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Minor niggle on error message


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I have a very simple app defined, URL to download is direct link with no variables, post etc. needed to download the file. I have one variable defined, to use in the downloaded disk filename.


The webpage for the variable could not be loaded. However, the error message Ketarin gave was for the download URL, which was actually just fine (the download URL is hosted at a completely different server and IP).


Since I had no problem accessing the file download URL from IE, but Ketarin repeatedly gave message that URL was timing out, it took me some minutes of experimenting with referrers, etc. before I finally thought to visit the variable edit pane. Only then did I see it is the variable's URL that was timing out, and not the download URL as Ketarin had stated in the error pop up.


Just a minor thing, but would be helpful to see the actual URL timing out. Also, the log file states 'Failed, The operation has timed out' but does not ID any URL, would be good to see the correct URL in the log as well.


Thanks and regards,


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