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Help with Plex Application


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I'm trying to setup a new package for Plex, the download from the website works directly, but doesn't when I try with Ketarin so I need some help please...


Plex The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. (http://cdn.plexapp.c...ae65a-en-US.exe)


Url from website: http://cdn.plexapp.c...ae65a-en-US.exe


Also will my download url break on a new release? I currently have http://cdn.plexapp.c...e65a-en-US.exe but I am unsure whether "e6ae65a" is unique to the version download.


Application definition:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="01a0ed82-4063-41b7-b5cd-7fe8c11041a0">
<WebsiteUrl />
<UserAgent />
<UserNotes />
<LastFileDate xsi:nil="true" />
<DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" />
<SetupInstructions />
	 <Regex />
<ExecuteCommand />
<ExecutePreCommand />
<Category>02 - Media</Category>
<PreviousLocation />
<FileHippoId />
<LastUpdated xsi:nil="true" />
<TargetPath>{root}\System\{category}\{appname} [{version}].{url:ext}</TargetPath>


All help is greatly appreciated.

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Reading this post by Omniferum helped me a lot, might make life easier. Also check out the online database again, I put a few together already. Figured it might help to see some in action and how easy it can be to modify.


I have attached a cheat sheet, most of which is the above mentioned post. It is very basic, and if anyone wants to add to it or correct it, please do.


Hope this helps!

Cheat Sheet.txt

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So just trying things out.


What would you do for Plex?



there are two exe's on the one page, how would you get regex to select the second exe?


I need this one?



But using regex


I get



Thanks inadvance

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mikeparkie, read the rest of the Omniferum post, it show you how to do:


To find specific words in URL (Like x32 or x64 builds) all you need to do is add the text after the first + sign. To find multiple just keep adding [^'']+ followed by the keyword. Keep in mind it is sequential.




Keep in mind that if the 64 is directly before the file extension the regex won't match, so just remove a character and you'll be fine. So the above would turn into [^"']+6[^"']+\.zip


In your case to download Plex media server use this regex:


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