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Posts posted by appyface

  1. Hi Flo,


    Would you give example on how this would be implemented? Can this be switched on or off from the app in Ketarin?


    I have a universal batch script and for some apps I want Ketarin to obey some sort of abort code, but for other apps I don't want Ketarin to stop. The batch script will still produce error code but Ketarin should keep going in that case.





  2. LOL


    Flo may still make us wait until "post 1.0"... there are a LOT of numbers possible from 1.0.4 so we might have to wait a very long time...!


    Hey wait. Doesn't 1.0.4 come AFTER 1.0? Maybe we're already "post 1.0" and I just didn't realize it!!!!




    Seriously. Because the only votes so far are for 'rename', the last thing I want is the possibility of giving the impression the 'copy' function is not so important.


    Being that this is *my* wish thread :) I want to stress that 'copy' is my most important request of these two wishes.


    But yes yes yes I would like to have both functions! Hence the subject line... :)

  3. Today I accomplish both the 'copy' function and the 'rename' function manually. Still cumbersome especially if it needs to be done with many apps.


    Yes XML can be edited but I'd still like to work within the variable dialog if possible.


    Today I go to the variable dialog on an app, find the existing variable I want to copy or rename, and copy out the URL, regex, start/end string info, textual content... to my text editor.


    I then add a new variable via the variable dialog, and paste in the URL, regex, etc. ('Find start/end' delimiters have to be set up again, if those are in use.)


    So now I have made a copy of the first variable. If this was intended as a 'rename', I delete the first variable and I'm done. If it was intended as a 'copy' I can now proceed to modify the new variable copy as I desire.


    If we can have at least the 'copy variable' function, that would cover both of my 'wishes'. The rename function becomes just two steps (clone then delete original variable name). Of course a 'rename variable' option turns that into one step.


    So far the votes I've collected are for rename. But if I have to choose just one, I'll ask that it be 'copy' instead. :)



  4. Hi Flo,


    For now, these suggestions are not going to get on my todo list. It's rather something post 1.0.


    Bump... in the hopes of attracting more votes :) as well as your renewed attention?


    And yes I realize we're not "post 1.0" yet...


    Thanks as always for your consideration of this 'wish' for the never-ending 'todo list'.


  5. Hi Flo,


    I have a command batch file that Ketarin executes for me, prior to downloading some apps, my "pre-processor".


    I can make tests in the .bat file (error level and others) that can tell me if there was a problem executing the pre-processor.


    I'd like to communicate to Ketarin that the pre-processor had an error and to NOT download but show error in the pop-up and/or log file?


    One possible way I thought of, is to use the 'set' environment variable command during my pre-processor .bat file. If I have a place in the app to tell Ketarin to check for the existence of this environment variable (doesn't exist = no error), if it exists Ketarin could print the contents of it in the log.


    That's just one idea on how to implement this, I'm sure there are other ways...


    I just had a pre-processor .bat file fail on me (my fault totally) and of course Ketarin still downloaded the new file as it should have... except that I really didn't want that to happen in this case... d'oh!!!!


    Thoughts? TIA as always for consideration of 'wishes' :)



    P.S. I did do a few searches and didn't come up with this as already asked or already implemented. Of course if I missed (!) please point out the posts - TIA :)

  6. Hi Flo,


    Here's a log from an app using this option ('check, do not download'):


    3/18/2009 5:13:48 AM: X-Reminder Pro: Replacing {parturl} in 'http://www.xreminder.com/download/{parturl:1}' with 'xr422r.exe'

    3/18/2009 5:13:48 AM: X-Reminder Pro: Using referer: http://www.xreminder.com/download/

    3/18/2009 5:13:48 AM: X-Reminder Pro: Server source file: /download/xr422r.exe

    3/18/2009 5:13:48 AM: X-Reminder Pro: Determined target file name: d:\Stuff\filestore\xr422r.exe

    3/18/2009 5:13:48 AM: X-Reminder Pro: Checking if update is required...

    3/18/2009 5:13:48 AM: X-Reminder Pro: Update required, 'd:\Stuff\filestore\xr422r.exe' does not yet exist



    Could the log indicate this option ('check, do not download') is in use? Otherwise it looks like Ketarin should have downloaded. And it would have -- had this option not been selected.


