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Posts posted by Omniferum

  1. Pretty much the topic subject covers the whole thing.


    When you download a file and have "Delete old files" checked, then you change something in the variables field (say for page changes) it seems that Ketarin forgets about the old file it used to have and doesn't delete it.


    Only found it out recently, if anybody could confirm just by checking any app they have downloaded, made a change to and then re-downloaded.

  2. I still believe the best solution is just for every new member's first post to be vetted by a moderator. Perhaps place an additional submission form after account creation?


    Something like "For your first post you must solve this captcha and wait for a moderator to approve your post/account".


    It would at least stop it from popping up on the forum so much, i'd be happy to moderate this.

  3. This is my build version, yours SHOULD have the word nightly in it

    JDownloader -NIGHTLY- Build 14360

    Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.

    Java Version: 1.6.0_25


    In the top toolbar click on the far right icon. Looks like a globe with a red and blue arrow around it. That may force a further update, beyond that I can't help. All I did was download the jdownloader package, run the nightly command as above and there I was. You may need to start with a fresh dl

  4. Annoyingly enough the usual build of Jdownloader doesn't have what you specifically need.


    I use the nightly build. To get it you don't have to download a different package. Just open a command prompt in your jdownloader folder and use one of the following commands.


    To use the Nightly Build

    java -jar jdupdate.jar -branch NIGHTLY


    To use the Public Build

    java -jar jdupdate.jar -branch RESET


    You can switch between the two at anytime with the above commands.


    It will run an update process which will take a while and then when it is finished you will get a new option in the linkgrabber tab called "Add and start automatically!" which will do exactly what it says. You can then use the jdownloader -add {variable} and it will do it all for you.


    Keep in mind though you have to use further scripting in ketarin if you want ketarin to do anything with what jdownloader downloads.


    Some sort of batch find loop like



    Sleep 10

    if not exist jdownloader/download/file.exe goto :Loop

    rest of ketarin commands here

  5. How to get url:


    but exclude:






    That page lists recommended releases first and then development releases.


    You don't really need any special exclusion regex. Just using [^"']+\.zip works fine.


    However for future reference you could just do [^"']+[^"'v]+\.zip and that would do what you asked. However in this case there is no need, you only need exclusion regex for dl links that are aren't the first or last link in the page.

  6. I didn't have any difficulty, i'm not sure if ketarin build really has anything to do with it as I did nothing special.


    Here's the xml that worked for me.


    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
     <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="b9b9d780-12d3-4aa1-b023-3b6f94f4bb52">
       <WebsiteUrl />
       <UserAgent />
       <UserNotes />
       <LastFileDate xsi:nil="true" />
       <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" />
       <HttpReferer />
       <SetupInstructions />
       <ExecuteCommand>/*This is a comment line, the line below is the C# script. It will run the instructions found in the Setup Tab*/
       <ExecutePreCommand />
       <FileHippoId />
       <LastUpdated xsi:nil="true" />

  7. You have to set the 'variable for change' to actually use them, it's in the advanced tab of the application settings.


    You can only use one variable to detect for changes, i'd just stick with the revision value defined from the page http://www.heidisql.com/download.php


    Also that revision variable is really only for nightly builds, if that is what you want. Personally i'd just regex the dl link for the portable version from that dl page as I prefer stable builds.


    If ya want full blown help post your application xml and i'll poke it. The issue though is that it is not detecting any changes in the file to download.

  8. There tends to be a fair bit of sporadic one post spam.


    Might be a good idea to just set up the forum so that every new member's first post has to be approved by a moderator first.


    A CAPTCHA style solution (if not CAPTCHA itself) might be decent as well. Like for each new member they are sent a human question (could be pre-set to save moderators the hassle) and if their is no reply or one that isn't anywhere close the mod can not approve it.


    It would obviously be easier to have this setup on the actual sign-up page but I remember reading some other posts where that would require extra work, this is just something i'm sure most forum software could implement.

  9. Was just wondering if you could also give a Last Updated time stamp for codes with pre-update exit 2 in them.


    As of current they do not, I assume it is because no file is downloaded and that is how Ketarin currently defines "Last Updated". Would just need to include "Last variable change indicator change"


    The previous problem with exit 2 seems to have been fixed in the beta5, thanks for that.

  10. Forgot I ever made this topic. I eventually just wrote a powershell script that you just pass parameters to and away it goes.


    Copy and paste the below code into a blank txt file, save it as whateveryouwant.ps1


    To use just type in the command line yourfilename.ps1 themovieyouwantrenamed


    You can even just pass an entire folder to it and it will iterate all of them. Still uses mediainfo to determine resolution


    Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk | ? {$_.Size -ne $null} | % {if (Test-Path ($_.DeviceID + "\Autorun.bat")) {$Drive = $_.DeviceID}}
    $MI = gci -r "$Drive\Programs" mediainfo.exe | % {$_.FullName}
    $Videos = gci "$args*" -Include *.nfo,*.mkv,*.mp4,*.avi,*.m2ts,*.wmv -Exclude ``[* | % {
    write-host $_.basename "
    $Name = $_.basename -match '(.*)\d\d\d\d|(.*)' | %{$Matches[1]} | %{$_ -replace "[^\w\d]"," "} | %{($_).TrimEnd()}
    $Year = $_.basename -match '\d\d\d\d' | %{$Matches[0]}
    $SearchName = $Name + " " + "($Year)"
    $search = 'http://www.imdb.com/find?s=all&q=' + "$SearchName"
    $titlepage = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($search) -match "/title/.*?/" | %{$Matches[0]}
    $scrape = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://www.imdb.com' + "$titlepage") | Out-File "$($_.Directory)\$($_.basename).txt"
    $imdbpage = gc "$($_.Directory)\$($_.basename).txt"
    New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                                   Dirn = $_.Directory
                                   Baname = $_.basename
                                   FName = $_.FullName
                                   Ext = $_.extension
                                   Resolution = &$MI "--Inform=Video;%Width%" $_.FullName | % {
                                                              								 if (900 -lt $_ -and 1400 -gt $_) {echo 720p} else {
                                                              								 if (1400 -lt $_) {echo 1080p} else {
                                                              								 if (900 -gt $_) {echo SD $_}
                                                              								 } } }
                                   IMDBName = "$imdbpage" -match "<title>(.*?)</" | %{$Matches[1]} |  %{$_ -replace "[<>:`"\\/\|\?\*.]",""} | %{$_ -replace "'","'"} | %{$_ -replace "&","&"} | %{$_ -replace """,""} | %{$_ -replace "x22;",""} | %{$_ -replace " - IMDb",""} | %{$_ -replace " \(.*?\)",""}
                                   IMDBYear = "$imdbpage" -match "\((\d\d\d\d)\)" | %{$Matches[1]}
                                   IMDBBlurb = "$imdbpage" -match "<p>([\w\d].*?)</p>" | %{$Matches[1]}
                                   IMDBRating = "$imdbpage" -match "(\d\.\d)/10" | %{$Matches[1]}
                                   IMDBDirector = "$imdbpage" -match "Director:(.*?)</div>" | %{$Matches[1]} | %{$_ -replace "<.*?>",""} | %{$_ -replace "\s[\s]+"," "}
                                   IMDBWriters = "$imdbpage" -match "Writers:(.*?)</div>" | %{$Matches[1]} | %{$_ -replace ""","`""} | %{$_ -replace "<.*?>",""} | %{$_ -replace "\s[\s]+"," "}
                                   IMDBStars = "$imdbpage" -match "Stars:(.*?)</div>" | %{$Matches[1]} | %{$_ -replace "<.*?>",""} | %{$_ -replace "\s[\s]+"," "}
                                   IMDBSynopsis = "$imdbpage" -match ".*(<p>([\w\d].*?)<)" | %{$Matches[2]} | %{$_ -replace "'","'"}
    del "$($_.Directory)\$($_.basename).txt"
    $Videos | %{
    #Just a piece of code to output all the relevant IMDB information to an accompanying .nfo file
    #Decided not to implement but keeping for shits and giggles
    #('Movie Title: ' + $_.IMDBName + "`n" +  ,
    #'Release Year: ' + $_.IMDBYear + "`n" +  ,
    #'Blurb: ' + $_.IMDBBlurb + "`n" +  ,
    #'Director:' + $_.IMDBDirector + "`n" +  ,
    #'Writers:' + $_.IMDBWriters + "`n" +  ,
    #'Stars:' + $_.IMDBStars + "`n" +  ,
    #'Synopsis: ' + $_.IMDBSynopsis + "`n" +  ,
    #'IMDB Rating: ' + $_.IMDBRating + '/10') | Out-File "$($_.Dirn)\$($_.Baname).nfo"
    #Rename-Item "$($_.Dirn)\$($_.Baname).nfo" "`[$($_.Resolution)`] $($_.IMDBName) `($($_.IMDBYear)`).nfo"
    if ($_.IMDBName -ne $null) {Rename-Item $_.FName "`[$($_.Resolution)`] $($_.IMDBName) `($($_.IMDBYear)`)$($_.Ext)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}

  11. Think I suggested this before, have a group of people that can apply to floele who can moderate the .db and anyone can flag a template as non-working. Perhaps even submit/request some on forums.


    If that was done i'm sure that it would be the noob friendliest thing and Ketarin would take off like a shot. As it stands Ketarin beats ninite and all the alternative hands down and if this was implemented the others would be rendered pointless.


    That way new people can just install/unzip ketarin with pre-configured variables for install paths etc. and moderators just update templates and people can subscribe/unsubscribe.


    For reference sake every single program I have/use is maintained by Ketarin flawlessly, I only need the odd tweak here and there for page changes if they happen.

  12. This may just be a wording thing but is the global option of before updating an application the exact same as the local app execute before downloading?


    The wording to me indicates one is run before even checking for an update and the other is when an update is found but before downloading.


    This only popped up when I was helping ketchup with his request




    Personally I believe implementing an "application is outside your defined date threshold so may no longer be actively maintained" feature would be handy. When you automate things it tends to make you lax and you can easily not notice things no longer updating.

  13. for /F "tokens=1-3" %a in ('wmic path Win32_LocalTime get Day^,Month^,Year ^| findstr 2') do set dmy=%c

    set /a old=%dmy%-2

    if {property:LastUpdated:regex:(\d\d\d\d)} LSS %old% start cmd /c "ECHO Re: {appname} - This program has not been updated for two years, your settings may be incorrect or the program may no longer be recieving updates && PAUSE"


    That's a batch command that will achieve what you want, however i've tested putting it in the global "before updating an application" and "before download" and it never triggers. Maybe floele just made different wording for the same function, before updating to me indicates before even checking if there is an update.

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