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Posts posted by andreone

  1. I'm trying to create a job for Scite (from sourceforge).

    The zip file is downloaded, but cannot be opened, it's corrupted.

    Downloading the file manually gives a valid archive file.

    So I'm assuming Ketarin has a bug.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
     <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="">
       <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" />
       <VariableChangeIndicator />
       <HttpReferer />
       <ExecuteCommand />
       <ExecutePreCommand />
       <FileHippoId />


    Note: I use version

  2. I was thinking about something in this area a while ago and what I was imagining is to have an interface like Visual Studio's one when building an application:


    - a dockable window for all outputs (this would replace the actual log window)


    - an other dockable window which display the list of errors and warnings. Clicking on a row would then select the corresponding job in the main list.


    What do you think of such a setup?


    I was first thinking to implement it myself, but until now, I've been too lazy :)

  3. Hi,


    I try to create a job for FreeSnap.

    My problem is that Ketarin says "the download file is not binary type". But the download url is correct (you can paste it in a browser and download the file).

    I don't see what I'm doing wrong. Maybe a bug?


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
     <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="b83f1978-ffbf-48de-86d9-37fc3d82ebad">
       <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" />
       <VariableChangeIndicator />
       <HttpReferer />
               <StartText>Latest version: <b></StartText>
       <ExecuteCommand />
       <ExecutePreCommand />
       <FileHippoId />

  4. This a little script that eases converting hard coded paths in Ketarin project file to local paths:

    - an Assemblies folder is created (this is where System.Data.SQLite.DLL should be placed)

    - all references to CsLib files point to a local folder CDBurnerXP (like in the original sources package)


    sed -i "s/M:\\Assemblies/\Assemblies/g" "Ketarin.csproj"

    sed -i "s/M:\\CsLib\\CDBurnerXP/\CDBurnerXP/g" "Ketarin.csproj"

    sed -i "s/CDBurnerXP\\Controls/\CDBurnerXP/g" "Ketarin.csproj"

    sed -i "s/CDBurnerXP\\Forms/\CDBurnerXP/g" "Ketarin.csproj"

    sed -i "s/CDBurnerXP\\IO/\CDBurnerXP/g" "Ketarin.csproj"

    sed -i "s/M:\\CsLib\\Win32/\CDBurnerXP/g" "Ketarin.csproj"

    sed -i "s/<Link>.*<\/Link>//g" "Ketarin.csproj"


    del sed*

    if not exist Assemblies mkdir Assemblies

    if not exist CDBurnerXP mkdir CDBurnerXP

  5. 2) They are included in the CDBurnerXP folder. No externals possible currently.
    Sorry to bothers you again, but I don't get.

    If I do a checkout in a clean folder, the CDBurnerXp files are missing. There's a solution folder (in VS) called CDBurnerXP, that reference files that are supposed to be on M:\CsLib\... but I miss the actual files.

    Or do you mean that CDBurnerXP is also open source and that we can get the sources?

  6. Hi,


    I managed to get Ketarin's source with TortoiseSvn, however two things :


    1. the svn:external property for XmlRpc is obsolete:

    Error: URL 'http://xmlrpcnet.googlecode.com/svn/branches/release-2-4-0/src' at

    Error: revision 105 doesn't exist


    I've looked up and the correct address is now:



    2. where can I find CDBurnerXP files?

    Would it be possible to add a svn:external property for them, like you did for XmlRpc?

    This would simplify the update process and remove the dependency on the M:\ drive.

  7. +Added inurl search keyword (eg. "inurl:sourceforge")

    Can search "invariable:abcdef" for example be added later Flo?

    I second this one. It would be very handy.



    Regarding the Ctrl+X shortcuts, the simplest way I see is:

    - add a new tab in the global settings dialog

    - 10 edit-boxes where we could type the name of the variable we want to be associated with the number

    - when a shortcut is fired, do the match

    I agree this isn't very elegant, but I think it would do the job.

