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Everything posted by floele

  1. I made a note, we'll see what I can do. I'm currently doing a little more work for CDBurnerXP again, need to finish a large change
  2. Well...probably a side effect.
  3. Now back after an issue with the PHP cache...
  4. Quotes and all should now work properly, just upgraded the software
  5. I don't know of any such feature, but feel free to ask for it or suggest a feature in the IPB community.
  6. UrlVariable.cs, search for "// Use first group (except index 0, which is complete match) with a match"
  7. Yeah, makes we wonder too. Seems like a stupid move to me
  8. Hm, already made the change in the beta, any problems? If not, I guess it's safe to do it this way for now.
  9. Works for me, maybe browser dependant? Glad you like it
  10. If you got some time, try the CDBurnerXP beta 4.3.9 http://t.co/064b84SC Feedback appreciated :)

  11. Nope, "export" only exports applications.
  12. This will be fixed with the next update of IPB. So far, it all seems to work quite well though. Might really be a candidate for replacing phpBB.
  13. Hm, hard to say. The issue occurs because in the editor it highlights the full regex match, while during download, it uses the value of the first group if multiple groups are used in the regular expression. I think it makes sense to adjust Ketarin to not use the first group, but the first group that contains a match. Any objections?
  14. Hm, guess I can't do much about it then. But since it remembers the login properly, I guess that is not much of an issue? Already opened a support case for that, probably a CSS issue, though I don't know why it happens on my forum only.
  15. May be, as the passwords are stored in encrypted form only and thus cannot be converted, depending on the system used by the new forum. Flash? You mean popup? I've been told that it is possible through OpenID, though I couldn't get it to work just now: http://openid.net/get-an-openid/ It's indeed one of the few by default modern looking forums
  16. Why "strange"? So far it looks really good I'd say, the first time I paid for a forum software, but I think it may be worth it. My aim is to eventually also replace phpBB on cdburnerxp.se.
  17. Hi all, we are now using IPB as forum software, which should be somewhat more comfortable to use an din particular also reduce our issues with spammers. If you notice that something does not work after conversion yet, let me know Regards, Flo
  18. Should be fixed with the next version.
  19. necrox' example seems indeed to be suitable. @appyface: Do you understand how it works?
  20. Please keep in mind that we are not trying to bash you or make you look stupid. I'd really like to help, but I cannot properly explain the process of downloading from a website through a POST form, if we don't have a suitable example. I believe we once had one in the forum, but I can't remember which topic it is. Otherwise it's like showing me a car with a flat tire and asking me for an example of how to fix a broken windshield. It's not that Ketarin can't do it*. You can make POST requests to whatever URL you like, but you need to check the server side behaviour first. There is no simple procedure, same as with any other download job you contruct for Ketarin. The basic idea is that you create a variable with the URL that is target of the form ("action" attribute), then add POST data to it, using the POST data button and adding the key value pairs that can be extracted from the HTML source ("input" tags, "name" attribute is key and content of the textbox or "value" attribute is the value). If you then load this URL, you would see the result of submitting the form, which should either be another HTML page which contains the real download URL or binary content, which allows extracting the URL from the HTTP headers of that request. As we tried with Java though, this is not a straight forward process. In particular, if there are autogenerated form fields because of Java or ASP.NET generated websites, it is hard to predict or emulate the form behaviour, so that a lot of effort is required to understand how the forms work. Again, with proper examples it would be somewhat easier to explain. * Though in this case it does indeed not work, as there is an HTTP redirection to the binary file when submitting the form, which makes Ketarin do a second POST request to the actual download URL, which results in a 403 HTTP error, since the server apparently does not allow a POST request to a binary file. There'd need to be a workaround for such a situation, but so far, no one had a need for it.
  21. Yes and no. The form sends its data both per POST (form fields) and GET (target URL specified with the "action" attribute), but in this case, the server side download script does not evaluate the POST content to decide whether or not to start the download. It only checks if the GET parameter "download" is specified. If the owner wanted to, he could check if the POST data is empty and deny the download, but this is not done here. It does use POST, but whether or not the server side script requires the presence of POST data can only be determined by trial and error. It's the same as with user agents: You don't know whether the server side requires any particular browser, unless you make some tests. Even this is not suitable. If you check, you will notice that you only have to agree to the terms once, no matter which file you download. That hints at the fact that cookies are being used here. And indeed, when you accept the terms, a cookie with the name "_syn_terms" and the value "accept" is being created (you can see this in the Firefox cookie list for the domain synaptics.com). You can then rather easily download them with Ketarin, using the HTTPX protocol: httpx://drivers.synaptics.com/Synaptics_v15_2_20_C_XP32_Vista32_Win7-32_Signed_Marketing_SGS94_UI-Scrybe.exe?cookie:_syn_terms=accept
  22. I guess it would make more sense to create a tutorial for a case where POST is actually required? POST does only "work" if you have POST data to transmit. In your example, there is no POST data required, but just opening the URL directly already works. So I cannot make a real tutorial from your example.
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