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Everything posted by shawn

  1. It's about dealing with the spam on this forum. As posts are approved people will be added to a whitelist of sorts. Please have patience. As you know, the forum has come under a huge deluge of spam recently, and it really really needed to be dealt with. This is us dealing with it.
  2. Not yet, sorry. It's still on my to-do list, but I haven't had any real free time in well over 2 months.
  3. Sadly, it's very common for servers to ensure a valid connection now, especially if the data is being hosted within a cloud setup. I have the following custom variables setup in my Ketarin to help get around these issues: ie32 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C) ie64 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; SLCC2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; Media Center PC 5.0; SLCC1; Tablet PC 2.0; .NET4.0C) firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10 opera Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.1; U; en) Presto/2.6.30 Version/10.62 chrome Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.472.63 Safari/534.3 wget wget/1.9+cvs-stable+(red+hat+modified) curl pycurl/7.18.2 If you have UA header issues, start trying to fix it with curl and wget, and if they don't work, use ie32, ie64 and others. Usually it'll work by the time you get to ie32.
  4. Tim, it's possible that you had exported your XML files from a version of Ketarin that had issues with entity encoding. Open it up in Internet Explorer and see if it raises any errors.
  5. Excellent scripts, Eneerge, I can't wait to play with these in my own situation. Cool stuff. Thank you!
  6. Oh, but CybTekSol, spammers *are* contributing. Heck, probably close to 20% of the entire technology world is directly in response to spammers. 1 in 5 of the entire IT world would be unemployed - or, more likely, doing something productive with their lives - if it weren't for spammers. Yeah, I hate them, too.
  7. * Automatic removal if they dont post within a certain time-frame. * Email activation link for all signups. * Automatic removal if the activation IP address is not the same as the signup IP. * Automatic removal if they setup more than one link within their signature.
  8. True, but you can use a stop list for words. for example, there's no good reason for viagra or some of the other terms used in some of these spams to EVER appear on this forum. We could add the URLs used by successful spammers (spam posts that make it thru) to the stop list so those wouldn't appear again.
  9. +1 for a dedicated hotkeys page. Dbl-click, Dbl-click+shift, Dbl-click+ctrl, Dbl-click+alt, enter, shift+enter, ctrl+enter, alt+enter (should be file properties), Function keys (F2 to rename, F5 to update), and so on.
  10. That may be. Ketarin has had encoding issues in the past, but the current (beta) version exports this correctly.
  11. The code should be generated correctly with < and > in place of < and > respectively. If that's not working for you, replace the < and > within the values with their entity encoded counterpart.
  12. Sounds like it was copied wrong. Make sure you're copying the one up in the white code block, as anything pasted into the forum outside of one of those blocks loses any embedded HTML, which is often required when parsing content.
  13. Click "Content from URL (Regular Expression)" and enter the following pattern in the "Use regular expression" box: </td><td class="norm"[^<>]*>([\d\.]+)
  14. I seriously can't believe how much spam is coming into the forum recently. It's as though 4 out of 5 posts are spam. Sigh.
  15. Most of these sites are specifically designed to prevent the ability to automate downloads - by requiring a series of cookies, referers and client-side scripts that cannot readily be automated by an application like this. An exception, of course is FileHippo - but even FileHippo isn't perfect, as the "beta" setting, download patterns and version matching are unpredictable - and using too many connections with FH will always fail.
  16. Hi, Flo! Is that version always updated with new builds/betas? It would be great to be able to provide more info if I experience problems.
  17. Thank you! Now it's safe to edit apps again. Whew.
  18. Is this folder writeable? C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/apps/Ketarin/
  19. This still works fine: http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=751
  20. 403 is "forbidden". Typically this means that your user-agent isn't allowed on their site. Trying with the following forged IE header works fine (for me): Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) It's also possible that your IP has been banned due to abuse or exceeding a certain number of hits over a period (common rules for stuff like APF/BFD).
  21. Hi, Flo! I don't want to be a pain, but would you mind posting a new build that addresses the category bug above? This bug is making it a huge PITA to fix or update different profiles between sessions.
  22. Use this instead: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <Jobs> <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="8d1a7661-5a50-4607-9650-304eac53356c"> <WebsiteUrl>http://www.apple.com/quicktime/</WebsiteUrl> <UserAgent>User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)</UserAgent> <UserNotes /> <LastFileSize>38147376</LastFileSize> <LastFileDate>2010-12-09T13:30:24.3230083</LastFileDate> <IgnoreFileInformation>false</IgnoreFileInformation> <DownloadBeta>Avoid</DownloadBeta> <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" /> <CheckForUpdatesOnly>false</CheckForUpdatesOnly> <VariableChangeIndicator /> <CanBeShared>true</CanBeShared> <ShareApplication>true</ShareApplication> <ExclusiveDownload>true</ExclusiveDownload> <HttpReferer>http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download</HttpReferer> <SetupInstructions /> <Variables> <item> <key> <string>version</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>>QuickTime ([\d\.]+) for Windows</Regex> <Url>https://swdlp.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/SoftwareDownloadApp.woa/wa/getProductData?localang=en_us&grp_code=quicktime&returnURL=http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download</Url> <Name>version</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>sdownload</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>value="(http://appldnld.apple.com/QuickTime/[^"']+.exe)" name="downloadURL</Regex> <Url>https://swdlp.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/SoftwareDownloadApp.woa/wa/getProductData?localang=en_us&grp_code=quicktime&returnURL=http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download</Url> <Name>sdownload</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>snotes</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <TextualContent /> <Name>snotes</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>schangelog</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <TextualContent>http://support.apple.com/downloads/#QuickTime</TextualContent> <Name>schangelog</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>swebsite</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <TextualContent>http://www.apple.com/quicktime/</TextualContent> <Name>swebsite</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> </Variables> <ExecuteCommand /> <ExecutePreCommand /> <ExecuteCommandType>Batch</ExecuteCommandType> <ExecutePreCommandType>Batch</ExecutePreCommandType> <Category>Plugins</Category> <SourceType>FixedUrl</SourceType> <DeletePreviousFile>true</DeletePreviousFile> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <FileHippoId /> <TargetPath>.\{category}\{appname:regexreplace:([\s\t\r\n\-\\&\/]+):_}-{version}.{url:ext}</TargetPath> <FixedDownloadUrl>{sdownload}</FixedDownloadUrl> <Name>QuickTime</Name> </ApplicationJob> </Jobs>
  23. 1.6b5 bug: Pasting a variable reference to the current variable into the "use regular expression" box will crash Ketarin. Recreate: Create a variable named "test". Switch it to "content from URL regex" type. In the URL box enter "http//example.com/" (or any other URL). Paste this into the "use regex" box: "{test}". Watch as Ketarin crashes.
  24. 1.6b5 bug: Opening any existing app profile fails to correctly populate the Category, instead defaulting to the first within the dropdown list.
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