  8. Here's how I reproduce it:


    - copy to the clipboard a job from your list

    - paste it into notepad

    - change the application name to "foo" (actually, the bug only happens when there is no application with the same name into Ketarin)

    - copy the xml data to the clipboard

    - paste in Ketarin -> a job "foo" should appear

    - close and reopen Ketarin -> there should be two "foo" jobs

  9. No, no. I already checked the download location, which I set to c:\{appname:replace:MG_:}_{version}.{url:ext} and then c:\test.exe just to be sure.

    01/08/2009 23:53:28: Update started with 1 application(s)
    01/08/2009 23:53:29: MG_FirefoxPortable: Replacing {mirror} in '(?-s:(http://[^"]+|href="downloadget[^"]+)".+{mirror:regexreplace:(USA ?\d?):\|$1\|})' with 'USA 2'
    01/08/2009 23:53:29: MG_FirefoxPortable: Replacing {redir} in '{redir:regexreplace:href="downloadget([^"]+):http\\://majorgeeks.com/downloadget$1}' with 'href="downloadget.php?id=4424&file=9&evp=febbbb907cb60c49a2fd8a804abcb00a'
    01/08/2009 23:53:33: MG_FirefoxPortable: Replacing {durl} in '{durl:replace:URL=downloadget:majorgeeks.com/downloadget}' with 'files1.majorgeeks.com/files/4223a1d5b9e017dda51515829140e5d2/browsers/FirefoxPortable_3.5.1_English.paf.exe'
    01/08/2009 23:53:33: MG_FirefoxPortable: Replacing {function} in 'http://{function}' with 'files1.majorgeeks.com/files/4223a1d5b9e017dda51515829140e5d2/browsers/FirefoxPortable_3.5.1_English.paf.exe'
    01/08/2009 23:53:33: MG_FirefoxPortable: Using referer: http://majorgeeks.com/Portable_Firefox_d4424.html
    01/08/2009 23:53:33: MG_FirefoxPortable: Server source file: /files/4223a1d5b9e017dda51515829140e5d2/browsers/FirefoxPortable_3.5.1_English.paf.exe
    01/08/2009 23:53:33: MG_FirefoxPortable: Determined target file name: c:\test.exe
    01/08/2009 23:53:33: MG_FirefoxPortable: Checking if update is required...
    01/08/2009 23:53:33: MG_FirefoxPortable: Update required, 'c:\test.exe' does not yet exist
    01/08/2009 23:53:33: MG_FirefoxPortable: Skipped downloading updates
    01/08/2009 23:53:34: MG_FirefoxPortable: Replacing {version} in '{version}' with '3.5.1'
    01/08/2009 23:53:34: Update finished

    An update is required but downloading is skipped?

  10. Here's a minor bug:


    I often send me jobs by email (from or to my work) by simply copying/pasting the job as xml data.

    This works great. At first, it seems that everything is fine and there's no duplicate.

    But if I close and reopen Ketarin, then the duplicate shows itself.


    This doesn't happen by just doing ctrl+c and ctrl+v in Ketarin. The clipboard must be filled by something else than Ketarin.

  11. Custom global commands. Just like you can create your own global variables, let us create our own commands. This would be useful for me at least for applications that are portable but download as a zip. Instead of having to add
    7za.exe x -o"{category}\{appname}" "{file}"

    for each of those apps.

    Look into the main setting dialog for the "Global variables" section.

    These variables can be used like any built-in variables: {variable_name}


    Another setting would be for a default download setting. Instead of having to add a location for every single app we download (useful when importing from internet database), we could set a default location.
    Actually, you could do that by using a global variable again, which is what most users do. I personaly named one "download_root" for that purpose.


    Be aware that there's also a "default template" feature: click on "Add new application", you'll see a "Save as default" button as the bottom left.

    This saves the "Download location" settings, which will be imported automatically the next time you add a new application.


    Also, there's a tutorial here and here. You should take a look at them.



  12. Yes, I'm sure. Ketarin's progress bar loops infinitely, displaying "unknown".

    (note that for the 402, Ketarin also displays "unknown" while downloading)


    I have the lastest version of Ketarin ( and I'm on XP (behind an enterprise proxy).

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