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  1. I try to be consistent with variable names for multiple reasons. Sometimes, I would like to rename a variable (in the left side list of Edit Variables window) but there is no way to do it, I have to delete the variable and fully recreate it with the new name. A workaround is to export the app, edit the XML, then reimport it. But either solution is too much work for a simple rename! Thanks
  2. Ahhh heck appyface... let's just go ahead and ask Flo for BOTH 'copy variable' AND 'rename variable' and maybe we'll get lucky!
  3. Today I accomplish both the 'copy' function and the 'rename' function manually. Still cumbersome especially if it needs to be done with many apps. Yes XML can be edited but I'd still like to work within the variable dialog if possible. Today I go to the variable dialog on an app, find the existing variable I want to copy or rename, and copy out the URL, regex, start/end string info, textual content... to my text editor. I then add a new variable via the variable dialog, and paste in the URL, regex, etc. ('Find start/end' delimiters have to be set up again, if those are in use.) So now I have made a copy of the first variable. If this was intended as a 'rename', I delete the first variable and I'm done. If it was intended as a 'copy' I can now proceed to modify the new variable copy as I desire. If we can have at least the 'copy variable' function, that would cover both of my 'wishes'. The rename function becomes just two steps (clone then delete original variable name). Of course a 'rename variable' option turns that into one step. So far the votes I've collected are for rename. But if I have to choose just one, I'll ask that it be 'copy' instead. --appyface
  4. @Flo, I could definitely use the 'rename variable' feature now as one site I am using is slowly phasing in changes to their redirect method and forces me to use my {redir} variable instead of my {download_url} as the actual download link. To keep things consistent, I currently has to delete both variables and rework them from the clipboard. It would be much easier to delete my {download_url} variable and rename my {redir} variable to {download_url}. Just my take on it for your consideration.
  5. I just dropped a hint in another thread, but thought I'd come here and make it official after all :-) It would be very handy to have a "copy variable" function. I'm thinking of variables that are currently defined within the download entry you're working on, but I suppose it could extend to any variables defined in any Ketarin download entry. It's not that big of a deal to define two variables by hand. But if both use the same source URL and/or both have similar scrape instructions, it would be nice to define one and get it working, then copy it to a new name and alter as needed. Similarly, a rename variable function would be handy, though if we had "copy variable" a rename could be handled as a two-step process (copy to new name, delete old name). While I'm here :-) I've sometimes wanted a "disable variable" function. I'd like to leave the variable in the Ketarin entry, but mark it such that Ketarin doesn't process it. Useful if I'm working on an alternate scrape, for example, but don't want Ketarin to spend any cycles on it except when I'm working on it. Probably not a big deal if we don't get it, but hey it can't hurt to ask :-) Thanks and regards, --appyface
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