    Thoughts? TIA,


  7. @emil -


    Do you have command set within Ketarin, to run something before or after updating? Ketarin will NOT close until that other program also closes... did you do that? You cannot do that and schedule it from the task manager.


    Also, Ketarin will not close unless you use the /silent parameter. Did you use that?


    Ketarin works for me from task manager, and it always closes, I make sure there is no command being launched by Ketarin and the /silent parameter is on the command line in task manager. So you must not be doing exactly that. Maybe we can find out what you are not doing that you need to do?



  8. @emil


    While I usually argue with Flo when he doesn't want to do something (just on principle) :) in this case I'm not understanding what you are looking for him to add to Ketarin, that is otherwise not possible?


    I tried Windows task scheduler as you were trying to do, to schedule Ketarin every xx minutes throughout the day. It works here (XP Pro SP3) -- so I know it is possible to do this.


    What is different, that you want Ketarin to do? I'm trying to understand why you think this feature is necessary.



  9. Awww Flo, you considered showing the path to the *.db previously for me:


    I can of course add an info to the about screen about the database path.

    The 'about' screen would be fine... I'm just after some way I can see from within the Ketarin GUI, just what db I've got open...?


    RE: Other settings. There are a couple of really good uses for an export/import of these other settings than what is in the app XML:


    1. As soon as there is a new feature (example: 1.0.3 with the new user defaults for new apps), I can fix up one db, export my settings, and import them to all my other existing db's (assuming I want them all configured the same; I do)


    2. While I can and do tote an empty *.db around that has my settings pre-configured, I really like the idea that I can have Ketarin create a completely empty db, and I can import everything into it. Right now that is just the apps, but for a true clean slate it is good to be able to import the other settings too instead of typing them all in again.


    It is possible this could be useful in the event of a database format change, where a clean start from a blank DB might be helpful for troubleshooting, or just to ensure there is no corruption lingering around from prior DB.


    Please reconsider for wish list?




  10. Using version 1.0.3...


    1. Could we have a display of the full path and filename of the opened database? Title bar, status bar, or some other place in the Ketarin GUI?


    2. Could Ketarin store and use all the user-specific settings, via an INI or other config file? Or be able to export these settings to INI or config file, and reload them upon request?


    I can export my apps to XML and reload them to brand new database, but all the other settings such as the new add-app defaults (thank you!), global variable for custom column, global variables, global commands, downloading threads, etc. from global settings dialog, must all be setup again by hand? Would be nice to reload these, too.


    Thanks in advance for considering these for the wishlist!


  11. @Stalker


    I "feel" your pain LOL


    Actually I'm pretty happy with linux, but I know what you mean. Having grown up in the 'command line' generation (mainframes with cards/paper tape, then TTY! wow what a dream machine LOL, some minis, eventually my first 8086 and CP/M OS... today IBM AIX) I use command line and keyboard far more easily than mouse. Each time CybTekSol is asking for more mouse shortcuts I'm asking for the equivalent keyboard shortcuts! LOL


    That said, I was not familiar with Xandros Linux until I bought my ASUS EeePC 1000 Linux last fall. Honestly, I could put Xandros in front of the 'light' to 'average' Windows user and they'd probably be a little suspicious, but not really know if it is or isn't Windows (dead giveway: open command, er, terminal window LOL).


    Xandros is so Windows-like it even hangs and crashes like Windows :-/ Which made me less impressed and it was replaced with XP Home for now.


    I will eventually return to Linux on that little guy because of battery life if nothing else (7 hours with Linux, 4.5 with XP Home). But I probably won't put Xandros back on...


    Enough... that's not only OT to Ketarin but way OT to FranciscoR's thread!!!!

  12. THAT was the challenge for Ketarin!


    OK... not possible at this time (or maybe not ever)...


    There may always be some URLs that Ketarin simply cannot use, of course. But as CybTekSol pointed out, more and more creative ways are being found to thwart direct downloading of files. And there is NOT always an alternate URL available that Ketarin can make use of.


    So Ketarin may simply not be able to download some of these files, period. But the more ways Ketarin CAN be made to get a file, the better for us :-)


    See my thread for the Java JDK download challenge:



    Again the challenge is NOT to find just any old way to d/l the file, but to get Ketarin to utilize the URL that Sun provides for the file.

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