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Context Menu Clutter


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I've noticed that similar to my desktop context menu, the ApplicationJobDialog form's context menu can get quite large. This is of course due to the variables. The more you have, obviously, the larger it gets. I thought it might be nice to group the variables into sub-item groups, but I can't quite seem to decide on a practical way to split them up. It's easy enough to create the actual context menu groups, but the actual sorting order is bothering me. I was thinking something like "Global" and "User-Defined" at first, but then I realized that there are user-defined global variables (set in the settings window) and there are automatically set, per-application global variables ({category}, {appname}, etc). Then there's {version}, which is either automatically set if you're source is a FileHippoID, or user set if you set it manually. So no matter how you look at it, grouping is tricky. I was wondering what everyone else thinks about this? Any ideas on how to sort the variables? Is this maybe not such a good idea?

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I don't mind an extra click here or there. I have a few jobs with three user-defined app. variables, then I have my two user-defined global variables, and then there's the system global variables on top of those. It works out to seven or eight variables and it just looks like it's starting to fill up fast. I definitely overestimated the simplicity of the submenus though. I ended up having to add two overloads and track a whole bunch of variables. It looks nice, I'll say that much. But other than that, I don't think it's worth the effort. Oh well, it was after all just an idea.

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