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Everything posted by floele

  1. floele

    Cannot export XML

    1.6 b4 may indeed actually fix such an error.
  2. Just export an app to XML and you'll see all the properties in the XML
  3. I'm currently a little confused about your intent. Do you want to sreach (downloaded/cached) variable contents?
  4. Is it an update problem rather? So are the commands visible when opening the settings dialog again?
  5. floele

    Cannot export XML

    Please try again in this case and also post to the forum so that I can check immediately whether or not your e-mail arrived.
  6. I indeed just found a bug in this beta, reuploaded now, editing apps should work. Again, no DB corruption. You should really get this out of your mind, all of you :-p @Alex131089: The change applies when opening the website only. Variables are always visible in the app list (like target file). You can also make a custom column though with property "ExpandedWebsiteUrl".
  7. Seems to be some weird datasource binding bug in .NET, will try to fix it in the next beta.
  8. I believe that I found a possible cause of that issue now, will fix it in the next beta.
  9. I'll add that to the next release, seems easy to do.
  10. I actually only want it to be in the dialog when creating a new app, since the "default app" only applies to this dialog.
  11. Would make coding a little more complicated for me...how feel others about it?
  12. Issue on server side, will be fixed soon. (This is getting annoying. PHP/XML/RPC/PDO features really seem not to be reliable at all. Something always breaks in one way or another.)
  13. floele

    Cannot export XML

    Now that you mention it, I didn't get any e-mail from you apparently. To which address did you send?
  14. Ketarin does not search all fields in the database, but rather a couple of relevant properties of the app. Setup instructions for example are not included at all yet. Feel free to post all fields you need and I will add them to the search feature.
  15. I could not yet reproduce the issue though, I'd appreciate any hints
  16. I think that general discussion is enough, isn't it?
  17. floele

    Cannot export XML

    If you send me your database, I might be able to reproduce the issue.
  18. Hm...even though multiple downloads are not supported, is there no way to download both versions of MSE in separate applications?
  19. I don't see any problem with the brackets here, can you enlighten me?
  20. Oh, you want to have "recursive" variables. I see. Has been suggested before (at least for global variables) but is not yet possible.
  21. Hm, maybe happen, since Gzip is not being decompressed in this case. I will try to fix it for the next beta.
  22. I guess I can fix that bug for the next beta
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