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[UI] - Time based color coding in the "last updated" column


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Personally i dont see much point.Columns are sortable anyway so it's preety easy to see apps that are updated long ago.But what timeframe would these colors based?.Meaning up to 6 months is green.6-12 months is yellow and over a year is red?

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Yes. That's how it is shown in the example. I agree that it propably isn't the most useful idea. As an option I thought of having just red (or maybe not red but light gray tint instead) for anything over 2 or 3 years old so it would be easy to instantly see projects that are not too likely to update anymore and could be made inactive. But like you said sorting works well too if you remember to check the dates once in a while.


Or maybe rather not touch the GUI at all but have Ketarin add a line in the update log saying:

"Your oldest update was made x.x years ago for program xxnamexx ."

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for /F "tokens=1-3" %a in ('wmic path Win32_LocalTime get Day^,Month^,Year ^| findstr 2') do set dmy=%c

set /a old=%dmy%-2

if {property:LastUpdated:regex:(\d\d\d\d)} LSS %old% start cmd /c "ECHO Re: {appname} - This program has not been updated for two years, your settings may be incorrect or the program may no longer be recieving updates && PAUSE"


That's a batch command that will achieve what you want, however i've tested putting it in the global "before updating an application" and "before download" and it never triggers. Maybe floele just made different wording for the same function, before updating to me indicates before even checking if there is an update.

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  • 1 month later...

Creating a C# script like the following could also be possible if necessary (currently it is not posible, because a method is not public):


foreach (ApplicationJob job in DbManager.GetJobs()) {
   if (job.LastUpdated.HasValue) {
       if ((DateTime.Now - job.LastUpdated.Value) > TimeSpan.FromDays(30))

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