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  1. Hello floele, As far as I know, && is a conditional combination. I replaced the symbols but the result is the same 05-01-2009 14:14:48: Replacing {7z} in 'md {7z} & {uni} {file} %temp% && copy /y %temp%\7z.exe {7z} && copy /y %temp%\7z.dll {7z} && copy /y %temp%\7-zip.chm {7z}' with 'd:\7z\' 05-01-2009 14:14:48: Replacing {uni} in 'md d:\7z\ & {uni} {file} %temp% && copy /y %temp%\7z.exe d:\7z\ && copy /y %temp%\7z.dll d:\7z\ && copy /y %temp%\7-zip.chm d:\7z\' with 'c:\progra~1\uniextract\uniextract.exe' 05-01-2009 14:14:48: Portable 7-Zip: Executing command: md d:\7z\ & c:\progra~1\uniextract\uniextract.exe "D:\Programas\7z464.exe" %temp% && copy /y %temp%\7z.exe d:\7z\ && copy /y %temp%\7z.dll d:\7z\ && copy /y %temp%\7-zip.chm d:\7z\ 05-01-2009 14:14:50: Portable 7-Zip: Command result: D:\Ketarin>md d:\7z\ & c:\progra~1\uniextract\uniextract.exe "D:\Programas\7z464.exe" %temp% && copy /y %temp%\7z.exe d:\7z\ && copy /y %temp%\7z.dll d:\7z\ && copy /y %temp%\7-zip.chm d:\7z\ O sistema nÆo conseguiu localizar o ficheiro especificado. Ketarin keeps saying it cannot locate file, but files are there (in %temp%); and if I open a command prompt and try to copy or move files, I get no error. Maybe the sequence is just to fast ? But it used to work !
  2. Hi there, Some of my commands stopped working, Log: 04-01-2009 23:47:09: Replacing {7z} in '{uni} {file} %temp% & md {7z} & copy /y %temp%\7z.exe {7z} & copy /y %temp%\7z.dll {7z} & copy /y %temp%\7-zip.chm {7z}' with 'd:\7z\' 04-01-2009 23:47:09: Replacing {uni} in '{uni} {file} %temp% & md d:\7z\ & copy /y %temp%\7z.exe d:\7z\ & copy /y %temp%\7z.dll d:\7z\ & copy /y %temp%\7-zip.chm d:\7z\' with 'c:\progra~1\uniextract\uniextract.exe' 04-01-2009 23:47:09: Portable 7-Zip: Executing command: c:\progra~1\uniextract\uniextract.exe "D:\Programas\7z464.exe" %temp% & md d:\7z\ & copy /y %temp%\7z.exe d:\7z\ & copy /y %temp%\7z.dll d:\7z\ & copy /y %temp%\7-zip.chm d:\7z\ 04-01-2009 23:47:11: Portable 7-Zip: Command result: D:\Ketarin>c:\progra~1\uniextract\uniextract.exe "D:\Programas\7z464.exe" %temp% & md d:\7z\ & copy /y %temp%\7z.exe d:\7z\ & copy /y %temp%\7z.dll d:\7z\ & copy /y %temp%\7-zip.chm d:\7z\ O sistema nÆo conseguiu localizar o ficheiro especificado. O sistema nÆo conseguiu localizar o ficheiro especificado. O sistema nÆo conseguiu localizar o ficheiro especificado. Not sure why, when, how... I'm currently using lastest build, x.19... and also out of ideas to solve this one. First part of command is executed (c:\progra~1\uniextract\uniextract.exe "D:\Programas\7z464.exe" %temp%), the files are all placed in %temp% but the following copy/move operations are no longer executed...
