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  1. Hi Flo, thanks but I still don't know just what is expected. What's the variable? --appyface
  2. It will display the variable you have entered in the settings.
  3. Hm, yes, I think that a {category}-variable would be quite useful.
  4. Neat article, thanks Flo! Just to make sure I understand the use of the implementation in Ketarin. I refer to the constructs shown in the article, with {} (curly braces) around them, same as I would a variable I defined myself in Ketarin? (With the f: prefix if I want to refer to file's modified date rather than the system date) So my constructed file save path, for the example I referenced in above post, is this (if I wanted to save the file to my t:\somedir directory): t:\somedir\utilities_{f:yyyyMMdd.zip and the actual file name saved on disk becomes: t:\somedir\utilities_20081112.zip ???? Please correct my understanding of how to use the new constructs if this is incorrect. Thanks!!! and regards, --appyface Edit: Whoops it occurs to me I might instead need to use: t:\somedir\utilities_{f:yyyy}{f:MM}{f:dd}.zip True? TIA :-)
  5. Regarding Opera: We had this disucssion earlier here http://forum.cdburnerxp.se/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6518&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=30#p24126 Easy to do. You can enable the custom column which is based on variables and define the variable name in the settings. There is a command line switch, which is /SILENT. The command line output does not yet work properly though, will follow in the next version.
  6. Hi and thank you for this nice tool. However, I frequently ran into problems while trying to add software that display the version with separators (like dots) on the webpage and use a version number without them in the filename. For example, the latest Opera version is 9.62 and is displayed as such on the website. The File to download is called Opera_962_int_Setup.exe, so I need to eleminate the dot (that is present on the website) in the filename. Filehippo is no solution, as they offer only the english version of Opera and other programs. Maybe there is a much simpler solution to my problem and I just haven't figured it out yet. So if any of you solved this Problem, let me know... I tried to use two variables (major and minor version number), but it is impossible to set an end selection using only the dot, as that matches a lot of the website. So I ended up with hardcoding the major version number and using only the minor version number as a variable. One solution could be to add tags that "clean" a version string of all dots, commas, etc. Nomally I would use the string: "http://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/win/9{minorversion}/int/Opera_9{minorversion}_int_Setup.exe". What I would like would be something like this: "http://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/win/[cleandots]{version}[/cleandots]/int/Opera_[cleandots]{version}[/cleandots]_int_Setup.exe" Also, I really would like Ketarin to display the latest version number it downloaded behind the software entry in the main list. Otherwise, I am quite happy with the program. It resides in my autostart folder (is there a command-line switch to make it check for new versions on startup?) and keeps me up-to-date on the versions Greetings, Jones
  7. The ATI servers verify from which page you are actually downloading the files, so when using Ketarin, there obsiously is no referrer and a 403 error is being returned. The upcoming version will a) allow you to spoof the referer and will automatically use the first variable's URL as referer, if no other referer is set.
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