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Posts posted by appyface

  1. Hi Flo,


    Any further thinking on the implementation of my request? It sounds like it could tie in with the slightly different feature request just made by xhumari... just wondering.


    Thanks and regards,



    P.S. And sort of with Stalker's recent feature request too...

  2. Hi Flo,


    Ketarin hanging after downloading an update. Cancel button does not work - click click click no response. Clicking the little 'x' in upper right does not respond either. (Ketarin is still alive though? Minimize and maximize buttons in upper right DO work.)


    I used Task Manager to kill Ketarin process.


    See below log text and screenshot of Ketarin main window. No errors of any kind were reported, just stuck there as if it did not finish the update or cannot update the database with new date/time/file info? Database is in same directory with Ketarin, and I run Ketarin by double-clicking the Ketarin executable directly from m$ Windows Explorer.


    My habit is to check Ketarin alone for an update first, before checking for any other updates. That way I can switch to using newest Ketarin before going on.... so this morning I load up Ketarin, highlight my Ketarin entry, and press CTRL-U as is my habit. Ketarin finds the new update for itself, and runs my command following update (open an xplorer2 window to the Ketarin download directory).


    The download has actually finished, the file on disk is complete and uncorrupted as per test with Winrar.


    I realize this error may already be fixed in but since I didn't see any new posts about it, I thought I would mention it just in case not.


    This has happened to me before, on different downloads including those without external command to run. In .16 as well as earlier versions. I do recall a post about similar hang some versions back, and I believe a fix was provided, so this is apparently a hang for a different reason. (?)


    Thanks and regards,



    Log text:


    1/1/2009 6:20:23 AM: Update started with 1 application(s)

    1/1/2009 6:20:24 AM: Ketarin: Checking if update is required...

    1/1/2009 6:20:24 AM: Ketarin: Update required, 'D:\Stuff\filestore\Updaters\Ketarin-' does not yet exist

    1/1/2009 6:20:28 AM: Ketarin: Executing command: "C:\Program Files\zabkat\xplorer2\xplorer2_UC.exe" /N /M "D:\Stuff\filestore\Updaters"



  3. Hi Flo,


    Thank you for the direct link to the documentation here, I hopped over there easily :-) to check on the following:


    File -> Settings -> General (tab). 'Global Variable' area.


    Unfortunately, I came up empty...


    From the conversation above:


    Create new variables in a download entry, by concatenating existing populated variables and optionally some text?


    Certainly possible, I jus have to think about some appropriate GUI for it.


    Is the Global Variable area an implementation of my request? Or something else? How is the Global Variable used? What values does it take on?


    Thanks and regards,


  4. Hi Flo,


    I put this in 'bugs' but it could instead be a unique situation Ketarin is not prepared to handle? I'll let you decide :-) and tell me whether Ketarin can be made to handle this.


    I use a page-watching service* -- one of the sites I watch is: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/


    A new version is available so I proceeded to set it up in Ketarin for future downloading.


    The version info can be scraped for several places on the site, one of them is the download page:



    However, Ketarin cannot load that page: An error occured when loading the URL: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.


    So, I tried simply download the file with Ketarin directly:



    Same problem.

    AutoIt Script v3: Failed, The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.



    Orbit and FDM are both able to download from that URL. I tried putting the same referrer info into Ketarin that Orbit and FDM use, but no joy on that one either.


    Do we also need an option in Ketarin to spoof the browser/agent, in addition to the HTTP referrer, like Orbit and FDM do? Or is this some other issue?


    Thanks and regards,




    * Unsolicited and unpaid endorsement for http://www.watchthatpage.com . I've been using this service for several years now, outages have been few and the two guys that run answer emails (they're a little slow to respond LOL but they DO respond). I'm just a happy customer and can recommend the service.

  5. OK, I misunderstood when you wrote, "When you update to x.13 (x.12 in help), you get a initial pop-up saying that "x_updates where found". If you press "cancel", urls are not updated, so you keep original urls intact. This is a run-once pop-up." I thought you were talking about when I click the 'update' button. I just re-read the thread from the beginning, and I see the question about the URLs was with the online database. I missed that.


    I don't use the online database, so not getting the pop-up is actually a good thing :-)




  6. Update:


    Only two URLs (from the same vendor site) are not getting the builtin variables populated correctly. The rest are working fine.


    These URLs are unique from all my others, as they require my authentication as part of the download URL. Bogus URL example:




    Ketarin downloads the correct filenames from these two URLs so that is not a problem. Just that the builtin {url:basefile} and {url:ext} variables are not populated correctly or at all.


    I can return to using my previous method of hard-coding the saved filename so I can tack on my scraped version number. But if this is not hard to fix I'd rather have the fix than the workaround :-)


    Thanks and regards,


  7. These two new built-in variables are working on some and not on others.


    From log file:


    Replacing {vers} in 'd:\editors\{url:basefile}_{vers}.{url:ext}' with '6.4.3'

    <entry name here>: Checking if update is required...

    <entry name here> : Update required, 'd:\editors\download_6.4.3.' does not yet exist

    Update finished


    Thoughts? "download" is not coming from either the vendor's supplied name nor is it supplied on my saved filename.




    EDIT: Just for grins I changed to downloading into a folder rather than supplying a filename. The downloaded file I received has got the expected name that the vendor supplies. Not sure why Ketarin doesn't see it? Most are working correctly with the new variables.

  8. Hi Flo,


    FYI an incorrect variable name (I mistakenly typed {url:basename} instead of {url:basefile}) causes Ketarin to short dump (and offer to send a report to m$ if so configured).


    When Ketarin terminates I'd like to see what might be in the log. Restarting Ketarin and checking the log brings up a an empty log window, though. Is it stored in the SQL Lite db? If so, we might need an external log viewer and/or Ketarin could simultaneously (over)write a disk log in the Ketarin directory, might be handy in case of a termination.


    Thanks and regards,


  9. I still don't have the 'don't update URL's' pop-up... when does that come up?


    The new variables do work, thank you. The new log file is great, too. Would you consider adding the new variables' substitution process in the log file also? Currently only the scrape variables are shown.


    Thanks and regards,



    EDIT: The new variables' substitution is already shown in the log file, but only if an update is required. Could we see the substitution process even if no update will be performed?

  10. See my post in my other thread, 'Ketarin old version?'... I just downloaded and got a file named Ketarin-, but inside there the 'about' shows '12' not '13'. I also just tried {basename} and {ext} but they didn't substitute, and I can't find the 'don't update URL' checkbox mentioned in the other thread.




    Thanks and regards,


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