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Posts posted by Omniferum

  1. Just a suggestion regarding export functionality. As we can utilize custom .db names by using the /database= paramater could we not change the /export= behavior?


    so just doing ketarin /export will export the default jobs.db applications to jobsapplications.xml and the global settings to jobsglobalsettings.xml


    In conjunction we could do ketarin /database=moo.db /export which would give us




    Just a thought, seeing as we would most likely name the .xml the same. Or just make it if the name after /export is omitted that it will default database name them in that fashion.


    ketarin /export=moo.xml will give an export of jobs.db applications in the file of moo.xml

    ketarin /export will give an export of jobs.db applications in the file of jobs.xml


    Again just a thought

  2. There does need to be a wiki entry for how to get/use POST data I feel.


    Like post up a way to get the POST data (preferably add-on agnostic)

    How to interpret that data and put it into Ketarin


    I wouldn't mind it myself, I don't have anything that needs POST but I would appreciate learning it. So far everytime I look into it I just don't even know what/how/where to look at.

  3. Would be nice if we had an extra context menu item called "Copy fully resolved variable" or something like that.



    So using it on {download} it would paste as http://www.moo.com/wee.exe


    or http://{download} would become http://http://www.moo.com/wee.exe


    For multi-links and refers this would be helpful.


    Alternatively perhaps if in the context menu alongside the variable names presented it had


    {download} - http://www.moo.com/wee.exe




    {download} - [Not yet resolved]

  4. Actually on the note of auto-wiping I think it would be a good idea to include the ketarin version used to develop the template. So if it posted to the online .db you get "Ketarin v1.6" or whatever was used to do it.


    It feels like the .db has never been wiped so has a lot of old Ketarin templates whilst the newer ones would have better functions implemented.


    Future implementations aside I still feel like just a straight wipe now and starting from scratch would be a good thing.

  5. I don't see any need for this behavior to be changed, the only workable implementation would be 'clear on program exit'.


    But REALLY it is a negligible amount of data, it would only really have performance problems if you had a HUGE .db with something like 100mb worth of pointless data.


    In the end it really doesn't do any harm, if it bugs you so much you could just export all as .xml and mass replace the 'start/end' xml tags with nothing then re-import. Writing that as a batch script wouldn't be that hard

  6. No sure about automatic removal after x amount of time if not updated.

    Some things just don't change very much over the years like FileHippo and such.


    Still think that special case wipe once every x years for all things would be better.


    Yeah but those that are admin approved/working won't be auto-wiped, assuming my suggestion is implemented.


    I still think an auto-wipe for anonymous submissions should be in place.

  7. Agree with shawn here, it is kinda pointless to have persistent current status values.


    I would however advocate a "Last processed status" column so the last error/success column could always be known. Would just need custom column and a variable containing the last known status.



    ACTUALLY on another note it would be EXTRA SUPER AWESOME if custom icons would be allowed for custom columns.

    Like make a custom column and fill it with {image:\success.jpg}, relative paths always preferred.

  8. The DB error seems to have resolved itself, I was only using it to check if anybody else had posted a working jdownloader template. Theirs isn't working either, really.


    Again not sure why, that URL really is pooping out on me.



    Attempting to grab the URL with (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://jdownloader.org/download/index') nets me an error of


    Exception calling "DownloadString" with "1" argument(s): "Too many automatic redirections were attempted."

  9. hm, it is just that I posted some topics and they didn't turn up until a day later and I had received some "Awaiting approval" messages when the new measures were implemented. So far they seem to be working wonderfully.

  10. Trying to search the ketarin online db it seems to freeze my ketarin whenever I enter a text search, doesn't give me an error message as I have to forcibly close it.


    Also i'm having trouble getting ketarin to load http://www.jdownloader.org/download/index


    It gives me the following error


    The contents of the URL can not be loaded: The operation has timed out.



    I've tried setting a user agent and the like but it still gives me the same erorr. Sniffing with httpfox doesn't really reveal much to me, can anybody help?

  11. Out of curiosity why is every post being moderated? I would have thought that when a certain threshold is reached that constant moderation would not be a concern.


    Unless that is implemented and I just haven't reached the threshold.


    Either way it seems like a lot of extra work, surely there must be a 'trusted poster' thing somewhere?

