz|gzip|jar|lha|lzh|lzw|pak|rar|sit|sit!|sit5|sitd|sithqx|sitx|tz|wsz|cab|msi|bin|img|iso|xpi|pbp))(?=['\s])</Regex> <Url>http://www.freewarefiles.com/downloads_counter.php?programid={FreewareFilesID}</Url> <Name>download_url</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> </Variables> <ExecuteCommand /> <Category>[iNSERT CATEGORY HERE]</Category> <SourceType>FixedUrl</SourceType> <DeletePreviousFile>false</DeletePreviousFile> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <FileHippoId /> <LastUpdated xsi:nil="true" /> <TargetPath>{root_folder}\{category}\{appname:replace: :_}_v{version:replace: :_}.{url:ext}</TargetPath> <FixedDownloadUrl>{download_url}</FixedDownloadUrl> <Name><placeholder name="Application Name" /></Name> </ApplicationJob> </Jobs> TO USE IT: 1) Define the user defined global variables under 'Settings' in Ketarin to YOUR preferences 2) Edit the template externally to reflect these modifications (if you choose not to use mine) and change the <TargetPath> line to YOUR preferences 3) Then: a) Import it (Obviously) Enter the information needed as requested as a result of the 'placeholder' prompts... it will ask for the application's ID NUMBER as described above and the application's name c) Modify the Category to your preferences d) Change the 'Advanced Settings' to your preferences e) VERIFY...VERIFY...VERIFY that ALL regex matches WORK and MAKE ADJUSTMENTS to them as necessary! ****NOTE: IF YOU WISH TO CREATE A TEMPLATE from one of YOUR XML exports: 1)It is important that the Guid="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" string be removed from the XML export to use it as a template, otherwise you'll just keep overwriting the previously saved application entry that was created using the imported template 2) The <DownloadDate> line must be changed to <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" /> 3) The <LastUpdated> line must be changed to <LastUpdated xsi:nil="true" /> 4) Remove the entire <PreviousLocation> line or replace it with <PreviousLocation /> 5) Create 'placeholder' entries as needed (see THIS thread) I hope somebody can use it... feel free to modify it in any way you wish for your use or make suggestions. CybTekSol
  23. @FranciscoR, Thanks... I'll make the change to mine. I believe regex is the way to go... I'm using it exclusively in my templates. The 'Daily Quota' issue is a pain and the only way around it is to find another source.
  24. ALL is WELL, Florian!! I tweaked my regex in the template and have been testing everything and once again... I'm IMPRESSED!
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