  3. Hey Flo, Log is working great, it would be handy to dump it to *.txt file. Sample section log, extracting 7-zip command line from 7-zip installer: 21-12-2008 20:15:54: Replacing {7z} in 'del /s /q {7z}*.* || md {7z}\ & {uni} {file} %temp% & move /y %temp%\7z.exe {7z} & move /y %temp%\7z.dll {7z} & move /y %temp%\*.chm {7z} & rd {7z}$pluginsdir /s /q' with 'd:\7z\' 21-12-2008 20:15:54: Replacing {uni} in 'del /s /q d:\7z\*.* || md d:\7z\\ & {uni} {file} %temp% & move /y %temp%\7z.exe d:\7z\ & move /y %temp%\7z.dll d:\7z\ & move /y %temp%\*.chm d:\7z\ & rd d:\7z\$pluginsdir /s /q' with 'c:\progra~1\uniextract\uniextract.exe' 21-12-2008 20:15:54: Portable 7-Zip: Executing command: del /s /q d:\7z\*.* || md d:\7z\\ & c:\progra~1\uniextract\uniextract.exe "D:\Programas\7z462.exe" %temp% & move /y %temp%\7z.exe d:\7z\ & move /y %temp%\7z.dll d:\7z\ & move /y %temp%\*.chm d:\7z\ & rd d:\7z\$pluginsdir /s /q 21-12-2008 20:15:55: Portable 7-Zip: Command result: D:\Ketarin>del /s /q d:\7z\*.* || md d:\7z\\ & c:\progra~1\uniextract\uniextract.exe "D:\Programas\7z462.exe" %temp% & move /y %temp%\7z.exe d:\7z\ & move /y %temp%\7z.dll d:\7z\ & move /y %temp%\*.chm d:\7z\ & rd d:\7z\$pluginsdir /s /q Ficheiro eliminado - d:\7z\7-zip.chm Ficheiro eliminado - d:\7z\7z.dll Ficheiro eliminado - d:\7z\7z.exe 1 ficheiro(s) movido(s). 1 ficheiro(s) movido(s). C:\Users\FRANCI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\7-zip.chm 1 ficheiro(s) movido(s).
  4. Hello floele, I've been wondering if it would be possible to make the "Execute after download" box a litle bit bigger, say with one additional line, because I'm running some very large commands like del /s /q {7z}\* || mkdir {7z}\ & {uni} {file} %temp% && move /y %temp%\7z.exe {7z} && move /y %temp%\7z.dll {7z} && move /y %temp%\*.chm {7z} that are getting cropped. Also, don't you think it would be nice to have a enable/disable switch (with a checkmark for instance) on "Default command to execute" and "Execute after download" fields ? Right now, if temporarily I don't want to run anything, I have to delete command...
  5. In the meantime, I've been able to load winrar.exe just by adding quotation marks to command. But I am still unable to unpack files using previous 7-zip command. Ccleaner portable: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <Jobs> <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="c89a67f9-7be7-433f-beaf-af2919b38d86"> <DownloadBeta>Default</DownloadBeta> <CanBeShared>true</CanBeShared> <ShareApplication>false</ShareApplication> <HttpReferer /> <Variables /> <ExecuteCommand>"d:\7z\7z.exe 7z x {file} -od:\ -y"</ExecuteCommand> <Category>CD/DVD</Category> <SourceType>FixedUrl</SourceType> <PreviousLocation>D:\Programas\ccsetup214.zip</PreviousLocation> <DeletePreviousFile>true</DeletePreviousFile> <Enabled>true</Enabled> <FileHippoId /> <LastUpdated>2008-12-16T21:49:03.6308864+00:00</LastUpdated> <TargetPath>{target}\</TargetPath> <FixedDownloadUrl>http://www.ccleaner.com/download/builds/downloadbinportable</FixedDownloadUrl> <Name>Portable Ccleaner</Name> </ApplicationJob> </Jobs>
  6. Hi, all, I've been meaning to rewrite several of my apps for quite a while because there just aren't ways to collect the version number and I hate to have to have a bunch of commands on individual apps just because maintenance becomes a chore. So I came up with a global after-update script to process stuff like that. It's controlled through a new variable assigned to the app called "todo". The idea is that instead of leaving the file details unfilled, let's parse it after it's downloaded from the file itself or perform other post-download actions (extraction, uploading to an FTP server, download from MEGA, copy to another folder and so on). These are now all handled centrally for me with the global after-updating an application script and this new variable. This uses a couple functions based on @Ambimind's code posted here and elsewhere on this forum. #### Support function PKV { Param( $svName ) #### identify variable type and collect stored content $svType = $app.variables.