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Posts posted by Tomorrow

  1. I suppose the only way is to get the firmware version from somewhere and add it to the download url:



    Unfortunately they do not seem to have a blog or something to grab this from. It's also not listed in their store under the specs.

  2. I see.Then i suggest you use the /silent flag when configuring Ketarin in scheduled tasks but keep the mentioned autoupdate setting unchecked.

    That way when the scheduler runs the task silently, it always updates all apps, but if you run Ketarin manually you can add app and close it.


    See more command line arguments here: http://wiki.ketarin...._line_arguments


    EDIT: Not totally sure if /silent works like i said but you can experiment and let me know.

  3. This is awesome.I made a customized version that appends all changelogs to the changelog:

    echo {f:dd}.{f:MM}.{f:yyyy} : {appname:replace:&:^&} updated to v.{prettyversion:replace:&:^&} - {changelog:replace:&:^&}>>CHANGELOG.txt


    And after updating all apps add a small separator and open the file on top at the last line:

    echo ---------------------------------------------->>CHANGELOG.txt
    "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" -alwaysOnTop -n99999 "{Apps x86p}\Ketarin\CHANGELOG.txt"


    Changelog output looks something like this:

    15.02.2011 : [searchLoad Options] updated to v.0.6.3 - Added sv-SE translation.

    16.02.2011 : [Text Link] updated to v.4.0.2011021601 - Fixed: Migration of preferences was failed if user had custom values.

    23.02.2009 : [search on Engine Change] updated to v.1.2 - compatible to Scroll Search Engines (the search is only executed if the active search engine isn't changed within 300ms)

    18.11.2009 : [Organize Status Bar] updated to v.0.6.4 - Changed maxversion from 3.6a1pre to 3.6.*


    16.09.2011 : [CheckPlaces] updated to v.2.6.1 - Fixed minor bug when reporting errors

    23.08.2011 : [About-Telemetry] updated to v.0.6 - Now with Thunderbird support. Thanks protz!

    14.04.2011 : [About-Startup] updated to v.0.1.5 - The about:startup page wasn't displaying any data right after installation until a restart.

    11.06.2010 : [bBCodeXtra] updated to v.0.3.2 - Fixed "color " command, added back "he" locale.



    If i could only figure out how to open the file after all app updates ONLY if something was written there.If no updates then no separator added there and no opening it either.Any ideas on this?

  4. I'm new to this....but I couldn't find where the install files were at.


    Error message at Installing.


    4:24 PM CCleaner: Skipped since no setup instructions exist

    Means you have to define setup instructions in Edit - Commands to have it install.I use this for CCleaner:

    "{file}" /S

  5. Hm, guess I can't do much about it then. But since it remembers the login properly, I guess that is not much of an issue?

    Assuming the login cookie remembers login for long enough period that should not be a problem to enter the password once or twice a month.


    So how long do i stay logged in before the cookie expires?

    Looking at the cookies im guessing it's one of these dates when the cookie expires and i have to login again: 14,18 or 23 October.

    Logged in on 9th October.

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