  12. My problem is the exact same as you are having http://ketarin.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=794


    However the best workaround has been using powershell


    echo "{changelog:regexreplace:[\r|\n]:¶}" ^| %{$_ -replace "¶","`n"}^>changelog.txt>changelog.ps1
    start powershell -file changelog.ps1
    del changelog.ps1


    As you can see I just replaced the newlines with a rare character and then subsequently replaced it again with powershell. At the end of the day batch just isn't going to do it so I used an external approach fully contained within the ketarin batch command.


    So really so long as you have Windows XP SP2 or higher it should work. Not sure who wouldn't be using at least that these days anyway.


    I'm sure C# has a way of doing things but I don't know C# and this will work.


    Do let me know if this works for you, I like problem solving



    Also for Fraps Changelog the best I can get is using


    It captures all relevant text but still has some html formatting like so


    <h2>28th May 2011 - Fraps 3.4.5 Released</h2>
    <p>The latest version of Fraps includes an update to the loop recording mode, allowing you to specify a custom length for the buffer (rather than the default 30 seconds).  To activate the recording loop simply press and hold your video capture hotkey until the Fraps counter turns pink, indicating that loop recording has begun.</p>
    <p>We have also included new optimizations for recording at high resolutions such as 1920x1080 (1080P).  Performance gains should be seen in most OpenGL and DirectX games with Fraps 3.4.</p>
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
                   <td class="spacer" width="10" height="10" bgcolor="#999999"> <br/></td>
                   <td class="spacer" width="10" height="10" bgcolor="#EEEEEE"> <br/></td>
                   <td class="spacer" width="10" height="10" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> <br/></td>
                   <td class="spacer" width="10" height="10" bgcolor="#999999"> <br/></td>
                   <td class="spacer" height="10" bgcolor="#666666"> <br/></td>
                   <td class="spacer" width="10" height="10" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> <br/></td>
    <div class="changelog"><strong>Changelog</strong></div>
    <pre><font size="+1">
    Fraps 3.4.5 - 28th May 2011
    - Fixed some videos being recorded with scrambled colors
    Fraps 3.4.4 - 26th May 2011
    - Increased performance capturing Vista/Windows 7 aero desktop (DWM)
    - Reduced memory footprint of Fraps process
    - Fixed Fraps crash while idling on desktop
    - Fixed gem glowing while recording The Dark Mod
    - Fixed hotkeys not responding when simulated from autohotkey/macro apps
    - Fixed graphic corruption in some OpenGL titles
    Fraps 3.4.3 - 12th May 2011
    - Improved DirectDraw capture speed
    - Fixed recording crash on single CPU systems
    - Fixed invalid colors/crashing recording from 16-bit color games
    - Fixed corrupt/oversized AVIs being written at high resolutions
    - Fixed Dirt not loading with Fraps running
    - Other minor bug fixes and optimizations
    Fraps 3.4.2 - 14th Apr 2011
    - Improved OpenGL capture speed
    - Fixed freeze when clicking on Minimize button
    - Fixed GL state not being restored properly
    - Fixed blank video showing in some AVIs
    Fraps 3.4.1 - 2nd Apr 2011
    - Fixed crash when starting Fraps for some users
    - Fixed hotkeys not being detected when modifier keys held
    - Fixed keys getting stuck when used by both the game and Fraps
    Fraps 3.4.0 - 29th Mar 2011
    - Added configurable buffer size for loop recording mode
    - Increased video capture performance at high resolutions
    - Fixed slow recording of Minecraft at default window size
    - Fixed benchmark crashing when configured to stop automatically after 1 second


    Obviously you could just remove the extra formatting by going {fraps:regexreplace:<.*?>:} keep in mind you'd still have   in there. So with a few variable chains you could also remove that, format it up a bit nicer then output it.

  13. Does anybody know of a way to echo the captured regex to a text file? The problem is more line breaks I believe.


    Trying to do further parsing of regex captures for post-processing commands. It is more "Here is a list of what we found if an error was found" type stuff.


    A basic echo "{variable}" doesn't work as for each line break it treats it as a new command even though there isn't anything in the regex other than : and text. Tried using powershell via batch not with much success. Escaping { code blocks etc. etc.


    Anybody got a solution/suggestion?

  14. I'm aware you can use C# and batch to parse/call powershell however it tends to be a tad overly fiddly and can be a hassle.


    Is it possible to add a native powershell script interpreter? Being .Net I would not think so still just asking.

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