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Posts posted by Tomorrow

  1. Nope no change.

    ping ketarin.org
    Pinging ketarin.org [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from Destination host unreachable.
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    Wasnt even able to access trough 3.5G connection in my Android+Opera Mobile:


  2. My Ketarin Test and Stable app profiles stopped working a few days ago. I noticed it's a secure connection now (https instead of http) but i still cant access it.

    Yet i could download from


    (this was yesterday).

    Today i cant and the download tries to get


    - but errors out.

  3. Its not exactly on topic but perhaps someone finds some use for these. A while back i was researching a way to get version info from the downloaded file and importing it into a ketarin variable and rename a file based on its version number. While the import does not work, the command to get version number does. This one is all internal. No 3rd party tools needed (Vista/Win7/Win8/Not sure about XP):

    copy NUL %temp%\VersionInfo.vbs
    echo set args = WScript.Arguments>>%temp%\VersionInfo.vbs
    echo Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")>>%temp%\VersionInfo.vbs
    echo WScript.Echo fso.GetFileVersion(args(0))>>%temp%\VersionInfo.vbs
    echo Wscript.Quit>>%temp%\VersionInfo.vbs
    cscript //nologo %temp%\VersionInfo.vbs "{version}"


    And the second one needs sigcheck.exe: http://technet.micro...s/bb897441.aspx

    sigcheck -n -q "C:\AppName.exe" > %temp%\Version.txt
    set /p FileVersion= < %temp%\Version.txt
    cd /D "C:\"
    ren "AppName.exe" "AppName v.%FileVersion%.exe"


    Topic where this was discussed: https://ketarin.org/forum/index.php/topic/734-pipe-system-variable-value-into-ketarin-variable/

  4. You can add your own by enabling the Share this application online with others setting in the Advanced settings tab in app profile (Righclick --> Edit). Unfortunately it is not possible to remove useless/broken app profiles from the online database.

    And only the original author of the app profile can edit it in the database. I have suggested complete database wipe before to start from scratch (most shared apps should populate the new online database within a month anyway). See the topic here: https://ketarin.org/forum/index.php/topic/728-complete-online-database-wipe-once-every-few-years/


    EDIT: shawn beat me to it.

  5. That sucks. There are three things i need from there:

    Intel 82579V Gigabit Ethernet Controller

    Intel RST (Rapid Storage Technology for SSD-s)

    Intel INF Update Utility (Management Engine and SMBus)


    I also use http://www.station-drivers.com as an alternative for some things like Renesas USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver and Firmware.

    Actually there is a page for my motherborad there that looks like it has everything compile but last i checked it didnt display properly in Ketarin. Can someone check it?: http://www.station-drivers.com/page/asus/asus%20Sabertooth%20p67.htm

  6. Hey Flo if you have time to check: http://downloadcenter.intel.com gives me Error 500 every time. Doesent matter what UserAgent or Referer i use. Also this shows like it's down: http://www.downforev...enter.intel.com


    Yet i can access it trough my browser with no problem. Initially i was under the impression that the site needed to store some cookies in my pc for me to access it but that does not seem to be the case, as i can access it trough browser even with private browsing mode and cookies disabled.

  7. Generally its {property:X}


    One other that deviates from the norm is {appname:regexreplace: \(.*\):}

    This removes anything in the curved brackets in the appname. So if you have AppName (Description) it is displayed as AppName in that column. The negative aspect is that the icons are not displayed for apps. Though if your intention is actually to NOT display icons before app name then this would be ideal.


    This also works for saving the downloaded file without the description.

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