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Posts posted by andreone

  1. So far i detected 2 types of problems with this approach. One are the "direct links" available in pages like







    The "direct link" on these pages are not the actual urls to the files to download.

    To correct url are http://freefr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/vlc/1.1.4/win32/vlc-1.1.4-win32.7z

    and http://freefr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/processhacker/processhacker2/processhacker-2.6-bin.zip


    where freefr is the sourceforge mirror I use.

    I use dozens of applications coming from sourceforge and all are updated fine.

    Again, use httpfox firefox extension or an other http sniffer to find the actual url of a package downloaded from sourceforge.

  2. 07/10/2010 00:17:55: Avidemux: Server source file: //sourceforge.net/projects/avidemux/files/avidemux/2.5.3/avidemux_2.5.3_win32.zip/download
    07/10/2010 00:17:55: Avidemux: Determined target file name: D:\AppInstallers\Audio_Video\avidemux_2.5.3_win32.zip
    07/10/2010 00:17:55: Avidemux: Checking if update is required...
    07/10/2010 00:17:55: Avidemux: Update required, file modified dates do not match

  3. One little thing though: the application I used for testing was up to date but Ketarin downloaded the file like if was new.

    Next update tries actually see the application was up to date.

    I checked that this was not a coincidence and it was not: the remote package is dated from 2010-05-16

    Actually, this happens each time I restart Ketarin and I run an update on the job.
  4. I know about the issues, and I am in fact running a CIS.
    I assumed that because I saw no unit-tests in the project, you weren't using a CIS (because for me CIS with unit-tests are the primary reason to use a CIS).

    Out of curiosity, which one do you use? I'm using TeamCity (JetBrains) for my job and I'm very pleased of it. It supports out of the box a lot of build runners and tools. No xml files to configure it, all is done through a well polished web interface. A lot of features. And a free version for anyone that allows to have up to 20 build configurations. Very nice CIS (as opposed as IBM BuildForge) and better than CruiseControl IMHO.


    Sources should now be more complete.
    I still don't have the following files:






  5. Since I did not have any problem with sourceforge (and I have a lot of applications coming from there), I did not tested yet.

    I captured the actual url of the download file (not the url of the file in the download page) using HttpFox firefox extension that CybTekSol or FrancisoR pointed me a few month ago and had no problem at all.


    Anyway, I modified a job just for testing purpose and it worked fine.

    One little thing though: the application I used for testing was up to date but Ketarin downloaded the file like if was new.

    Next update tries actually see the application was up to date.

    I checked that this was not a coincidence and it was not: the remote package is dated from 2010-05-16


    I worth mentioning that people using this technique shouldn't share online their jobs...

  6. Since all your recent work, I can't build Ketarin anymore because two files are missing:

    Error    1    Unable to create a manifest resource name for "M:\CsLib\CDBurnerXP\Controls\AdvancedListBox.resx". Could not find a part of the path 'M:\CsLib\CDBurnerXP\Controls\AdvancedListBox.cs'.    Ketarin
    Error    2    Unable to create a manifest resource name for "M:\CsLib\CDBurnerXP\Controls\ListBoxPanel.resx". Could not find a part of the path 'M:\CsLib\CDBurnerXP\Controls\ListBoxPanel.cs'.    Ketarin


    Note: I bet you already know that, but I will say it even so: this is not a best practice to have absolute paths in your projects. Sooner or later, this will cause you trouble (like this ;)). This also prevent any form of continous integration process, even if you don't use it right now. The gold rule is that a project "should" be as independent as possible from the machine / system it is built or developed on.

    If the missing files are part of your own foundation classes and you don't want to put an external to CDBurner sources, why not created a simple assembly and share it between Ketarin and CDBurner. Then a simple external in Ketarin would be enough to extract all the source files that the project needs to built.

    Thus nobody won't ever complain about missing files :)

  7. Hello,


    Two suggestions regarding the "user experience":



    Replace modal dialogs with modeless ones. Modeless dialogs are very much user friendly IMO.

    This would ease maintenance of jobs and increase the overall usability of the application:

    - ability to edit several jobs and modify/compare them

    - modify a job while installing others

    - ...



    Context menu entries should only be disabled when the job is currently updating, otherwise it should remain fully available.

    Again, this would make Ketarin easier to work with.

  8. I encounter an error that crashes Ketarin when I update a job with the "share with others" checked.

    Maybe this is related to the server change?


    I run Ketarin 1.5b7 on Vista.


