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Everything posted by floele

  1. Since "f" refers to the currently existing file, it will always be "one off", that is, refer to the date of the previous (that is, existing) file.
  2. Should work: http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=4510#p4510
  3. Will fix that for the next release, if you like I can also provide you with a new beta version.
  4. Wouldn't that list require a lot of scrolling in this case?
  5. Indeed, though except for a security hole in phpBB, we didn't have any hacker issue in all these years. And even if, we're pretty much safe in regard to backups. (Since these are made on a daily basis, they don't help a lot in our case.)
  6. Indeed, looks like we had a server crash and a not optimally configured MySQL server for such a case
  7. If I'm not mistaken, some of my posts too? Huh? Don't quite get it. Will ask our server admin if he noticed some weird behaviours with the database or so.
  8. Huh? Who said anything about relaxed global variables?
  9. I'd do that, if it were more important. We didn't get a cookie issue yet (as far as I know) and also didn't need an Accept header until recently. So my assumption is that it won't matter a lot in the future either. If it will, I can still change the GUI.
  10. Beta 1 +Added possibility to edit multiple applications at the same time +httpx protocol (use GET parameters cookie:name=value and header:accept=value) This would fix a 406 error we had recently. In this case the accept header was "missing". Use an URL like httpx://file&header:accept=* *Relaxed context menu "disability" *Increased search speed by 10x or more !Fixed: compressed websites cannot be used for variables http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.6.0.b1.zip Beta 2 +Allow an arbitrary number of custom columns !Fixed: Property variables do not work anymore !Fixed a couple of possibly unhandled errors !Fixed a NotSupportedException http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.6.0.b2.zip Beta 3 +Exit process setup instruction +"Wait for exit" option for start process instruction !Fixed: No longer tries to determine the FH version info unnecessarily !Fixed: Order of setup instructions cannot be changed http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.6.0.b3.zip Beta 4 +Allow variables in Website-URL *Show application names instead of count for online database updates !Handle SQLite locked exceptions properly !Fixed: XML errors caused by source templates !For PAD files, use automatic decompression when downloading an URL !Fixed: {f:*} variables are not up-to-date within textual variables !Fixed: Setup instructions from the default app template are inserted into all existing applications http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.6.0.b4.zip Beta 5 +Added function "urldecode" *Added function to safely terminate a process (that tries to exit a proces before using the more brutal method) *Ensure that startuppath always ends with a backslash !Fixed an IndeOutOfRangeException in multireplace !Fixed: Go to regex match does not work after clicking "Load" !Fixed a problem with CIV and exiting in pre-update script !Fixed: Select command is not imported in the settings dialog !Fixed: Application name text box and combobox appear to be focused !Fixed an exception with empty CDATA elements http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.6.0.b5.zip Beta 6 !Fixed: Category is not loaded correctly (regression rev 422) !Fixed a crash when using invalid URLs in regular expressions http://ketarin.org/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.6.0.b6.zip
  11. You could also fay modeless = floating or something like that. I don't like the word "modal".
  12. @Tomorrow: No info that would help me to fix the problem there. I probably can't even do something about it. See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/334706/fatal-execution-engine-error-79ffee24-80131506 maybe. @Omniferum: Nope. Should just work. Ketarin doesn't do anything else itself. @shawn: Yep. @josh: file refers to the file you have downloaded, maybe you should apply these functions to the URL variable.
  13. Oh, actually, I remember that the UA does not support variables anyway. So no, not currently possible.
  14. 1. I cannot and will not replace all modal dialogs with modeless ones. Eventually, you'll run into a shitload of problems if you let the user do more things at once than would be good for him/her. For now, I will add the possibility to edit multiple apps at once. 2. I will relax some items, but again, I can't allow everything.
  15. @{7z}: This is not a Ketarin issue. C:\Users\Administrator>start /wait "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x y Die Datei "x" kann nicht gefunden werden. start /wait c:\"Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x y OK Just the way it is.
  16. Feel free to post your stuff! Also, you may use our Ketarin wiki (which supports uploads). Either create a separate page, or a new namespace if you intend to make something huge
  17. Would global variables not suffice? Why do you need a custom user agent for all apps? Got problems with the default UA?
  18. @Omniferum: First of all: No, you just made a comment. Your C# script will do nothing. Mine should work fine. If not, can you please copy+paste the not working app XML?
  19. @Tomorrow: Funny that you mention it, because I realized that yesterday and will include a fix for 1.6 beta1. The problem is the gzip compression of the website.
  20. Any error messages? Or what exactly is going "poopy poo"? Also, did you add the ";" to the line I mentioned? ";" is required.
  21. Hm...did not see such a page yet, so I've started now: http://wiki.ketarin.org/index.php/Troubleshooting_downloads I'd appreciate if you could flesh it out a little
  22. This decision has actually been made by the previous developers
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