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Posts posted by andreone

  1. ok, What about the other questions above like export settings and app list and stuff for use on other machines?


    By default, Ketarin stores its settings in your user profile. These are contained in a file named jobs.db (sqllite database).


    But, you can create an empty file name jobs.db into Ketarin's folder (or copy your existing database into Ketarin's folder) and then Ketarin will use it. This allow to have a portable mode.

  2. use this regex:



    and chech the RTL check box


    BTW, 'myfile_*.zip' won't work, in your example, it will match







    This could work


  3. Hi, guys,

    didn't find the answer on the forum. So the problem is: i have several files on the host of the same programme. How can i download the latest one? (not by date, but rather by occurrence)

    You can use the right to left check box when writing your regex.

  4. I agree that 2) is not ideal. I have a large folder that contains all setups and archives for my applications.

    This is a waste of space as I almost never go back there to use them. But with hard drives that go over 2To nowadays, I don't feel this is a big issue.


    Here's my settings for FreeFileSync (32bit version). It use a regex to get the last version number.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
     <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="cde8792c-a27f-48ad-8d6f-1f4d30da7a83">
       <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" />
       <VariableChangeIndicator />
       <HttpReferer />
       <ExecuteCommand>7z x -y -r -o{install_root}\{category}\{appname} {file}</ExecuteCommand>
       <ExecutePreCommand>rmdir /s /q "{install_root}\{category}\{appname}"</ExecutePreCommand>
       <FileHippoId />

    You can directly copy/paste this xml into Ketarin

    It uses regular expressions, which are the best way to deal with changing urls. Checkout this free software to learn, test and improve your skills in regexes http://www.radsoftware.com.au/regexdesigner/

  5. Hi


    1.) green = the application has been checked and is no download is necessary

    orange = the application has been updated (or requires an update if you selected Only check for update)

    red = an error occurred while processing the application, you have more details in a summary window shown when all applications has been processed


    2.) currently you can't.

    This is an evolution that has been already asked before, but I don't know if Floele (the developer) has worked on it.

  6. 1. native 7zip support
    Sure this could be done, but what would really be the benefit?

    You would still need to write your command line :)

    2. instead of checking the actual downloaded file for update it should check from its own database of what was last downloaded , not the actual physical file
    For this one, I agree this could be useful in situations like yours, when the packages are not shared between users or machines. You have my vote.
  7. OK, this has nothing to do with your job.

    I tried with it, then we one of mine, the same happened again and again.


    Flo, apparently, the problem comes from Ketarin using a bad xml format when performing a xmlrpc call (the exception is thrown in XmlRpcSerialiser.cs line 164: xtw.Flush() but I don't see why

    Here's the stack trace

    CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcSerializer.DeserializeResponse(XmlDocument xdoc, Type returnType) dans C:\Dev\ketarin\XmlRpc\XmlRpcSerializer.cs:ligne 547

    à CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcSerializer.DeserializeResponse(Stream stm, Type svcType) dans C:\Dev\ketarin\XmlRpc\XmlRpcSerializer.cs:ligne 506

    à CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcClientProtocol.ReadResponse(XmlRpcRequest req, WebResponse webResp, Stream respStm, Type returnType) dans C:\Dev\ketarin\XmlRpc\XmlRpcClientProtocol.cs:ligne 484

    à CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcClientProtocol.Invoke(Object clientObj, MethodInfo mi, Object[] parameters) dans C:\Dev\ketarin\XmlRpc\XmlRpcClientProtocol.cs:ligne 206

    à CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcClientProtocol.Invoke(MethodInfo mi, Object[] Parameters) dans C:\Dev\ketarin\XmlRpc\XmlRpcClientProtocol.cs:ligne 102

    à XmlRpcProxy133179f5-bc65-4935-a4eb-7121790cc303.SaveApplication(String xml, String authorGuid)

    à Ketarin.Forms.ApplicationJobDialog.ShareOnline(Object argument) dans C:\Dev\ketarin\Forms\ApplicationJobDialog.cs:ligne 381

  8. By default, Ketarin checks if the date or size has changed between your local file and the remote one.

    If there's a difference, the file is downloaded.

    Sometimes, it's not desirable (the file might not actually changed), so you can use this setting to indicate a variable's name which value's change will trigger the download.

    So, if you created a variable called version :), put version in this setting.

  9. Hi,


    I don't know why && doesn't work, but did you try without? I never use it when having multiple commands to launch and everything run fine.


    If when using & you have trouble, this is because using it causes Ketarin to not wait for the command termination to process and launch the next one. Thus, the del line is executed before manual.html gets extracted.


    Actually, the best in your case is to simply use 7z built-in filtering feature:

    7z x {file} -o"{root}\{category}\" -y -x!manual.html

  10. Edit: Still there is one app that freezes! :S kind of weird... all the other works good now


    Executing command: 7z x C:\PortableApps\Comprimidos\smplayer-portable- -o"C:\PortableApps\" -y &"

    wouldn't it be the trailing " at the end of the command line?


    What I´m figuring out now is how to move the files with the time delay/pause... as this post points out

    http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/forum/vie … 32&p=2

    You can use this portable trick:
    ping -n TIME_TO_WAIT>nul

    where TIME_TO_WAIT is the number of seconds you want to wait + 1 (e.g. ping -n 2>nul waits 1 second)

    This is not very elegant, but it works everywhere and doesn't require an additional tool.


    About dos commands, to forget rmdir /s /q "path" to quickly delete a folder structure.

  11. The first is that 7zipped packages don´t get extracted at all, even the 7Z.exe process hangs out, freezing too Ketarin, till I terminate it. Let me do some explain, I´m using the console version of 7zip, kind of the same config of the "Tech Toolkit 2.0" with the "7z x {file} -o"{root}PortableApps\{appname}\" -y commands after downloading.

    I have no idea where the issue comes from, is a bug of 7zip or I´m not using the proper commands, hope you can explain it to me.

    There's a bug that happens when the archive contains a lot of files. This generates a lot of message into the console. Too much actually and Ketarin hangs, as well as 7zip.


    You can check out this thread: http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=268


    The solution is then to append & to your command line

     7z x "{file}" -aoa -o"{root}PortableApps\{appname}\" -y & 

    The bottom side is that the 7z output messages won't appear into Ketarin's console, but that's not a very big deal.



    I just noticed -aoa into your command line. This means nothing for 7z. A typical command line to extract an archive would look like

    7z x -y -r -o"{install_root}\{category}\{appname}" "{file}"

    However, I tested and it doesn't bother 7z

  12. I have noticed that Ketarin creates the registry key HKLM/Software/Cannaverbe


    There's no value under it, so I assume it is not really useful.


    Would it be possible to prevent Ketarin from creating it, so it'd become a "green" application?

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