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Everything posted by rainroom

  1. You could sort on Last Updated. By that these updated are grouped together on top or bottom. Not sure if this is what you really want, but it helps as all updates are together to have a quick overview.
  2. == Following 2 lines I have in settings 'after update of application' : echo %date% - %time% // {appname} v{version} - {file:targetpath} >> "{root}\centralfiles"\KetarinHistory.txt echo {category:replace:&:^&} /// {appname:replace:&:^&} {version:replace:&:^&} >> Ketarinlog.txt == Following 3 lines as is 'after updating ALL applications' : SwithMail.exe /s /from "emailsender@gmail.com" /pass "myexactpassword" /server smtp.gmail.com /p 25 /to "emailreceiver@gmail.com" /subject "KetarinToolbox update" /body "All application has been updated, error is in the log file attachment." ping -n 1 -w 10000 >nul IF %errorlevel%==1 ECHO.Something is wrong with sending email. I see no sending nor receiving email in both diff. email accounts. I copied these lines from this forum somewhere. Swithmail.exe is located in the ketarin.exe folder.
  3. I tried the above. LSA = enabled both at sender and receiver accounts. the password only contains letters and is in quotes. Still not working unfortunately. What could be the next step ? Thanks.
  4. Hi all, I have following in my command after updating all apps. Swithmail.exe is placed in the katerin folder. I do not have it as variable in the global commands. Should I do it ? like this ? variable = swithmail content = "C:\portable files\ketarin\swithmail.exe" ? My problem is that the below does not work... Where is the error ? a changed the port also from 25 to 465. non of them work. Thanks in advance for the support of possible solution.
  5. Clear info shawn. Thanks for it. pskill solved the issue too. I'm a happy guy :-)
  6. Dears, exploring and using Ketarin more and more I want to go further in automation after my first round of downloads. However what is not really clear to me is when to use setup commands and/or when to use commands after download ? Let me try to explain. I have Ditto.exe running and what I would like to achieve is a download of a new version, extract the zip and install as well copy over the existing settings file which is located in another folder and copy this over the setting file from the just extracted zip so I can get my own settings again. Today I have in the setup section 3 commands. 1) {NirCmd} killprocess Ditto.exe << where {NirCmd} as a globel var. has "U:\Portable Files\nircmd.exe" 2) 7Z.exe x "{file}" -o"C:\Portable Files\" -y << this is going well 3) "c:\portable files\Ditto\ditto.exe" << to start Ditto again after extract The issue is that the kill process does not work. Ditto is not closed. this is I guess resulting in an error when using the install option from Ketarin. In the commands after download I have the following: xcopy U:\CentralFiles\ditto.settings "c:\portable files\Ditto\" xcopy U:\CentralFiles\mycopy.xml "c:\portable files\Ditto\Themes\" Any help on doing this better is appreciated as will with a explanation when to use the setup and when the commands after download or even when to use both the same time....
  7. I would like to have some add. info whether a package has a setup or not? Would like to add 1 add. column 'setup' and have this filled with Y or N depending if setup instructions are available or not. Not sure how to achieve this? I would think of setting a variable and fill this with 'Y' or 'N' as textual content but that seems not the work this way. Any assistance/guidance is welcome. Thanks in advance.
  8. +1 or better. why not keep both options open. Thanks to consider this.
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