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Everything posted by lujomu

  1. I see. Personally I don't use those kind of variables, just reported my findings in case this behavior was not intended.
  2. As already mentioned, variables of the type 'Textual Content' can be accessed by '$app.Variables.{VariableName}.TextualContent' and variables of type 'Content from URL (Regular Expression)' via '$app.Variables.{VariableName}.CachedContent'. But I cannot get the value of a 'Content from URL (start/end)' variable. In this case '$app.Variables.{VariableName}.CachedContent' is empty.
  3. Finally got around to test the PowerShell integration a bit. Here are my observations so far. Working: Common commands (copying, creating directories, etc.) do work. Dot-sourcing of external scripts works, too! (Great for integrating custom functions.) 'Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop' does abort a script with the appropriate status message. Issues/suggestions: Having 'Write-Error' anywhere in the script suppresses all output (Write-Warning & Write-Host) to the log file. Warning messages are printed before all the info messages of 'Write-Host', not in order of appearance. Script: Write-Host '1. Message 1.' Write-Warning '2. Warning 1.' Write-Host '3. Message 2.' Write-Warning '4. Warning 2.' Output: > 2. Warning 1. > 4. Warning 2. > 1. Message 1. > 3. Message 2. Could the 'Installing Applications' progress dialog maybe recognize warnings and display a yellow icon and the status 'Installation successful (with warnings)'?
  4. Ok, I see. Thanks for the clarification! Feature request it is, then: https://ketarin.userecho.com/topic/857577-evaluate-exit-codes-in-setup-scripts-eg-to-abort-installation/
  5. Should this topic maybe be moved to "Bugs" to catch Floele's attention/be considered for fixing?
  6. *bump* (Sorry, don't know how else to get attention from a mod/dev.)
  7. I used exactly that single line as test script. And it does work for the application specific pre-update command, but I am talking about the application specific setup command (http://wiki.ketarin.org/index.php/Setup_instructions). As this seems to work for some commands but not for others, I checked them each individually (Ketarin v1.7.1.434): C# test script: Abort("Error"); C# test script results: Default pre-update command in settings: Throws error. Application specific pre-update command: Throws error. Default post-update command in settings: Throws error. Application specific post-update command: Throws error. Command to execute after updating all applications: No error. Application specific setup command: Throws error. Batch test script: exit 1 Batch test script results: Default pre-update command in settings: Throws error. Application specific pre-update command: Throws error. Default post-update command in settings: No error. Application specific post-update command: Throws error. Command to execute after updating all applications: No error. Application specific setup command: No error. As the results differ for both kind of scripts, I doubt this is intentional. Can someone else reproduce this? Might this be a bug?
  8. Hi! I am quite certain this must have come up before, but I can't find any relevant topic. I am trying to abort a batch setup script. I have tried the following lines: exit 1 exit 2 exit 3 exit /B 1 exit /B 2 exit /B 3 But no matter what, Ketarin always prompts "{App}: Installed successfully". For good meassure I tried the C# equivalent: Abort( "Something went wrong!"); And this yields a nice "{App}: Setup failed (Something went wrong!)" message. Could someone please enlighten me - what am I missing? Cheers, lujomu
  9. Yes, that's what I meant. Sorry if I wasn't clear, I dont't use a pre-update script at all. Ok, that answers my question then, thanks!
  10. I read in the Wiki (http://wiki.ketarin....update_commands) that exit codes can be used to determine the success/failure of the pre-update commands. So I assumed this would also work on the individual application setup scripts, but no matter what I do, the insallation is always reporterd as successful. E.g.: I added a new application entry, gave it the name "TEST APP" and created a setup (batch-)script with the single line exit 1 I also tried other exit codes, but the installation is always reported as successful. Am I missing something?
  11. Try "{startuppath}..\x32". Cheers!
  12. Great, thanks! Just hope they don't discontinue this site in favour of the new fancy version!
  13. Yes, that's the problem. No blog or change log outside of that site to see if there is a new firmware and which version it has.... I was afraid there is no easy solution. But thanks for your efforts anyway!
  14. Hi! I know how to use regex to extract links and stuff, but this is too much for me. On this site http://www.crucial.c...t/firmware.aspx I need to select one entry from the combo box, specifically 'Crucial RealSSD C300 2.5-inch SSD'. But I have no idea how to do that. Can someone please provide me a pointer? Thanks lujomu
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