$svName.VariableType; if( $svType -eq "Textual" ){ #### stored text content $svContent = $app.variables.$svName.TextualContent; #### process all child variables if( $svContent -like '*{*' ){ $svContent2 = $app.variables.ReplaceAllInString( "{$svName}", $sfiletime, $sfilename, $true, $false ); if ( $svContent2 -ne '' ){ $svContent = $svContent2; } } }else{ #### other types of variables must be parsed $svContent = $app.variables.ReplaceAllInString( "{$svName}", $sfiletime, $sfilename, $true, $false ); } #### parse version for psversion if it exists if( $svName -eq "version" ){ if( $app.variables."psversion".TextualContent -ne "" ){ $svContent = $app.variables.ReplaceAllInString( "{$svName}", $sfiletime, $sfilename, $true, $false ); } } #### sanitize $svContent = ($svContent -Replace 'http://localhost:48080/', '' | Out-String).Trim() if( $svContent -eq "{$svName}" ){ $svContent = ''; } #### return Write-Information $svName':'$svContent; ($svContent | Out-String).Trim() } #### function NewAppVariable { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $sVarName, [ValidateSet("RegularExpression", "StartEnd", "Textual")] $sVarType = "Textual", $sVarValue = "" ) # Derived access property, ie. app.variables.$sVarName.$varcnt $varcnt = if($sVarType -eq "Textual"){"TextualContent"}Else{"CachedContent"} # If it doesn't exist, then create a new one if(-Not $app.variables.$sVarName){ ECHO "=== $sVarName NOT FOUND, ADDING IT ===" # Add var to job/app $newvar = New-Object -TypeName Ketarin.UrlVariable -ArgumentList $sVarName,$app.variables $newvar.VariableType = $sVarType $app.variables.Add($sVarName, $newvar) $app.Save() } # If it was passed a specific value, assign it if( $sVarValue -ne "" ){ $app.variables.$sVarName.$varcnt = $sVarValue } } #### #### Parse cached variable values $sname = $($App.Name); $sfilename = $($App.CurrentLocation); write-host "Filename:`t$sfilename"; $todo = PKV ( 'todo' ); write-host "ToDo:`t$todo"; Switch ($todo) { { @('fileversion', 'fv') -contains $_ } { $sversion = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($sfilename).FileVersion.toString(); $app.variables.version.TextualContent = $sversion; break; } { @('upload') -contains $_ } { Start-Process -FilePath "Uploader.bat" -ArgumentList $sfilename -Wait -NoNewWindow; break; } { @('extract','extractx','x') -contains $_ } { PUSHD $app.Variables.ReplaceAllInString("{file:directory}"); Start-Process -FilePath "7z.exe" -ArgumentList 'x','-y','-r',$sfilename -Wait -NoNewWindow; POPD; break; } { @('extracte','e') -contains $_ } { PUSHD $app.Variables.ReplaceAllInString("{file:directory}"); Start-Process -FilePath "7z.exe" -ArgumentList 'e','-y','-r',$sfilename -Wait -NoNewWindow; POPD; break; } { @('mega','megaget') -contains $_ } { $sdownload = PKV ( 'sdownload' ); $sdownloadpath = PKV ( 'sdownloadpath' ); if( $sdownloadpath -ieq "" ){ $sdownloadpath = $app.Variables.ReplaceAllInString("{startuppath:directory}"); } Start-Process -FilePath "%localappdata%\MEGAcmd\mega-get.bat" -ArgumentList $sdownload,$sdownloadpath -Wait -NoNewWindow; break; } { @('copy','copyx') -contains $_ } { $copyx = $app.variables.copyx.TextualContent; Switch ($copyx) { { @('tools','gd') -contains $_ } { Copy-Item $sfilename -Destination "G:\Google Drive\Tools" -Force; break; } { @('downloads') -contains $_ } { Copy-Item $sfilename -Destination "C:\Downloads" -Force; break; } default { Copy-Item $sfilename -Destination $copyx -Force; break; } } break } { @('diagnostics','dx') -contains $_ } { $app | Select-Object * | Out-File c:\downloads\ketarin-app.txt -width 400; $app.Variables | Select-Object * | Out-File c:\downloads\ketarin-app-var.txt -width 400; $app.Variables.Keys | Select-Object * | Out-File c:\downloads\ketarin-app-var-keys.txt -width 400; $app.Variables.Values | Select-Object * | Out-File c:\downloads\ketarin-app-var-values.txt -width 400; break; } default { break; } } That's all. I thought some of you might be interested.
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