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Everything posted by floele

  1. If you just move it to the app folder, it should work.
  2. Nope, feel free to find another place though
  3. Yep, if it works for you, no need for the built in feature.
  4. Added a new beta now. With this release I automated updating my Miranda IM. Manually updating it using the ZIP package is a PITA, so now I let Ketarin close it, download the ZIP package, extract it and start Miranda again. Comfortable
  5. Well. Afaik, you noticed that downloading from sourceforge through the web interface sucks. That's why I added an option to use your sourceforge account to download through another protocol. Anonymous access is not possible.
  6. It's "Guid", not "guid". All attributes are case sensitive.
  7. See http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=4377#p4377 for example.
  8. Then please post the template you use to create applications (both original and changed) along with the steps you follow in order to reproduce the problem.
  9. No, what you have been doing is not wrong at all. Adding a GUID to a template is perfectly fine, as documented on http://wiki.ketarin.org/index.php/Templates
  10. I must admit though, that eventually I'd like to make Ketarin work like that - as some kind of "mode" - so you basically can create your own packages and have the setup simplicity of ninite.
  11. You can take any template with palceholders and add a GUID to it in order to make it a "prototype template". From that point on, all apps created with that template (after the point when a GUID has been added) can be updated by creating a new version of the template which still has the same GUID.
  12. The passwort seems pretty much incomplete to me though. Shouldn't do any harm.
  13. This error should only be temporary.
  14. Programmers do Words with more than 3 letters are written as CamelCase according to some style guids, so MP3 will be written as "Mp3" in code.
  15. I see. Well, that's not possible. I have no intentions of implementing a parser for that option.
  16. Huh? What special characters? The only special char is "|" to separate the options.
  17. Erm...nope. I'd suggest that you include the ID in the option title and then extract the ID from the value.
  18. Actually, I stated my opinion about this at least once. So again: Noted, will follow at a later time (whenever that will be). I'm currently trying to figure out the next step for Ketarin that will make it more useful for me.
  19. Yours works fine for me, but note that you disabled downloading for this app, so if the file is missing, Ketarin will need to download it and thus requires an internet connection.
  20. I see what the problem is, it tries to determine the FH version info (unnecessarily). Will fix that for the next version.
  21. It depends on the variables, yep. I believe that it should be possible to create setup instructions without variables that require an internet connection, if you have any problematic apps, feel free to post them.
  22. Wait a bit with the wiki...it won't hurt of it's late, only if it is documenting features that do not exist yet.
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