    ************** Texte de l'exception **************
    CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcFaultException: Server returned a fault exception: [1] Unhandled PDOException exception:SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)#0 /usr/share/php5/PEAR/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOConnection.php(36): PDO->__construct()
    #1 /usr/share/php5/PEAR/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOMySql/Driver.php(47): Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOConnection->__construct('mysql:host=loca...', 'ketarin', 'orsej6w5esp9ktj...', Array)
    #2 /usr/share/php5/PEAR/Doctrine/DBAL/Connection.php(296): Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOMySql\Driver->connect(Array, 'ketarin', 'orsej6w5esp9ktj...', Array)
    #3 /usr/share/php5/PEAR/Doctrine/DBAL/Connection.php(554): Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->connect()
    #4 /usr/share/php5/PEAR/Doctrine/DBAL/Connection.php(525): Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->executeQuery('SELECT Applicat...', Array)
    #5 /srv/www/vhosts/canneverbe.com/subdomains/ketarin/htdocs/rpc.php(142): Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->fetchAll('SELECT Applicat...', Array)
    #6 [internal function]: KetarinRpc::GetSimilarApplications('Git Portable', '7ec21047-4080-4...')
    #7 /usr/share/php5/PEAR/XML/RPC2/Server/CallHandler/Class.php(143): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #8 [internal function]: XML_RPC2_Server_Callhandler_Class->__call('ketarin.GetSimi...', Array)
    #9 [internal function]: XML_RPC2_Server_Callhandler_Class->ketarin.GetSimilarApplications('Git Portable', '7ec21047-4080-4...')
    #10 /usr/share/php5/PEAR/XML/RPC2/Backend/Php/Server.php(132): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #11 /usr/share/php5/PEAR/XML/RPC2/Backend/Php/Server.php(94): XML_RPC2_Backend_Php_Server->getResponse()
    #12 /srv/www/vhosts/canneverbe.com/subdomains/ketarin/htdocs/rpc.php(363): XML_RPC2_Backend_Php_Server->handleCall()
    #13 {main}
      à CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcSerializer.DeserializeResponse(XmlDocument xdoc, Type returnType)
      à CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcSerializer.DeserializeResponse(Stream stm, Type svcType)
      à CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcClientProtocol.ReadResponse(XmlRpcRequest req, WebResponse webResp, Stream respStm, Type returnType)
      à CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcClientProtocol.Invoke(Object clientObj, MethodInfo mi, Object[] parameters)
      à CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcClientProtocol.Invoke(MethodInfo mi, Object[] Parameters)
      à XmlRpcProxy9c1fe9c9-ecad-4cfc-98e2-924ab53193d1.GetSimilarApplications(String searchSubject, String appGuid)
      à Ketarin.Forms.ApplicationJobDialog.bOK_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
      à System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
      à System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
      à System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
      à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
      à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
      à System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
      à System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
      à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
      à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
      à System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
    ************** Assemblys chargés **************
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4206 (VistaSP2GDR.050727-4200)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4206 (VistaSP2GDR.050727-4200)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 :
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Apps/Utils/Ketarin/Ketarin.exe
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4205 (VistaSP2GDR.050727-4200)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_32/System.Data/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 :
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Apps/Utils/Ketarin/System.Data.SQLite.DLL
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_32/System.Transactions/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Design/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4205 (VistaSP2GDR.050727-4200)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_32/System.Web/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_32/System.EnterpriseServices/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms.resources/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing.resources/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4205 (VistaSP2GDR.050727-4200)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4205 (VistaSP2GDR.050727-4200)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Accessibility/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 : 2.0.50727.4205 (VistaSP2GDR.050727-4200)
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
       Version de l'assembly :
       Version Win32 :
       CodeBase : file:///C:/Apps/Utils/Ketarin/Ketarin.exe

  9. Here's my job for CrystalDiskMark

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
     <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="bd714512-9b87-49ef-afad-fbe7ed98d8e6">
       <WebsiteUrl />
       <UserNotes />
       <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" />
       <VariableChangeIndicator />
       <HttpReferer />
       <ExecuteCommand>rmdir /s /q "{install_root}\{category}\{appname}"
    7z x -y -r -o"{install_root}\{category}\{appname}" "{file}"
    del /Q "{file}"
       <ExecutePreCommand />
       <FileHippoId />

    This is for the portable version, you have to update the download url to match the installer.


    For captcha or site that requires manual confirmation, there's no possible workaround with Ketarin.

    For sourceforge, I use the Firefox extension called HttpFox to capture the actual url.

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