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Everything posted by shawn

  1. I have never received topic notification messages, even when subscribed. I assumed they were disabled or something, and just didn't bother with them.
  2. I always use a subdirectory of where Ketarin is running for my downloads. Something like this: .\{category}\{appname:regexreplace:([\s\t\r\n\-\\&\/]+):_}-{version}.{url:ext} And, since I have the jobs.db "beside" the Ketarin executable, it's very portable. I can run it from any of my computers that have access to this mapped drive or location without worrying about redefining something for that device. It just works.
  3. I do have it stored in a global variable. Ketarin converted it to literal text and uploaded it when I "shared" the app. I guess, the best solution would be to eliminate the parsing of global variables when uploading. As it is, I'm afraid to share anymore of my apps.
  4. Updating an app that I've shared with the online database when I'm using the new SF handling effectively uploads my username and password to the server for everyone else to access. I'd really prefer if this didn't happen, obviously. I'm not the only person this has affected. René - you should check your recent uploads, too, and change your SF password (again).
  5. +1 - subfolder (templates) has my vote - that would be very cool.
  6. 1) Sorry, it's a little more complicated than simply toggling an option somewhere on each item to enable installation. You might consider using Ketarin variables to enable or disable a specific app setup, but even this would be like 7+ clicks to change, for each app. 2) SF has been an ongoing nightmare, but the current system provides a workaround by using a SourceForge account for interacting with the server. Here's the steps: * Create an account (http://sf.net/) * Create a global Ketarin variable (file, settings, global variables, "sfprefix") for your SF login details. Use this format "sf://yourid:yourpassword@" * In your SF app download, use this type of download placeholder "{sfprefix}{url}" Look at the "7-zip cmd" app in the online database for an example.
  7. Welcome aboard, Paul! There are several methods, but the easiest is to scrape the filename directly from the AVG site, as you can see in the following AVG "free" template I've included below: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <Jobs> <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="d4c3b572-cf41-4d04-843b-35d8ace21f94"> <SourceTemplate><![CDATA[]]></SourceTemplate> <WebsiteUrl>http://free.avg.com/us-en/download.prd-afh</WebsiteUrl> <UserAgent /> <UserNotes /> <IgnoreFileInformation>false</IgnoreFileInformation> <DownloadBeta>Default</DownloadBeta> <CheckForUpdatesOnly>false</CheckForUpdatesOnly> <VariableChangeIndicator /> <CanBeShared>true</CanBeShared> <ShareApplication>false</ShareApplication> <ExclusiveDownload>false</ExclusiveDownload> <HttpReferer /> <SetupInstructions /> <Variables> <item> <key> <string>version</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>[a-z0-9]{8}\.exe\)</a></td><td class="norm"[^<>]*>([\d\.]+)</Regex> <Url>http://free.avg.com/us-en/download.prd-afh</Url> <StartText>.exe)</a></td><td class="norm" width="24px" ></StartText> <EndText></td><td class="norm"</EndText> <Name>version</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>swebsite</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <TextualContent>http://free.avg.com/us-en/download-free-antivirus</TextualContent> <Name>swebsite</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>snotes</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <TextualContent /> <Name>snotes</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>schangelog</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>Textual</VariableType> <Regex /> <TextualContent>http://free.avg.com/us-en/download-update</TextualContent> <Name>schangelog</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> <item> <key> <string>sdownload</string> </key> <value> <UrlVariable> <RegexRightToLeft>false</RegexRightToLeft> <VariableType>RegularExpression</VariableType> <Regex>\(64bit\)<br /> \(([^'"]+\.exe)\)</a></td><td class="norm"[^<>]*>{version}</Regex> <Url>http://free.avg.com/us-en/download.prd-afh</Url> <Name>sdownload</Name> </UrlVariable> </value> </item> </Variables> <ExecuteCommand /> <ExecutePreCommand /> <ExecuteCommandType>Batch</ExecuteCommandType> <ExecutePreCommandType>Batch</ExecutePreCommandType> <Category>Security</Category> <SourceType>FixedUrl</SourceType> <DeletePreviousFile>true</DeletePreviousFile> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <TargetPath>.\{category}\{appname:regexreplace:([\s\t\r\n\-\\&\/]+):_}-{version}.{url:ext}</TargetPath> <FixedDownloadUrl>http://download.avgfree.com/filedir/inst/{sdownload}</FixedDownloadUrl> <Name>AVG Anti-Virus Free x64</Name> </ApplicationJob> </Jobs> Since you're targeting a different version you'll want to scrape from a different page. You can find the specific page to scrape from here: http://www.avg.com/us-en/downloads Click the "paid version" link next to the version you're after, and that has the list of downloads to scrape from. My guess is you want this list: http://www.avg.com/us-en/downloads.prd-isc
  8. Can you please make it possible that custom variables can rely on their FH or Pad files of the same name? That way we can "correct" things like version number easily based on the original FH/Pad value? For example, my "version" variable for Picasa is assigned to: {version:replace: Build :.} In this case, since it is in the "custom variable" for "version", it would add the FH variable for version to the pre-assignments, resulting in "".
  9. +1. This has me terrified each time an update is pushed thru the database. Or perhaps the ability to view changes or compare in order to perform an integration, like with WinMerge. Buttons could be "ignore", "update", "view changes".
  10. RP, I think the easiest thing for you to do would be to export your database of those records that you are having problems with to a single export file. Then look thru them for differences in the template profile (which is part of the exported XML). This should give you a better idea of how it works. Since GUIDs represent the uniqueness of each record, once it is *in* the system it will have one whether you assign it in the XML or not. If you then export a record, edit it, then reimport it, the changes will overwrite the existing app profile. This is important, ESPECIALLY if you ever need to share the app between machines. Using the template style (GUID + placeholders), you can update the *template* (xml) then *add another application based on it*, and it will result in all existing applications being updated from the original template to the new one.
  11. I had a chance to play with it tonight. It's very VERY simple. For the novice crowd with plenty of bandwidth, it really is a great idea. All the same, it's not for anyone remotely techie. It has absolutely *no* configuration options after you download the pre-built generic exe. It's essentially a tiny packaged exe (~240kb) that initiates a version check for each requested app, and if necessary it downloads and installs the app. It does NOT provide a method to interrupt or even "confirm" the process once you run the program. It just does it.
  12. I'm already using Ketarin to provide similar functionality as Ninite (and developing a web interface to generate a downloadable app profile for the users' selected applications), but the difference is that *I* control it, not someone else -- and my more technical users are capable of editing the settings or adding their own apps, if they desire. As far as the "no to crapware" default options...I can't trust it. For example, I love the Win7 Codec Package and Vista Codec Package provided by Shark007. Unfortunately, there IS NOT a method to disable installation of that damned "bing bar" that it pushes with every install. So, after installing those updates, I have to manually go back and REMOVE the bing bar from the computer. Every time. Sure, Ninite doesn't provide these codec packs, so it's impossible to see just how they'd address something like that, but the bottom line is: there's not an option anyway. And if you ALWAYS forced an uninstall of the bing bar after the codec pack was installed, you'd end up potentially upsetting some moron/user that actually wanted that crapware. Sigh.
  13. It looks very interesting. Obviously designed for people that don't know (or want to know) how to download updates or select the right install options. However, that's exactly why it scares me. I would hate to have an automated installation script deciding every option, every feature, and whether I want the latest crapware that the vendor is pushing as an added install option (defaulted to "yes" of course)...something like this would bypass the ability to ensure that those options were selected properly. I guess, for the most part, this other app would be great for the moron crowd, while Ketarin is obviously far more feature-rich and capable. Two different markets, two different purposes.
  14. A GUID is a unique value. It's intended to identify *uniqueness* in both a template, app profile and it's properties. That is, if you create an app profile and export it as a template, then it should have a unique id. This will enable you to share it among other computers/users and get exactly the same profile each time, quite effectively ensuring that any updates to that ONE profile are propagated correctly. However, the "proto-template" style of application profile does not represent a single app. It represents a class or group of apps that have similarities in their operation, but have distinct values throughout. This type of template operates very differently. It still requires a GUID, but that is so that it can propagate changes to the other app profiles that are based on it. Each new app profile will then be assigned a new GUID, too, in order to be able to uniquely identify it.
  15. Security issue: Flo, please make sure to change your DB password for the Ketarin apps database. There's enough exposed within that image to enable an evildoer to cause problems on your server.
  16. Actually, the way that regex will work is to eliminate any URL where any of the characters "ceorsu" appear between "64" and "7z". The [^] pattern excludes those characters, NOT in any specific order/sequence. Simple regex really isn't good for excluding long strings/sequences like that. Some implementations (this one should) provide what's called "negative lookahead", which effectively excludes a string from a pattern. The following will capture a string that does NOT contain "IgnoreMe". (?!IgnoreMe) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms972966.aspx
  17. @timteka, when you say the latest version, do you mean the latest "release" version ("") or the current beta ("1.6b2")? Have you tried increasing the "connection timeout" value on File, Settings, Connection?
  18. in order to better assist anyone continuing to have problems with FileHippo, please let us know if you're using the "advanced option" to do not download this application simultaneously with other applications on ALL of your FileHippo apps when posting in this thread. If you're using 1.6b2 or newer, you can quickly determine this by going to File, Settings and adding two custom columns with the following values: {property:ExclusiveDownload} {property:FileHippoId} Then click OK to return to Ketarin. Sort by the new filehippo column and ensure that each FH-based app has "true" in the column for the exclusive download. If not, edit those jobs to ensure this value is assigned correctly, and try updating again. Good luck!
  19. shawn

    {f:*} handling issues

    Is there another method of getting the correct value for the first iteration? Maybe a different way to handle {f:*} that utilizes a temp filename or something so the date can be preserved? If I share these jobs with others, using the "f:*" functionality, they won't work. At least not until the job successfully creates a file the first time, which means users are likely to assume the job is broken instead of follow whatever funky instructions are necessary to ensure that the app is consistently downloaded. I guess I could write a step variable that handles these situations by stripping ":" out of the version...but that seems like an unnecessary step.
  20. I've recently created a couple new jobs for apps that don't have exposed versions. I posted on this same issue recently on another thread, but can't find it. I'm trying to use the datestamp of the file from the URL to compose a version number, which I use for file naming. The issue is that on NEW jobs, before the app is downloaded the first time, this pattern will not work in the version variable assignment: {f:yyyy}{f:MM}{f:dd} Now, I can get around this by using that pattern directly within the "save as filename" box. But then the version variable as exposed in the columns appears to be one version behind each time, which forces another update ad infinitum. Some of these are very large files, so it's a huge waste of bandwidth. I *really* want to be able to use the timestamp from the Last-Modified header (formatted as yyyymmdd) stored in a "version" variable. Is there another method of obtaining what I want? Any recommendations welcome.
  21. Thanks Josh, but "available thru another program" isn't even remotely the same as having it readily available directly within Ketarin. If that were the basis of future development, the installation functionality, scripting, columns, categories, and so on. After all - you can do all of that manually or thru another application. +1 on the ability to sort app installation order. # now that infinite custom columns are available, I find myself **really** needing the ability to right-click and copy cell contents. Flo - it's like you gave me half my fantasy.
  22. Thank you, Flo! The FileHippo thing is (note case): {property:FileHippoId} This feature has already enabled me to diagnose a problem. The "indicator for changes" field, apparently must NOT include braces. No wonder I was having a couple issues. Bug: Editing a custom column creates a new one each time.
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